Nigoil Are you meaning the kind of dilution at 17p to fund the Megrez 1 well, raising $29m
Resulting in a conventional discovery in the initial range of 700 to 900m recoverable barrels. Conservatively valued at $10pb, Yes "initial" as 3 more discovered reservoirs are yet to be quantified
These would be the 670 ft of net pay, liquid hydrocarbons in the Lower Sagavanirktok Formation, that helpful tried to tell us could be coal, good luck getting that into a coal sack for the kids at Xmas
All culminating in a current share price, despite dilution being 329% higher
I hope we can get some more of that dilution |
After the shorts close It will be interesting to observe, how long helpful continues to post his misinformation
If helpful has been honest that it is hate that drives him to do so, it will continue unabated, until he collapses from mental exhaustion
Watching with more interest, than the shorts are paying in fees to hold their disastrous position, they must rue the day they passed on the option to close at ~11p |
"As Helpfull quickly buried Olderwiser2's informative post, here itv s again..."....... PMSL
It's no more than the usual blah blah blah jam tomorrow!..... LOL
Let's face it the Panr share price is gonna be cruc€f€Ed!.... The market h@tes uncertainty with lots of blah blah blah jam tomorrow!
Panr has incoming debts to pay and requires imminent funding for operations!
Panr will need to raise funds and soon!
Unavoidable dilution coming sooooooooooon!
Just saying like!
Simples!..... :-) |
As Helpfull quickly buried Olderwiser2's informative post, here it is again...
"The relevant details, once again proving, Helpful self declared as turned Hateful (due to trolling trauma LOL), is spreading his decietful misinformation
Capex / Scenarios (2024 US$ million) Alaska LNG Phase 1 mainline1 $10,769 Source: Wood Mackenzie with information from AGDC 1. Considers 20% Contingency and US$50 million of Property Taxes
Pg 16" |
Cor blimey, guv!
Nobster, can you post the lies which you are accusing me of?
Be careful. |
Cor blimey, guv!
You miss the point of the post.
The FEED is to determine an up to date cost for the gasline.
It may be ready by the end of the year, it may not.
Whatever leeway Woodmac might have made is irrelevant because it is only an estimate.
If the pipeline FEED is higher, their estimate won't be wrong because it is an estimate.
It might be, it might not be, but FEED is there for a purpose.
The important point is that the end of year will mean Pantheon are going to IPO before there is any decision as to whether the pipeline is going ahead.
And so finance based on income from gas sales, when or if the pipeline is built, will not be on the table.
So back to the old reliable cash raises.
Be careful. |
As Helpfull quickly buried Olderwiser2's informative post, here it is again...
"The relevant details, once again proving, Helpful self declared as turned Hateful (due to trolling trauma LOL), is spreading his decietful misinformation
Capex / Scenarios (2024 US$ million) Alaska LNG Phase 1 mainline1 $10,769 Source: Wood Mackenzie with information from AGDC 1. Considers 20% Contingency and US$50 million of Property Taxes
Pg 16" |
The relevant details, once again proving, Helpful self declared as turned Hateful (due to trolling trauma LOL), is spreading his decietful misinformation
Capex / Scenarios (2024 US$ million) Alaska LNG Phase 1 mainline1 $10,769 Source: Wood Mackenzie with information from AGDC 1. Considers 20% Contingency and US$50 million of Property Taxes
Pg 16 |
Obviously, Nobbygnome might be referring to Helpfull's complete lies about me...
1. His claim that I am shorting Pantheon shares - Lie.
2. His claim that I started shorting Pantheon shares at 41p - Lie. |
. Newcomers,
I'm not sure but perhaps Nobbygnome is referring to these lies...
In his recent post no. 22994, Helpfull said: "For the record I have never tried to deceive. But cretins like yourself splash words around carelessly and there is always a fool to believe you."
So, let's quickly remind ourselves of what Rabito79 thinks about Helpfull's posts:
Please note: I have corrected a couple of Rabito79's small typos.
In relation to Helpfull, Rabito79 said:
"Very good, none of that negates the fact you have repeatedly lied.
Note it was hardly a sneaky placing as you had been predicting one since Dec 2023!
Blisters - lie No distinct reservoir - lie Hot Tap FID - lie AGDC FEED money needed by tomorrow - lie
Keep helping."
A more recent lie from Helpfull was:
"a made-up false FID deadline for the Hot Tap" (as identified by Rabito79, again) |
Cor blimey, guv!
Loopy, can I introduce you to mental.
mental, loopy.
You should get on like a house on fire
Put your matches away mental, it is a saying.
Mental Mike290 has no relevance.
Caught out changing your posts.
Forever shamed.
Be careful. |
I enjoy your posts because they get to the heart of what Helpfull is all about.
Bodroll put it another way:
"Helpless, do you do anything else in your miserable life?" |
Cor blimey, guv!
Nobster, can you shed light on the "frequent lies" you accuse me of?
Be careful. |
Post deleted - Duplicate. |
Helpful has been proven to make inaccurate statements on many occasions and there is no doubt he is out of his depth. It’s a shame bitterness leads him to try to deceive people with his frequent lies… |
"Bought in destroys helpful"
What planet are you on, or more to the point, what drugs are you on?..... LOL
No one destroys Helpfull, he is far to smart!
Especially for you 'Guild' rampers!
Just saying like!
Simples!...... :-) |
Bought in destroys helpful |
BeanLade is going to be mightily dissapointed!
Tomorrow is not going to be for the feint hearted, especially those that are caught out holding this dog of a share!.... Woof Woof
The share price is going to go one way and it certainly isn't up!
Just saying like!
Simples!..... :-) |
All costings were updated by WM in 2024
Phase 1, which is under discussion, came in under $11 billion including a 20% contingency |
I think that why Wood Mac factored in a 20% contingency in CAPEX costs in their IER.Keep helping |
Smacks of desperation now Helpful you must be under alot of pressure |