Got it in one DC :) |
Up this morning (as usual) drop due in an hour or so. Up again this afternoon. Likely finish at ... err... £4.30? |
"stagnated share price this year" - I think looking over the course of the year we are up c.106%, so we have plenty of gains from investors arguably still being sold through holding up more recent progress - but chart still looks strong imvho |
Looks like the story is playing out here - well done to Harry and the gang! I've decided to come back in for a few, to see this, hopefully, to its joyful conclusion. What a way from early in the year when it could be picked up for under £2! |
The 1 share trade periods are littered throughout the stocks recent history, they should be put to one side, they have no relevance. I am interested in the lack of conversation concerning the BR acquisitions in OXB over the course of 2024. In my humble opinion this is hugely significant, and is almost certainly the reason for the stagnated share price this year. IF BR unshackle OXB's chains sometime next year, then the news will begin to flow and the price will rise accordingly. IF!!!! |
SJ, here is my understanding in jest of how the code works in terms of messaging to fellow market traders: sell 4 shares - "Can I borrow more stock to sell running low on OXB shares" sell 3 shares - "Sorry mate we are running low on stock to sell at this price point too" sell 2 shares = " That's me done then if I cannot borrow stock - all out" sell 1 share - "We are all out too"
Let's see if my guess was right :) |
I'm more inclined to think those small,1 share,2 share trades etc are some sort of esoteric code between marketmakers but that might be trying to offer an explanation for the inexplicable. |
Not one to grumble but another trade of 1 share just now..we had a load of these trades this week of 1,2,3 or 4 shares - someone trading here must be very bored and prefer this to the crossword puzzles :) |
Not sure what 9374 has to do with anything marwalker |
Which spoke is that ?Directors can't buy for the last six months or more because of a big secret deal or too close to Christmas etc etc |
Adds another spoke to Mr. President's wheel... |
It does feel very like that scenario. |
Yes there appears a cap on the spYou could say that an entity is selling into any strengthAlternatively a cap on the share price would also serve a potential suitor to make their offer more attractiveI remember an ad on US financial channel a bank offering to act on your behalf and keep your strategy under wrapsPays your money etc |
They knocked it down under 4.30 again then. |
Finally, I found a " link" between OXB and SCLP.For the few of us that have both.Not sure what Alexander likes, but... HTTps:// |
Sheer efforts being expended for weeks now with loading the order book with small sales at and around 4.31 to keep the price locked below 4.30 is quite astonishing imvho - do these traders not have better things to waste their time on like looking for their Christmas presents :) |
 Time will tell - both with the takeover hypothesis and the price, but I'm inclined to the idea of the former mainly because the boss of Novo Holdings had previously indicated a plan to buy up companies like OXB.
Re the share price, then there's no point arguing what the market thinks it is worth at the moment. Myself though, I think a much more important figure is what the majority of our major shareholders think OXB is worth.
The market is simply looking at sales and profits, but some of OXB's IP and knowhow is incredibly valuable and not in the price.
At the moment the market price isn't representative (for various reasons we talk about a lot) but if the Novartis work alone is worth £25m per year to us (and I think it is about that) then just that should be worth about £1.30 / £1.40 per share - and wasn't it Novartis + 36 more customers we had at the last count? OK the others are not as large, but even so?
I also think you have to be careful about the price of the shares which OXB were willing to place for IM as IM had previously sold us something quite valuable for a very low valuation and accepted full payment in shares at twice the market price. So that final placing was a fair deal for them and hasn't been offered to anyone else.
I've listed the shareholdings before, but the top 3 own 30% and the top 13 something like 70%. A lot of them have held for a very long time and they know what OXB is worth. Unless they are distressed then how would an opportunistic bid work? |
Well you might be right but who would of thought back in the heady days when the price was mid teens that Institut-Merieux would buy a stake at prices well south of a fiver.Whether one likes it not,any potential bidder will lend some credence to how OXB has been valued by the market hence you get the well worn comment 'the offer represents a premium to the average share price etc of x per cent'.Anyway,que sera sera,its speculation as to whether a bid will emerge at all. |
I really can’t see £7-9 being anything close to a successful bid. |
For information, I sold 200 shares at 13:47pm shown as a buy, trade number 132. In the first 10 minutes after 14:30pm another 50 trades conducted. Not hugh trades but US interest? |
from 3 mins
But Galapagos says short vein-to-vein time is key for localised manufacturing, which crucially doesn't involve cell freezing. |
 Aside from the obvious you mean?
IM merged ABL Europe into OXB to get a part of future business which they couldn't compete for alone via a shareholding in OXB which they took as full payment.
Amazing deal for OXB but driven by what OXB had and what ABL didn't have. As Seb explained, they would never have been able to catch up with the vector tech on their own and when the analyst asked "so it was a case of if you can't beat them join them?" he replied yes.
Would they have imagined OXB then being bought out? Well it must have been considered as a risk.
If it's enough money to compensate them for selling those expected future OXB profits now then I would imagine they would be ok with it. If not then what are they going to do? It's a risk we all take.
If there is no bid coming then I would expect them to be very pleased with c£180m in sales next year and a profit (as will I).
Something is going on and your guess is as good as mine. OXB went quiet 6 months before the ABL deal was announced and no insiders bought shares between the full year results and that deal announcement (following which a lot of them immediately bought shares).
Nobody could have guessed that deal was on from what was in the public domain before it happened. Investment detectives might have spotted that Seb was an adviser to IM, but how would you guess more beforehand?
Today is a bit different as there seem to be a lot of clues out there indicating that Novo could make good use of OXB's skillset in their newly acquired C> arm of Catalent.
Is it true or is it just coincidence?
As I wrote the other day, if there is something in this then following FTC approval there is no point in Novo waiting. They have just spent 16.5bn on something which they will want to see come good.
Next step is waiting to see what the FTC say. |
what is in it for IM in any of all this - what are they gaining now and in the future Harry... |