RNS No 7169w
1st July 1997


Interim report for the six months ended 31 March 1997

Consolidated income statement

                                        Six             Six               
                                        Months          Months        Year  
                                        ended           ended         ended    
                                        31-03-97        31-03-96      30-09-96
(R000)                                  Unaudited       Reviewed      Audited

Turnover                                      -                -             -

Operating profit/(loss)                  (2,093)          (1,554)       (3,023)
Dividends from investments                    -            6,008        18,883
Interest received                         5,033            6,058         8,232
Surplus on realisation of Investments         -            4,057         4,057

Profit before exceptional charge          2,940           14,569        28,149

Exceptional charge (Note 1)             116,001           51,940        51,940

Profit/(deficit) before taxation       (113,147)         (37,371)      (23,791)
Taxation in subsidiary                       86                -             -

Profit/(deficit) after taxation        (113,147)         (37,371)      (23,791)
Retained surplus at beginning of year   124,410          170,442       170,442

                                         11,263          133,071       146,651
Preference dividends                          -            4,349         4,349

Available for appropriation              11,263          128,722       142,302
Dividends                                     -            5,964        17,892

Retained surplus                         11,263          122,758       124,410

Dividends per share (cents)                       
 - Interim                                    -               10             -
 - Final                                      -                -            20
Shares in issue (000's)                  59,641           59,641        59,641
Earnings per share (cents)               (189,7)           (70,0)        (39,9)
Earnings per share before exceptional
 charge (cents)                             4,8             17.1          47.2


                                        31.3.97     31.3.96     30.9.96
(R000)                                UNAUDITED    REVIEWED     AUDITED

Share capital and premium
(Note 1.1)                               11 928      14 910      14 910
Retained surplus                         11 263     122 758     124 410

Interest of ordinary shareholders        23 191     137 668     139 320

Fixed assets                                 23          34          29
Listed investments                            -     119 964     119 964
Current assets                           67 359      35 930      48 878

Debtors                                       -       2 538       1 720
Cash and short-term investments          67 359      33 392      47 158

Total assets                             67 382     155 928     168 871
Current liabilities - creditors,
 provisions and shareholders
 for dividends                           44 191      18 260      29 551

                                         23 191     137 668     139 320

Market value of listed investments            -     446 333     587 100

Net asset value per share
- Net cash assets (cents)                  38,9           -           -
- Listed investments at book 
  value (cents)                               -         231         234
- Listed investments at market
  value (cents)                               -         778       1 017


Unbundling of the Company

In terms of a special resolution passed on 11 October 1996, the authorised share
capital was reduced to R16 000 100 dividend into 80,000,000 shares of 20 cents
each and 10,000 variable rate cumulative preference shares of 1 cent each. The
issued and paid up share capital was reduced to R11 928 244 dividend into 
59,641 220 ordinary shares of 20 cents each owned by the company in Ingwe Coal
Corporation Limited in the ratio of 27 Ingwe shares for every 100 shares held in
the company. This resolution was approved by the Supreme Court of South
Africa and registered by the Registrar of Companies.

1.   Exceptional charge                                         (R000)

     1.1 Cost of 16,103,129 ingwe shares distributed           114,723
         to shareholders                                         
         Less reduction in share capital                         2,982

     1.2 Less surplus on disposal of                            
         1,063,538 Ingwe shares                                 28,432

     1.3 Provisions, including the amount of
         R35 million referred to in note 4, less
         reversal of provisions no longer required              32,692

2,   Taxation

     The tax loss of the company is estimated at R40 million.

3.   Dividends

     No dividend was declared during the six months to 31 March 1997

4.   Litigation

     The company was unsuccessful in its application for leave to appeal against
     the decision of the High Court in the application for a declaratory order
     in respect of litigation relating to pensioners' medical aid contributions.

     The directors are considering whether to petition the Chief Justice for an
     order allowing them to proceed with an appeal to the Surpreme Court of
     Appeal. Accordingly a provision of R35 million has been made.


Review of results

The operating loss was the result of costs incurred in administering the
company, largely in local and overseas secretarial fees and legal expenses.  The
increased interest received results from higher cash resources held during the
period under review.

Prospects for the year

Should the company not acquire viable assets, in the near future, the process to
wind up the company will be initiated.

For and on behalf of the Board

J.C. HALL (Chairman and Managing Director) )
D.T. WATT                                  )  Directors

27 June 1997

Registered office        Transfer secretaries          United Kingdom

5 Handel Road            Rand Registrars Limited       Viaduct Corporate
Ormonde, 2091            Block C, Crownwood            Services Limited
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Republic of South Africa (P.O. Box 82549)              England
Telephone:(011) 496 1777 Southdale, 2135)              Telefax: (0171) 430 3547
Telefax: (011) 496 1260  Republic of South Africa      Telephone (0171) 404 1944
                         Telephone: (011) 496 2222
                         Telefax: (011) 496 1244

United Kingdom registrars, transfer and paying agents

Registration office:                    Bearer reception office:

The Royal Bank of Scotland plc          The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Registrars Department                   Registrars Department
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Redcliffe Way                           London, EC3R 5ER
Bristol BS99 7NH, England               England
Telephone: (0117) 930 6600              Telephone: (0171) 615 5750
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