Because you are so far up your own backside… |
You are so easy to rile….😂;😂 |
See you in court!😂514; |
Cor blimey, guv!
OK, I'll even go with your definition of a troll.
And you know that your accusation of lying will stand up in court, because you said so.
Could you provide the evidence for your accusation that I am a liar?
Be careful. |
LOLOLOLOL you are the absolutely classic troll…. |
Cor blimey, guv!
nobster, I didn't post on your thread and accuse you of lying and refuse to give evidence of the accusation.
I think you need to reacquaint yourself with the definition of a troll.
Any chance of that evidence for your accusation of my lies before beddy times?
Be careful. |
I’m very sorry but I don’t dance to the tune of trolls! And let’s face it, you are the king of the trolls….ԅ18;😆 |
Cor blimey, guv!
That's exactly what I'm trying to find out.
What am I guilty of in your opinion?
Could you give evidence of the lies, which you say are well documented, that you have accused me of?
Don't be shy.
It's not believe times when someone cried witch and a burning ensued.
Be careful. |
Nobbygnome!!Yes, Helpless seems to be drowning in his own cesspool of disinformation and blatant lies!!Worse still, they have the audacity to ask for proof, when they and their nest of trolls, never answer questions, always dodging them!!Oh dear, oh dear!! They really should have taken their own advice and have been 'careful'!!I wonder if they have been called by Mangrove!?......or have been offered double pay to work on a Sunday!!?? GLA LTH'ers!! |
He protesteth too much I think….LOLOLOLOL. The admission of a guilty man…. |
Cor blimey, guv!
Nobster, if they have been "well documented over the months" could you provide evidence of the documentation.
Try to get past your Freudian analysis of a guilty conscience and provide the evidence when you accused me of lying.
That's not too much to ask is it?
Be careful. |
One only has to look at the historic charts, it's not rocket science!... LOL
One only has to look at Panr debt!
One only has to look at Panr bank account!
One only needs to look at the funds needed moving forward!
Not a pretty picture!
Just saying like!
Simples!.... :-) |
Which indicates a guilty conscience I feel… |
LOLOLOLOLOLOL they have been well documented over the months….you seem very perturbed this evening! |
Cor blimey guv!
Nobster, how are you getting on with the list of lies you accused Helpfull of, and the evidence.
I have to ask because of I don't challenge all the twits who accuse me they end up believing their own lies.
Be careful. |
Yes deliberate misinformation is definitely lying because you are attempting to deceive people… |
Dear oh dear! In the short term during which you have been aggressively deramping my figures are correct. Good work from the troll…😂;😂 |
Cor blimey, guv!
You appear to be squirming olderwiser2.
Are you now saying "misinformation" was actually " inferences?
Does this mean you cannot supply evidence for your accusations?
Could you clarify if misinformation is lying?
Could you clarify if inferences is lying?
Could you clarify if misinformation is inference?
It would be useful because some idiot will read what you write and believe it and repeat it.
And when you post that a flare indicates a flow rate of 1500bopd and it turns out to be wildly incorrect and people lose money, is that a lie, misinformation or an inference?
Where are we with:
And you might as well provide the "700 to 900m recoverable barrels. Conservatively valued at $10pb" evidence as well.
And you might provide the evidence where Helpfull posted it is "hate that drives him".
Be careful. |
The share price has dropped from £1.40p to 55p and it's going to drop even further!
You can't ever rule out 10p, it's done it once it can do it again!
Just saying like!
Simples!...... :-) |
The price has gone from 11p to above 55p! Nuff said… |
Oh but the game has just started!.... :-)
Until Panr pay their huge debts and raise sufficient funds to move forward, the share price is going to suffer!.. FACT
Just saying like!
Simples!.... :-) |
The lying trolls are in full flow this evening. That does indicate they are a little worried as to what will happen this week. Why on earth do they bother spending many a long hour posting on here… |