Helpless!Do you know what the initials 'T.W.' mean? I've seen them posted around, but I'm hoping that you might be able to enlighten me!? ????? Also the significance of the '8 year inch'!? (I always thought that it was the '7 year itch'! - please could you clarify the significance?Anyhow, I absolutely love my sleep, so I look forward to catching up when I wake up around midday. At which time, what would you predict (with or without your BS Bollies - 'Rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, well done!...or in this particular, long awaited situation, extremely well done / burnt to a crisp / cremated / vaporised??Asking for a friend!!)GLA LTH'ers!! |
 Z1CO!Helpless, undoubtably needs 'HELP', but depending upon their short position, might need a lot of money!!...or at least a new career!! (I've been trying to 'help' / advise them for quite some time (years!) now!!However, from their recent posts of admission (not that anyone believes them - however I have screenshots, as we all know that Trolls edit their past posts!!), allegedly they have only been posting on PANR because of Swendab1 having trolled them on Empyrian - bull!!"People sometimes ask me why I am on the Pantheon Resources board.The reason is because I was trolled by swendab 1 when I was posting on the Empyrean Energy board.Such bad and aggressive language was used and so l looked to see where he was posting.That was Pantheon.The lowlife bullying was repeated again and again on this board by the likes of swendab1, Mad rip, mike290 and others (especially against Pro-s2009).What annoyed me further about swendab 1 was that he cowardly removed his own posts whilst encouraging others to post filth and leave their posts for the record.The fact that he hides in the guild is no surprise."Tiiiimmmmbbbbeeerrr!!!GLA LTH'ers!! |
LTH'ers!!It's not long now before midnight, and then only 7 hours until a possible 'macro' RNS from PANR about the presentation on Friday from President Trump about the Alaskan Gas Pipeline project, and the subsequent post from Alaskan Governor Dunleavy!hTTps:// LTH'ers!! |
helpless is getting agitated , needs HELP !!! |
It seems helpfull needs plenty of help , lol!
helpless is a more suitable name |
I’m bored with toying with the troll so it’s time for bed now! Keep wasting your life being bitter….ԍ00; |
Helpless!!"You appear to be squirming olderwiser2."FFS! Stop 'projecting'!!Seriously, give up! Nobody believes anything that you write!!You have 'zero' credibility!!I believe that you should bury this avatar right next to 'Pro_S2009'!! ADVFN / LSE are aware of Trolls and disinformation!!Yes 'game over'!! Retire! GLA LTH'ers!! |
Cor blimey, guv!
Not pornography and moderation, surely.
I thought you were better than that.
Let's try:
You appear to be squirming olderwiser2.
Are you now saying "misinformation" was actually " inferences?
Does this mean you cannot supply evidence for your accusations?
Could you clarify if misinformation is lying?
Could you clarify if inferences is lying?
Could you clarify if misinformation is inference?
It would be useful because some idiot will read what you write and believe it and repeat it.
And when you post that a flare indicates a flow rate of 1500bopd and it turns out to be wildly incorrect and people lose money, is that a lie, misinformation or an inference?
Where are we with:
And you might as well provide the "700 to 900m recoverable barrels. Conservatively valued at $10pb" evidence as well.
And you might provide the evidence where Helpfull posted it is "hate that drives him".
Be careful. |
Cor blimey, guv!
I said it that way around for you nobster.
You are one of the most intelligent posters.
You know how courts work.
You're probably a legal eagle.
You can even use emojis.
And you could provide proof for your accusation that I lied.
So why don't you?
Be careful. |
Dear oh dear, not the most intelligent troll I’ve come across |
🤦🏼 you are a bit slow aren’t you…. I mean you take me to court for accusing you of lying and I will reveal the long list of evidence!😂128514; |
Because you are so far up your own backside… |
You are so easy to rile….😂;😂 |
See you in court!😂514; |
Cor blimey, guv!
OK, I'll even go with your definition of a troll.
And you know that your accusation of lying will stand up in court, because you said so.
Could you provide the evidence for your accusation that I am a liar?
Be careful. |
LOLOLOLOL you are the absolutely classic troll…. |
Cor blimey, guv!
nobster, I didn't post on your thread and accuse you of lying and refuse to give evidence of the accusation.
I think you need to reacquaint yourself with the definition of a troll.
Any chance of that evidence for your accusation of my lies before beddy times?
Be careful. |