The Naked Trader Thread
28/10/2004 "The Naked Trader thread"
Hello and welcome to this new discussion forum! My name is Robbie Burns - I've been an investor for many years and have made money every year. My website is updated daily at
And I write the DIY Pension column for the Sunday Times, which charts the buys and sells for my SIPP.
I worked as a finance editor for Sky TV from 1996 before leaving to be an investor/trader in 2001.
I'd like to point out that I am not a tipster or a "guru" - I am just an ordinary bloke making money from trading/investing. I've done well, but still make mistakes - don't expect me to know the answers to everything or always get everything right. However I would like to share my many years of experience of buying and selling shares with you all. I hope above all newer investors will learn from the mistakes I (hopefully) used to make.
I thought it would be a great idea to have a general and hopefully interesting general discussion forum that will end up helping us all. I will contribute as much as I can though I can't promise to do it every day - especially as a baby is due! However I will try and take part at much as I can.
So what is this thread all about? I'm looking for fun but sensible discussions based around these sorts of topics:
- smaller (but not too small) growth companies, and FTSE 250
- ideas for shorting (especially FTSE 100)
- charting and technical analysis
- Spread betting, cfd's and covered warrants
- market makers and their ways
- level 2
- use of stop losses
- stockbrokers and spread firms - your thoughts
- why and how various shares are moving
- what you bought and sold but with genuine and well-researched reasoning
- Your mistakes - and how you learned from them
- ideas and helpful advice for new investors
- software, the good and bad
- and any ideas to help us all to improve our trading
- your horror stories - and successes
What I want to avoid:
- Discussions on AIM or any share with a market cap of less than £25m. There are zillions of threads/discussions on tiny companies so let's stick to liquid companies.
- "Buy blah, it's gonna fly" "20 bagger" type entries - you know what I mean
- Promotions for tipping services, etc
- Nasty comments - let's be civilised.
- tipsters and gurus
- attacks on other people
- "jokes"
I really hope this thread will build into a useful resource for us all and we can all help each other to make money (that's what it's all about!). I hope it will evolve and develop over the months ahead.
I thought to kick off this new discussion group I'd mention a few topics we could start discussing
these are some of the ones discussed on my website recently.
Market-makers - how can you tell when a share's going down whether it's a tree-shake or not?
When buying a share is it best to use spread betting to do it or buy in the normal way?
Level 2 is a mystery, especially SETS. Is it any use?
My spreadfirm stopped me out of a position just because the share's spread widened for a few seconds, is that fair and which firms are worst for this?
CFD's - can anyone explain them!
PE ratios - every publications seems to quote different figures, who has the right one?
So there you are, it's over to you. The best poster in the first week gets a free subscription to the ADVFN premium bulletin board for one year courtesy of ADVFN.