Good to have so many supporters of Mr Trump here. He is a hero. He will round up all the immigrants and liquidate every last one of them. |
Steeplejack, glad to here you think Trump is a marginally preferable proposition. Having watched alarmingly the slow but steady deterioration of the west from my wonderfull free capitalist home in SE Asia for the past 20 years (arriving here with just a back pack) It it clear to me, and frankly should be clear to any hard-working individual that Europe and the US need to veer to the right. |
... and her husband is a senior Civil Servant. |
"I believe he's the least worst option for America"Interesting stuff Harry.When you have a Kennedy endorsing Trump,the Democrat camp remains,at heart,disorientated.Trump does address electoral concerns as he sees them.He might repeat everything twice but he gets his point across while Kamala H.simply avoids the pressing issues. |
Impressive alternative narrative Harry. |
Which serious journal are you writing for Mr President, sir? I would take a subscription to that in double time. Many thanks. |
Winston Churchill-Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time....The calibre of the two presidential candidates is deeply disappointing.Thats the dilemma. |
#9066 I certainly couldn't support a government that weaponises the judicial system as the Democrats have done. Although our own government are headed the same way..... 'riot'ers guilty, 'Tommy Robinson' must be guilty (but we'll not look because he is clearly not the sort of person we like). |
None stranger than folk. |
Harry is composing his one word reply. |
Well said H. And if you look at the, gender,migration,free speach,tax,family value issues to name but a few. Surely its a no brainer, isn't it!!!! |
I get your point. For me the most important issue of our time is the new religion that we can control the weather if we try hard enough.
The costs of this are astonishing and of course we had a planet-wide experiment of much larger restrictions (no flights, confined to home, travel restrictions) during covid and the best instruments on the planet for measuring atmospheric CO2 (on Hawaii) could detect no change.
I know it could detect no change, but what perhaps might help others is that every climate scientist in the world cheering on net zero was saying that the Mauna Loa Observatory lasers were going to prove their science. Since then there has been silence.
So if we couldn't alter atmospheric CO2 with the covid lockdown and we therefore have no proof for the theory of our CO2 emissions controlling the weather, it's just basically economic suicide for reasons of mass population control really isn't it?
Because of that I would always vote for whoever was brave enough to meet the climate puritans head-on, which means if I was an American I would vote Trump. |
 sj, I think sometimes (maybe a lot of the time) the poll questions are phrased in such a way that it's very difficult not to give the answer / opinion which the polling company has been paid to find. I think YouGov fell out of favour because many things, but leading questions was one of them - hence not many people put any faith in their results.
On the subject of fear, I have an old friend in the US who works on staff at a university (not a famous one, just an ordinary state university). She is a flag of convenience Democrat at work because it would be bad for her and her career to be a known Republican. She suspects that there are a number of others like herself but has no way to prove that without exposing herself. She has worked there through both Bush Jnr & Snr elections and of course Trump. She told me that every time (in the run-up) there were numerous people who she worked alongside / knew of at the university who were going to flee to Canada if the Republicans won. She's never seen anybody go. |
I'll let them off Super ;) |
This is one of the most divisive elections in US history.The WSJ comments today- 'Among Harris's voters, 57% said they would feel "frightened" if Trump is elected, while 47% of Trump voters said they would feel frightened if Harris wins.'Whoever wins,the atmosphere is going to feel very raw. |
H, maybe you mis enterpreted my post. Donald simply has to win this one. Any other result would be simply catastrophic. It is that important. |
Sorry posted twice . |
All you need is love. All we need is NEWS, and lots of it. Nobody has mentioned the US election which i am sure is going to spook the markets for the next month or 3 !!!! |
Yet again breaking my solemn oath to abstain from politics on this thread, you're basically putting yourself into the hands of single American women.
Maybe you remember, but in the post '97 analysis Blair won Major's share of the female vote. The majority of everybody else kept to their usual preference.
Obama's big edge was getting 97% of the black registered vote. Yes most blacks live in democratic states anyway, but the remainder (a surprising number who are republicans - in medicine, the military, business and such) changed allegiance and went with Obama.
KH has been desperately trying to repeat Obama's play but the polls repeatedly show that it's not working out the same for her (say what you like about Obama's actual policies - he did give a good speech, which is something where KH falls down badly).
You might think that would be incidental, but as someone once said, politics is showbusiness for ugly people.
So KH is now going all out for that single / college degree / female vote which bizarrely Biden won but Hillary didn't.
If she can swing that one then she will win some blue states and maybe enough electoral college votes, but if voters look at their finances (which apparently comes up again and again in polling surveys) then it's going to be memories of Trump's economy which re-elect him.
It will be interesting to see how it pans out. The bookies think it's Trump and in recent years they have done much better than the pollsters. |