Big seller still dumping and the way spod is acting $750/ton is basically break even so nothing to get excited about. |
The big seller is watching and rubbing their hands with glee - they’re gonna get even more cash for their shares when the dumping resumes |
I for one did not see the alleged 5m buy go through by the berk merc. Not exactly a brilliant floor price tbh. After everyone has their cut and Bernie takes his £8k a week fees not much left. Surprised this price sensitive info was not released in an Rns tbh. Seems a bit underhand and selective as to who notices the presentation….. |
I should have spotted it earlier.The way the LoSErs work is daffy Lav comes out with the great “ I think “ sentence.Total nonsense really, but some of the wee Koddies a few posts later say “I agree” and then other wee kiddies go”I Know”.This I contend is how they have created the YES MAN craze.If questioned somebody will swear they saw it printed somewhere but have a loss of memory. Today we have uptake from Hainan at 750 and the great unwashed agree with Lay and take this as gossip.Lav would have said the same for 700,600,500 and so on.He being ramper in chief says anything to support continuing tripe. Likewise with the merc the berc and his 5 million top-up—————; pure tripe. A real load of head bangers. |
A dopey clueless ramping LoSEr said *its only retail*
ha haa ha ha haaa ha haa ha haa haa ha ha haaa haa ha ha ha ha haa ha ha haaa ha haa ha haa haa ha ha haaa haa ha ha ha ha haa ha ha haaa ha haa ha haa haa ha ha haaa haa ha ha ha ha haa ha ha haaa ha haa ha haa haa ha ha haaa haa ha ha ha ha haa ha ha haaa ha haa ha haa haa ha ha haaa haa ha ha ha [mad hysterical laughing]
I told those those LoSEr gimps months ago
Just catching up with the day’s progress in Kod world. Heading in the right direction 🇲🇱127474;🇱8076;🏿Ԁ76;🏿 Noted the as always balanced view posted by ivenoidea on lse. This guy is a lth and as he points out correctly the massive delay in plant commissioning with no explanation by Kod. Shhh don’t mention the mining license transfer 🤫🤫 |
Sitting here watching those 3million sells that keep dropping in
You dopey thick losers |
0.37 to sell
SC destroying the LoSErs
They deserve it for their ignorance
alfred neuman 3 Feb '25 - 08:46 - 21080 of 21080 0 0 0 … and down she goes some more
You mugs
Look who it is alfred neuman aka lickle rat boi entwined with bernard castle calling yet more people mugs |
… and down she goes some more
You mugs |
Some chunky sells and down she goes |
SC are struggling to offload their 2billion+ shares
Not one single institution has taken them off their hands despite all this so-called amazing news on the way
for that reason I personally wouldn’t touch this share with a bargepole |
Jamesroo, Yes the dynamic duo lav and trasher7 aka Batman and robin are a right tag team of ramping goons. Today’s classic comes from thrasher7 regarding Bernie chomping at the bit to get the gold projects going. Has he not seen Bernie the gut?? The only thing old fat lad chomps is fast food,he is not in any hurry to do anything else. And why should he when the gravy train keeps going on £8k a week consultancy fees?? Paid for by who…..🤔;🤔🤔 |
All this alleged amazing news on the way - 5 hours gone and less than 5 million shares traded is less than 20 grand
You just gotta larf at the LoSErs |
FLasher7 must be a bot as I find it hard to believe that a real person could consistently post so much shyte |
Morning guys, This weeks gold star award for stupidity goes to the new and up coming ramping sensation called asher7. For me it’s 2 main reasons. 1. His level of intelligence regarding ramping is so laughable and often cracks me up. 2. His obsession with quoting Advfn on lse board is giving us valuable advertising and drawing in a larger audience.Hopefully this extra exposure will educate the newbie’s and give them the chance to see the real facts not the glossy pictures Bernie’s pumping out on x . Keep up the great work thrasher Asher you melt.😘ԅ36;😘 |
You need a medal Alfred. Your services to the financial industry is incredibly invaluable. And best of all you are a free public service. I salute you sir. ✌️ϧ6;️✌5039;✌️ |
Have a look at my posting history. Problem is, these groups are by their very nature 'rose tinted' which is why sentiment is usually out of sync with the general market is often out of step and we get the perennial 'why is the share price going down?😭'
Making money , has 2 parts and avoiding losses is one of those, so giving others info which may help them avoid losses is just as important. |