hpcg, that Revenue guidance merely explains what your base value will be for shares acquired on a company reconstruction /takeover, surely?
No paid advice should be needed, the capital gains tax on the shareholding part of a full or partial share takeover is well understood. First bullet point:
Morph, you seem to have two different answers on CGT !!
I think it all depends upon whether there is a 'disposal'. If the Eurobox shares are 'disposed of' on the takeover, that is a chargeable event. If they are merely 'transformed' into Segro shares it is not.
There may be guidance in the takeover documentation. Although any such explanation will be caveated as not 'advice', generic ,and that holders should seek their own advice, this is a pretty conventional deal structure so any such 'explanation' which is given can almost certainly be safely relied upon in my experience.
1knocker - no, the takeover is not a chargeable event. Think of it as if you had never owned EBOX shares, but bought the number of Segro shares you end up with for the same money you bought your EBOX shares for.
The wording, which was in the last PUSU announcement too :
As set out on 1 July 2024, the Takeover Panel has granted a dispensation from the requirement of Rule 2.4(b) of the Code such that the Company is not required to identify any potential offeror whose existence it has referred to unless that potential offeror has been specifically identified in any rumour or speculation.
...looks a bit odd to me & I've not seen before. Presumably eg Brookfield could start / find a rumour about likely suspects to try to have them disclosed. Sounds a bit as if Tritax are talking to someone v left-field or, possibly, to nobody?
Presumably takeover panel only consent to an extension when there is a tangible offer likely?
The Board remains in discussions with a number of parties from whom it has received and/or solicited expressions of interest regarding a possible offer for the Company, including Brookfield.
In accordance with Rule 2.6(c) of the Code, the Board has requested, and the Takeover Panel has consented to, a further extension of the PUSU Deadline for Brookfield to 5.00 pm (London time) on 23 September 2024. This deadline can be extended by the Board with the consent of the Takeover Panel.