UAB "Orkela," legal entity code 304099538, registered address at Jogailos St. 4, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania (the Issuer), whose securities (the Bonds) are listed and admitted to trading on the Bond List of Nasdaq, also the Bonds are being publicly offered under the base prospectus approved by the Bank of Lithuania on 14 November 2023 (the Prospectus).

The Issuer is pleased to inform you that a franchise agreement has been successfully concluded with ACHM Global Hospitality Licensing S.à r.l. and has now entered into force. Under this agreement, the Issuer has obtained the rights to open and operate an AC Hotel by Marriott at the building complex located at Vasario 16-osios Street 1, Vilnius, Lithuania.

On behalf of the Issuer:

Anastasija Pocienė
General Manager