NEW YORK, Feb. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area.  

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  • Designing for trust in the age of autonomy  
  • Applied IoT
  • Are You In a "Toxic Tango" Relationship?
  • 3 "Buckets" to Avoid Blowing Wealth
  • Working to Overcome Addiction
  • 3 Strategies for Talking About Money with Your Overspending Partner
  • Holistic Keto for Gut Health 
  • 3 Keys to Inner Peace in a Crazy World


  • Senior Publishing Editor – Wall Street Journal (DC)
  • Community Editor – Wall Street Journal (NY)


  • 7 Parenting News Sites New and Expecting Parents Should Know About
  • Blog Profiles: Botanic Garden Blogs



Designing for trust in the age of autonomy
Devin Liddell
Principal Futurist 
"Forget the fantasy of a 'seamless holistic journey', instead, let's innovate at the seams, to stitch together experiences that are effortless and relevant."
Liddell can discuss designing for trust in the age of autonomy; smart cities in the context of new mobility including public/private partnerships and policy leadership; intermodality (involving two or more different modes of transportation) and designing effortless handoffs between modalities; new modalities (i.e. Hyperloop, L5 auto) disrupting established players and lagging industries; multi-functional and last mile transportation solutions; reconciling tensions between personalization, accessibility, and privacy; how technologies like AI and VR will change and/or improve the travel experience; transportation systems and networks; rehabilitation, reuse, or optimization of existing infrastructure in a mobility and urban design context; and the reinvention of the airport and connected systems.
Recent Bylines in Fast Company magazine: The Next Big Thing in Transportation: The 'Un-Car'; The Future of A.I. in Airports; Why the Airport is the Future Hub of Robot Cars; 7 Trends That Will Change How We Travel in 2019; Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics Updated for the Drone Age; Stealing Da Vinci's Ideas for Planning Smart Cities; How Ageing Will Change in the Age of Autonomy; How Taxibots Will Create an Urban Infrastructure That Adapts to People's Needs. 
Contact: Sarah Matheny,   

Applied IoT
Warren Schramm
Technical Director
"I provide a 360-degree perspective of technology and take a hands-on approach to stay on top of the latest innovations like rapid prototyping with 3D printers or deriving contextual awareness from cloud based aggregation of IoT sensor data."
Schramm can discuss applied IoT and how to leverage data and automate tasks; autonomous systems and solutions across industries; edge computing; applied data science; the evolution of mobility; electric transportation; and digital security/privacy.
Contact: Sarah Matheny,   

Are You In a "Toxic Tango" Relationship?
Jessica Baum, LMHC 
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Founder 
Relationship Institute of Palm Beach 
"Someone with more narcissistic traits will often be attracted to someone with more empathic, perhaps even codependent, traits. Just think about the sweet, caring girl who walks tentatively into a bar and is naturally drawn to the strong alpha male. It's a little bit like the classic stereotype of the football captain and the cheerleader. Another classic example of how this can play out in relationships is the tale of the addict and the codependent. The addict is the taker and the codependent is the giver. The addict will continue to take, the codependent will continue to give, and the relationship falls completely off balance. It's a toxic, never-ending tango. … People often 'lose themselves; in the relationship by giving all they have to the other person. The 'honeymoon phase' blinds us initially, but once we attach our energy to another, the relationship shifts. The selfless person can end up trapped in an endless role of pleasing in order to receive. Individuals can become stuck, unconsciously trying to resolve their need to be loved by giving to someone, all in hopes of getting what they had in the beginning."
Jessica Baum, LMHC is the founder of Relationship Institute of Palm Beach and creator of the Self-Full™ method — a therapeutic path to personal wellness and freedom from codependence. Jessica holds an undergraduate degree from Fordham University and a master's degree in mental health counseling from South University. As a certified addiction specialist, her focuses are chemical abuse, codependency, and anxiety. She is also a certified Imago Therapist, bringing her compassionate and effective relationship counseling experience to families, couples, and family programs within addiction treatment centers. Jessica has extensive training in psychodrama and experiential therapy, and is additionally skilled in cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy. Her training also includes EMDR and Post Induction Therapy, and she has a wealth of experience supporting trauma patients. Jessica's own personal core belief is centered around the importance of connection, both to oneself and the outside world. She believes the crux of most personal struggles can be attributed to a lack of true understanding and personal connection, and that it is this sense of disconnection that ultimately leads to pain. Jessica founded the Relationship Institute of Palm Beach to help heal, foster happiness, and restore hope in the individuals and families she works with. Learn more at and
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Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

3 "Buckets" to Avoid Blowing Wealth
Gideon Drucker
Certified Financial Planner 
Drucker Wealth 
"1) A 'now' bucket for current goals, funded by cash in the bank that is easily accessible, a 'cash cushion' you can use if you change jobs or to fund any large expenditure within one to two years. Gideon recommends his clients keep the equivalent of six months of living expenses in accessible cash reserves. 2) A 'later' bucket for short-term goals and pre-retirement goals such as having a baby, buying a house, starting a business, or saving for a child's college. This money should be saved and allocated among conservative and flexible vehicles that the client can access sooner rather than later, though of course the exact break down is dependent upon the time horizon of your goals. 3) A "last" bucket to save for retirement and other later-in-life goals, usually held in qualified retirement vehicles such as 401(k)s, 457(b)s and IRAs that are not accessible before age fifty-nine and a half. "Because we know that we can't touch the money in this bucket until that age, which for most of us is twenty plus years away, we can afford to be the most aggressive and growth-focused with this pile of money."
Gideon Drucker, Certified Financial Planner, is the Founder and Director of the Wealth Builder Division at Drucker Wealth, a family wealth management firm started by his grandfather Bernie Drucker in 1959. The 3rd generation Drucker, Gideon specializes in working with young professionals looking to take a more proactive approach to their financial future. While meeting many of his firms' pre-retiree clients during his first year, Gideon kept hearing a common refrain: "If Only I had met you 30 years ago." This sentiment, repeated dozens of times by new Drucker Wealth clients approaching retirement, became Gideon's inspiration for everything to come. Gideon created the HENRY Syndrome™ suite of services as a way to educate and empower young professionals, newlyweds, and young families to make smart financial decisions for their futures.
Gideon was recently named by Forbes as a Top Next Gen Advisor and is a sought after public speaker, presenting his HENRY Syndrome ™ workshops to hundreds of companies, organizations, and nonprofits throughout New York City and beyond with a primary focus in the tech community. Gideon graduated from Lehigh University before serving as a combat paratrooper in the Israel Defense Forces. Learn more at
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Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

Working to Overcome Addiction
James Sweigert 
Author, Motivational Speaker
HeartWork Organizing, LLC
"1) Confront the false 'stories' you've been telling yourself. 2) Learn how to create a new story. 3) Implement practical tools like affirmations, visualization, and meditation in order to tell a new story. 4) Flourish and be amazing. 5) Become happier, more successful, and fulfilled. 6) Stop working for the destination and enjoy the journey."
James Sweigert is a dynamic motivational speaker, an award-winning executive producer and director for film and television, and the best-selling author of "If You Say So: My Story and How I Changed It to Save My Life." Over the past 25 years he has built, run, and sold several multimillion-dollar, award-winning production companies. During the same time, he mentored and coached celebrities, rockstars, and movie executives. The successes in his life were hard-fought; nothing came easy until he changed his story. 
The youngest of seven, James struggled to be seen and stay safe. He began to be molested at the age of 7. To cope with the chaos and abuse he turned to drugs and alcohol, which led to severe depression and a suicide attempt at the age of 25. This self-destructive pattern continued until he changed his story – and his life. James has not only survived addiction, depression, homelessness, suicide, and molestation, he has triumphed. He is a storyteller who was able to understand that how he was telling his own story and the power behind his words could shape his life. He is teaching others the same through his work as a mentor, motivational speaker and "Life Cheerleader." 
James currently lives in Beverly Hills, California with a loving partner, a close community, and an incredible dog, with the ultimate purpose to help others change their stories to transform their lives. Learn more at
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Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

3 Strategies for Talking About Money with Your Overspending Partner
David Cunningham 
Communication Expert, Seminar Leader 
"1) Create a game your partner can win that you are playing WITH him or her: All actions and interactions can be broken down into 'games,' and you can create a winnable 'game' with your partner around your finances. Creating a winnable game together can make something like keeping a budget more fun and potentially even more passionate! For example, you and your partner can agree upon a gift budget of exactly $500. If both of you keep under $500 and win the 'game,' you will treat yourselves to a romantic dinner at that restaurant you've both always wanted to try! In a place where previously there may have only been frustration, creating a game helps create the possibility of romance, passion, and fun around your finances and ultimately your relationship. 2) Separate the story so there is no upset: It is completely human to be upset if your spouse overspends, but did you know upset comes not from your spouse's actions, but from your interpretation of those actions? The key is to separate the story from the action. For example, maybe you've learned about your wife overindulging on an expensive new necklace, and you feel upset. What are you making her actions mean? Maybe that she doesn't care about you or your feelings? Where else in your life have you felt that someone you love is not caring about you or your feelings? Are you open to the possibility that 'not caring about you or your feelings' is a story based on the past — a story you've created and continue to create in your life — and that you can separate that story from your wife's actions and help create a breakthrough in love, intimacy, and financial responsibility in the relationship? 3) Take specific actions you can both agree upon: When playing a game, especially a financially related one, it is important to take specific actions that you've both agreed on. For example, if both partners have a habit of overspending, they can agree to a game where they are allowed to overspend, but only if the other partner okays it first. Maybe you've been waiting for that new video game system to be released and have found it on sale, but you know it will put the family over the agreed-to budget. A quick call asking for an okay from your spouse considering the sale will help to eliminate any guilt or hurt feelings. It also helps to create space for teamwork and togetherness in your relationship and finances."
David Cunningham, M.Ed., is a communication expert and seminar leader for Landmark, a personal and professional growth, training and development company that's had more than 2.4 million people use its programs to cause breakthroughs in their personal lives as well as in their communities, generating more than 100,000 community projects around the world. In The Landmark Forum, Landmark's flagship program, people cause breakthroughs in their performance, communication, relationships and overall satisfaction in life.
David is a senior program leader and a Landmark Forum leader with Landmark. He has successfully led programs to hundreds of thousands of people around the world since 1991. David has been extensively trained in presenting and delivering Landmark's programs, material, and technology in a powerful and effective manner, and he achieves the highest ratings from individuals, organizations, and groups for his presentation and delivery. David earned a Master's in Education from Connecticut State University and a Bachelor's in Education from the University of Connecticut. Before he began leading programs for Landmark, David served as the Director of the Connecticut Justice for Children Collaboration and the Director of Chapter Development for the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse. For more information, visit
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Contact: Michelle Tennant Nicholson,

Holistic Keto for Gut Health 
Kristin Grayce McGary
Kristin Grayce McGary
"Inside your gut, you have communities of microorganisms that are working to keep you healthy. However, unhealthy microorganisms create and sustain disease if they're permitted to establish residence in your system. How healthy is your gut? Are you eating for gut health? Not all keto diets are healthy. Some will encourage you to eat foods that result in gut problems such as constipation, bloating, or gas. Many proponents of keto encourage eating foods that actually weaken your immune system and cause inflammation."
Health and lifestyle expert Kristin Grayce McGary (LAc., MAc., CFMP®, CST-T, CLP) is an internationally recognized author and speaker. She is an authority on autoimmunity, functional blood chemistry analysis, thyroid and gut health, pain alleviation, family wellness, extreme exhaustion, resolving blocks to healing, and food as medicine. She specializes in integrating mind, body, and spirit in healthcare through a uniquely individualized approach.
Offering more than two decades of education, clinical experience, and wisdom to her patients, Kristin Grayce seamlessly weaves together dozens of modalities to compassionately meet people where they are and guide them to vibrant health. Renowned for her health detective work, she helps successful high achievers under stress take the guesswork out of healthcare. She works to resolve patients' root imbalances, helping them to regain lasting energy, live optimal vitality, revitalize, and reconnect to their most brilliant self so they can fulfill their life's mission and share their gifts with the world.
Kristin Grayce is the author of "Holistic Keto for Gut Health: A Program for Resetting your Metabolism" (January 2020) and "Know Your Blood, Know Your Health: Prevent Disease and Enjoy vibrant health Through Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis" (April 2020). She is a dancer, athlete, guitar player, singer, gardener, and grandmother, and she is fluent in American Sign Language.
Her extensive health and wellness credentials include a degree from the University of Arizona with a focus on rehabilitation and special education and a minor in biology; Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) National Board Certification; master's degree in acupuncture from Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; nationally licensed acupuncturist (NCCAOM); state licensed acupuncturist in Arizona and Colorado; homeopathy training; functional medicine certification from Functional Medicine University; advanced CranioSacral Therapy certification from Upledger Institute; level 3 training in the life-changing Bruno's Brain Technique from Bruno Chikly Institute; neural therapy, perineural injection therapy, and homeopuncture training; Reiki Master certification; LifeLine Technique certification (and former instructor); Sound Healing training; Cacao Ceremony creator and leader; Kambo Ceremony facilitator; movement/embodiment facilitator; level 1 Integral Coach (Ken Wilber's work); and biological medicine studies with famous physicians such as Dr. Thomas Rau.
Kristin Grayce is Nationally board certified by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), a member of the Arizona Society of Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture (AZSOMA), the Acupuncture Association of Colorado, the Colorado Safe Acupuncture Association, and the North American Academy of Neural Therapy. Learn more at
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Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

3 Keys to Inner Peace in a Crazy World
Holistic Physician and Author
Dr. Bradley Nelson
"1) Daily Inspiration: Do some research to find things that inspire you, things that lift your spirits. Perhaps it's a daily quote, a TED Talk, a phone call to a friend, or just watching the sunrise. Whatever gives you strength can help in finding inner peace. 2) Focus: You might be dealing with kids, cell phones, or TV while cooking, cleaning, or even driving (which is downright dangerous). It seems like we are always multitasking. Try to take time out to focus on just one thing. This can help to de-clutter the mind and give your brain a bit of a break. When you actually have downtime, consider using it to meditate. The beauty of meditation is that it doesn't require anything but your focus, and even the shortest amount of time can be helpful in finding inner peace. 3) Be Present: The past is the past, and the future is uncertain. You cannot change tomorrow by worrying today, and agonizing over things said and done cannot change the past. Be present. Enjoy what is happening in each moment today. Beautiful things are happening, but if you're distracted by the past or the future, you might miss them."
Veteran holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., ret) is one of the world's foremost experts on natural methods of achieving wellness. He has trained thousands of certified practitioners worldwide to help people overcome physical and emotional discomfort by releasing their emotional baggage. His best-selling book "The Emotion Code" provides step-by-step instructions for working with the body's energy healing power. A newly revised and expanded edition of "The Emotion Code" is now available (May 2019, St. Martin's Press). For more information and a free Emotion Code Starter Kit, visit
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Contact: Jennifer Thomas,



Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board:

  • Senior Publishing Editor – Wall Street Journal (DC)
  • Community Editor – Wall Street Journal (NY) 



Following are links to other news and resources we think you might find useful. If you have an item you think other reporters would be interested in and would like us to include in a future alert, please drop us a line at 

  • 7 African American Luxury & Lifestyle News Sites You Should Be Reading. In 2015, Nielsen released a report on increasingly affluent and educated African American consumers, highlighting the underreported story of success in the black community. However, long before the Nielsen findings, media outlets were catering to African American consumers interested in enjoying luxury goods, travel, and fine dining and cuisine all while advancing their careers. What better way to celebrate Black History Month than to highlight the top publications focusing on luxury, leisure, and business for African Americans who travel, dine, and deal:
  • Blog Profiles: tax Blogs. Each week, we feature blogs we love to follow. This week is all about taxes:


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