There’s also the possibility that because of the rarity of any AIM stocks actually having a quality product expanding fast, plus many running into problems in the last couple of years, there might be a concentration of money looking for decent stocks. Hopefully the days of hyped rubbish on AIM may have decreased a lot.
I don’t count SRT as that sort of hype as it never had a crowd of numpties posting. |
Jam could very well be tomorow if the recent photos indicate that the Indonesian project has started. Revenue and cash from that have been discussed here before.
The problem I see with the wait and see approach (one which would have served me well as I have waited and seen nothing for 10 years or so as a shareholder) is that the share price may well rise from 40p to 80p before there is anything published about revenues and cash. A broker's note will not move the dial given the frequent colossal misses of forecasts, so can be ignored.
The question then is what value you might see above 80p. Will it get to 150p? £2? Over what timescale? I suspect that it will do nothing much for a while after that initial rise until the business has shown that it is a reliable performer. So you could end up becoming a shareholder at 80p and have to wait, hopefully for less time, for some more significant action. |
Jam tomorrow seems to be the story. It's a business with great potential in theory but I'd like to see real revenue- and cash- progress before I take the plunge. Any business involving governments takes an age to finalise (our own is as bad as any eg Rolls Royce and SMRs)so I don't feel in a rush and don't mind missing out on any early price movements. The AGM might provide a decent clue. |
Malaysia is willing to spend $70 million if Ocean Infinity finds missing plane. Clearly Malaysia has spare cash. Large numbers of ocean going vessels pass through its waters and it has a large fishing industry. It also has an AIS terrestrial system. |
hxxps:// Big business allowed within waters where small fisherfolk fish, says SC DEC 20, 2024 1:31 PM PHT
Philippines fishing politics continue |
Good spot owenski- quote:
"However, we are already working with some companies to supply the device to prevent accidents and fatalities at sea,” he said."
Who might that be? |
All marine vessels plying off the Mozambican coast will soon be required to carry an automatic location device, so that maritime authorities can identify their position in the event of accidents. The device in question, to be installed on all types of vessels, will not only allow the location of boats, but also facilitate the issuing of alerts to vessels setting sail, in the event of changes in the weather. The measure is also justified by the increasing number of maritime accidents and incidents along the Mozambican coast. According to Isaías Mondlane, the idea is to install a simple and affordable device on all types of vessels, so that their whereabouts at sea are known in real time. “We have more than 43,000 small vessels that do not have this system; only the larger vessels do. However, we are already working with some companies to supply the device to prevent accidents and fatalities at sea,” he said. |
 hxxps:// Indonesia sets sights on sustainable fishing by 2025 The Indonesian Government plans to move towards completely sustainable fishing by 2025, but a lack of monitoring has led some to question whether it can be done. After China, Indonesia is the second-largest fishing nation in the world. The majority of fish being caught is for domestic use, with the nation’s 270 million citizens eating three times as much fish and seafood as the world average. However, increases in production over the last few decades means that fish stocks in Indonesia are now suffering from overfishing. According to the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, 90% of Indonesia boats fish in areas that are already overcrowded by other fishing boats. Indonesian waters are home to 37% of marine species, and many are now endangered. Solutions to Indonesia’s fishing problems are often detrimental to environmental health, focusing instead on economic issues like sales and subsidising overfishing practices. Although over 90% of fishing in the region is done by small-scale operations, the main beneficiaries of fishing subsidies are huge, industrial fishing fleets. The technology enables remote monitoring in real time, which could potentially be used to enforce more sustainable fishing. |
December 20th Indonesia teams up with 10 countries to combat illegal fishing Indonesia has forged collaboration with 10 countries to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing by strengthening regional cooperation to protect fishery resources and the sustainability of marine ecosystems, an official said as reported by the national news agency Antara. hxxps:// |
The captions which Baynet posted have been changed to now be identical, i.e. not mentioning trainers and Bakamla but instead SRT MDA components. The second picture clearly shows Bakamla people and our Stephen Meakin. I rather think that is where the components have been shipped.
I don't think there will be much contract news above and beyond the four current ones until maybe the end of next year. Perhaps we will learn a bit more at the AGM. |
System components arrive. Which Country? Possibly Bahrain? Too small a delivery for it to be Kuwait, which was probably delivered a little while ago? It has taken a VERY long time to get the Indonesia Coast guard contract started. We now have a new Presidential team in place and I suspect that the new fisheries minister will be talking about the fisheries system with SRT and UKEF. A system in several months time?. I wonder how Tanzania and other African counties will be financing their SRT systems. My understanding is that the World Bank only finances 50%, or will they replicate the Indonesia Coastguard model? At least Kuwait, Saudi and possibly Bahrain have ready cash. I am expecting Vietnam to soon appear on the agenda. |
goodapple - OI must be on good terms with the Malaysian government, and will be even more so if they find it. Always helpful to have friends in high places :¬) |
I think that water security means marine domain rather than potable. The UK ambassador was in the UK for when Prabowo visited, met him at the airport. |
New gallery Pics TODAY ....system components and SRT specialist trainers arrive in Indonesia/Bakamla |
Ocean Infinity to resume search for MH370 - again on 'no find, no fee' basis. |
That's very unfortunate and I guess it disproves my general point. |
alter ego.
Yes sadly "The Prophet" did pass away. |
As in life, investors should follow a general rule that what they do not know to be true should not be assumed to be untrue.
It may be that some people are just better informed or have found better ways to research their subject matter.
Incidentally, you recently implied that a prolific poster called "The Prophet" was a cheerleader who had not done well and had disappeared. In fact, he and I exchanged many messages following the discovery that we had attended the same school (in different years). I recall that despite up and downs he probably made a fair prophet (sic) having originally bought at a couple of pence. He too was very well informed. My last message to him asking about his situation got no reply and I assume that unfortunately, he is dead. I think that excuses his absence from the board he initiated. |
Yes I’m well known for my many blogs full of anything that fills extra space. |
"More generic rubbish cluttering the internet". Et tu yump |
Free trials? That doesn’t seem remotely relevant.
More generic rubbish cluttering the internet. |
 Thanks @Countryman5 - but I found it hard to read.
Computer say: START:
Thought about SRT Marine Systems growth for a couple of seconds
Executive Summary (High Confidence):
SRT Marine Systems, a small but innovative AIM-listed maritime technology provider, is rapidly gaining global traction.
Its unique AIS and GeoVS solutions are being adopted by major coastguards and governments (e.g., Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia), driving strong sales and building a robust contract pipeline currently around £320 million.
Further demand is expected as other countries seek to enhance maritime security and better manage fisheries, supported by international financiers like the World Bank.
Although recent financing caused shareholder dilution, it positions SRT for rapid revenue and profit growth. With no more need for free trials and a developing team to handle surging demand, SRT looks poised for significant near-term performance improvements and share price appreciation.
Just about sums it up I imagine (but haven't checked) |
Yes what was that?
Actually there’s quite a few threads that have mind-dumping.
In fact those started by cheerleaders don’t seem to fare very well. The posters seem to have vast amounts of data and knowledge about the business but not about the practicalities of running one or assessing the quality of the investment. Analysis paralysis.
I can recall the Prophet and the Count here, since disappeared. |
And that ends today's sermon on SRT :-)) |