Is factoring all your free cash flow still going on. See once you sow the seeds of doubt it becomes sticky. Share performance since the greedy cash pigs left in May has been very disappointing.
Is this becoming a jam tomorrow story?
RR seem to be delivering.
What about all that efficiency drive benefit? Where is it? Why do you need to factor when you have so much efficiency drive going on?
Now the focus of the presentation is about the maintenance and service cash flow - it doesn't come for free. Large capex will surely be needed going forward and they talk as if they can sit back, do nothing and let the good times roll.
The good times will certainly roll for the founders who have now gone. In my opinion it seems to me you sorry shareholders have all been duped since the GKN takeover. More fool YOU!
Maintenance and service is happening NOW!
It is starting to sound very bullshitty IMO.