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Robbie Burns
Robbie Burns's columns :
13/07/2005Trend Timing - Let the Trend be your Friend
08/07/2005Terrorism and the Stock Markets
28/06/2005London Stock Exchange SETS mm
13/06/2005Holiday from the Markets
23/05/2005Penny Shares
09/05/2005A Cautionary Tale about Stock Gossip
25/04/2005Making Money from the Markets
11/04/2005Buy Winning Companies not Losing Ones
29/03/2005ISA Shares
13/03/2005Trading Patience
28/02/2005The Bear Necessities
16/02/2005Stock Market Psychology Seminars >>
01/02/2005Share Imagination
19/01/20057 Deadly Stock Sins
10/01/2005Happy New Year
21/12/2004Stock Picks 2005
13/12/2004Suspended Shares
29/11/2004Share Teasers
03/11/2004Nervous Nineties Stocks
28/10/2004The Naked Trader Thread
25/10/2004UK Retail Stocks
15/10/2004New Stock Research Tools
08/10/2004Look at the Whole Picture
29/09/2004Vanco and Bullen Energy

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Robbie Burns – The Naked Trader

Robbie has been trading full-time since 2001. His book "The Naked Trader" (which also has useful information on how to use advfn) has become one of the biggest-selling finance books, reaching the top 150 books on Amazon - order it here. Trades made for Robbie's website have amassed profits of more than £300,000. You can read about his buys and sells daily at

Stock Market Psychology Seminars


I was very pleased this morning when I logged onto ADVFN and saw that they're providing a course on market psychology.

Market psychology is much more important than you might imagine, because in order to trade well you need to understand yourself. Without positivism and discipline, you could well fail as a trader or investor.

You need to learn about emotion and, especially, your own emotion: what makes you tick will determine the kind of buy and selling decisions you make.

ADVFN's evening seminar looks particularly at the kind of temperament you need if you're going to be a successful CFD trader. Tremendous honesty and self-discipline is required for making inevitable tough decisions when trading in contracts for differences.

As many of you know, this is a fast-moving arena and most CFDs are held short-term. If you haven't got the right mindset you shouldn't be trading them.

So, if you are thinking about trading CFDs and can get to this seminar, then go! You'll also meet like-minded people.

I'm always asked a lot about Level 2, whether it's worth having (YES!), and also about how market makers operate - this seminar deals with all of the above mentioned. You'll find out how Level 2 works and how best to use it.

The evening costs only a tenner, and looks to be worth every penny. However, it's free if you're a premium subscriber. It's to be held in London on February 23rd.

To book, call 0870 7940236 (office hours) or mail to

For many of you who mail me about CFDs and Level 2, this is an excellent chance to do some real learning from real City traders.

I'd love to hear feedback from those of you who attend, and if you pick up any really good tips, let me know at

The best book I know on market psychology is Investment Madness by John

John R Nofsinger. Buy it from the ADVFN bookshop - it's a great read.

The markets continue in good spirits and my portfolio carries on going higher with good gains from Carrs Milling and, in particular, Emerald Energy. But will it all end in tears? Probably, but not quite yet! We must enjoy the good times while we can but consider shorting again once the uptrend is broken.

You can read Robbie’s daily market comments together with his latest buys and sells at his website