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Robbie Burns
Robbie Burns's columns :
13/03/2005Trading Patience
28/02/2005The Bear Necessities
16/02/2005Stock Market Psychology Seminars
01/02/2005Share Imagination
19/01/20057 Deadly Stock Sins
10/01/2005Happy New Year
21/12/2004Stock Picks 2005
13/12/2004Suspended Shares
29/11/2004Share Teasers
03/11/2004Nervous Nineties Stocks
28/10/2004The Naked Trader Thread >>
25/10/2004UK Retail Stocks
15/10/2004New Stock Research Tools
08/10/2004Look at the Whole Picture
29/09/2004Vanco and Bullen Energy
13/09/2004Market Psychology
31/08/2004New Stock Issues
20/08/2004Trading Volume Codes
12/08/2004Dire Markets
04/08/2004Company Research Tools
27/07/2004House Prices and Covered Warrants
20/07/2004Rocky Stock Markets
13/07/2004Company Research
05/07/2004Recovery Plays

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Robbie Burns – The Naked Trader

Robbie has been trading full-time since 2001. His book "The Naked Trader" (which also has useful information on how to use advfn) has become one of the biggest-selling finance books, reaching the top 150 books on Amazon - order it here. Trades made for Robbie's website have amassed profits of more than £300,000. You can read about his buys and sells daily at

The Naked Trader Thread

"The Naked Trader thread"

Hello and welcome to this new discussion forum! My name is Robbie Burns - I've been an investor for many years and have made money every year. My website is updated daily at

And I write the DIY Pension column for the Sunday Times, which charts the buys and sells for my SIPP.

I worked as a finance editor for Sky TV from 1996 before leaving to be an investor/trader in 2001.

I'd like to point out that I am not a tipster or a "guru" - I am just an ordinary bloke making money from trading/investing. I've done well, but still make mistakes - don't expect me to know the answers to everything or always get everything right. However I would like to share my many years of experience of buying and selling shares with you all. I hope above all newer investors will learn from the mistakes I (hopefully) used to make.

I thought it would be a great idea to have a general and hopefully interesting general discussion forum that will end up helping us all. I will contribute as much as I can though I can't promise to do it every day - especially as a baby is due! However I will try and take part at much as I can.

So what is this thread all about? I'm looking for fun but sensible discussions based around these sorts of topics:

  • smaller (but not too small) growth companies, and FTSE 250
  • ideas for shorting (especially FTSE 100)
  • charting and technical analysis
  • Spread betting, cfd's and covered warrants
  • market makers and their ways
  • level 2
  • use of stop losses
  • stockbrokers and spread firms - your thoughts
  • why and how various shares are moving
  • what you bought and sold but with genuine and well-researched reasoning
  • Your mistakes - and how you learned from them
  • ideas and helpful advice for new investors
  • software, the good and bad
  • and any ideas to help us all to improve our trading
  • your horror stories - and successes

What I want to avoid:

  • Discussions on AIM or any share with a market cap of less than £25m. There are zillions of threads/discussions on tiny companies so let's stick to liquid companies.
  • "Buy blah, it's gonna fly" "20 bagger" type entries - you know what I mean
  • Promotions for tipping services, etc
  • Nasty comments - let's be civilised.
  • tipsters and gurus
  • attacks on other people
  • "jokes"

I really hope this thread will build into a useful resource for us all and we can all help each other to make money (that's what it's all about!). I hope it will evolve and develop over the months ahead.

I thought to kick off this new discussion group I'd mention a few topics we could start discussing…these are some of the ones discussed on my website recently.

Market-makers - how can you tell when a share's going down whether it's a tree-shake or not?

When buying a share is it best to use spread betting to do it or buy in the normal way?

Level 2 is a mystery, especially SETS. Is it any use?

My spreadfirm stopped me out of a position just because the share's spread widened for a few seconds, is that fair and which firms are worst for this?

CFD's - can anyone explain them!

PE ratios - every publications seems to quote different figures, who has the right one?

So there you are, it's over to you. The best poster in the first week gets a free subscription to the ADVFN premium bulletin board for one year courtesy of ADVFN.

You can read Robbie’s daily market comments together with his latest buys and sells at his website