Cor blimey, guv!
It's hard on the dark side, mlf51, as you'll discover.
There is always a loopy on the prowl.
An interesting point you raised.
FEED is to be updated after a decade.
What will it be compared to the $44 billion a decade ago?
Higher or lower?
You get nothing in this game especially for a pear.
An inkling might be given by the need to guarantee the costs of Glenfarne for producing the current/future figure.
Those financiers and Asian offtakers who balked at the $44 billion last time won't want to commit if it is higher. Especially when these mega projects tend to run over bodget.
The state of Alaska might lose the money it has guaranteed via the AGDC.
Be careful. |
 Can you imagine where the world might be if the world was full of helpfulls over the last several hundred years. Helpfull cannot see past his nose. Everything has to be extreme negativity. He doesn’t believe in human endeavour and the ability of humans to take things forward and overcome obstacles. Helpful probably trolled everyone who pioneered fracking,saying how he and only he knew that fracking was just a dream. If we didn’t have endeavour and ingenuity over the last few centuries,with people just giving up,where would we be? If Helpfull doesn’t believe panr can succeed,fair enough,but why dedicate his days and nights to their destruction. What is in it for helpful??? Why does he operate from the shadows,unwilling to face panr directly? Thankfully the president of the USA together with the governor of Alaska alongside many others including pantheon,possess endeavour and live their lives moving forward trying to make things work. They chose to do the difficult things in life and not the easy things,like sniping attacks from the dark day in and day out. |
 Cor blimey, guv!
Great video mlf51.
You've finally come over to the dark side.
FEED at the earliest by the end of 2025.
When the cost of the pipeline and the toll for determining cost of transporting gas through it can be calculated and contracts signed.
But that is after the IPO.
Any cash raises will be before any contracts are signed.
That is, if any contracts are signed.
No contracts for the delivery of gas will be signed by local Alaskan energy companies until the pipeline is a certainty, and maybe not then.
No contracts, no finance.
Because,if the updated FEED, not done for a decade, is liable to inflationary pressures , that $44 billion might be going well north of $50 billion (or has inflation gone down in the last decade?).
And Woodmac would have to update their report as to whether the gasline is economical compared to imported LNG.
And are Japan going to be interested in an inflated white elephant when Grumpy Trumpy has disappeared?
It all makes more cash raises ever likely for the mug punter.
You've helped, enormously, mlf51.
Be careful. | |
The first two lines are the posters on discord |
 Me too. I had to type some of it out and read it several times to make sure I'd heard it correctly ? > "Then we begin getting sellers of gas, wanting to sell. Great-Bear Pantheon, Hilcorp, Exxon, Conoco-Phillips. All talking now and engaged in Gas Sales Precedents Agreements. > Then we've had Asian buyers kicking the tires for some time, but the project at 43 billion dollars, the three phases of the project, the liquefaction plant, the pipe and the carbon stripper on the Slope. That was a big bite for many to take. When we shifted it to phase one, breaking it up into phases and phase one being the pipeline, Wood Mackenzie came out in October/November with a report which basically said that phase one pipeline could pay for itself just by utilities purchasing gas in Alaska, which was a real game changer.> > So, companies like Enbridge, and now Glenfarne, are very interested, I think you're going to see some paper come out in the next couple days. Signed paper on these folks being involved directly in the pipeline to shepherd it through the process"> > We need to update what they call Front End Engineering Design on the pipe. Last time we updated the cost of the pipe was two thousand and fifteen, so, we want to go through that process. We think it's only going to take a few months, six, seven months at the most because of the engineering that was done two thousand and fifteen. Once that happens, we'll know what the price of the pipe is and they can calculate what the cost of the gas and the tolling would be through that pipe, and I think at that point you're going to see some final investment decisions coming here. Probably before November/December of this year" |
There you go I've just plagiarised, not a problem. | |
Wow FEED and FID on gasline done this year. of Antique 7879 |
From Pantheon Resources on X. Might get a RNS on Monday? |
Weren’t you the guy that was accused of plagiarism?
You went into hiding for so long . Welcome back |
 If Megrez is as successful in the flow test as many suspect - and we will know by May 2025 - there will be no need for serious dilution as the cash flow from Megrez, after four/five production wells (20-30,000 brls per day) are in full operation, will provide sufficient free cash from 2028 so that the company will be able to finance evaluation and production wells on Kodiak much of which will be conventional oil. NB the Hot Tap is unlikely to be available to receive crude until late 2027/early 2028. Yes, the company will need the cash for the production wells on Megrez, no more than $100 million, of which perhaps at least $50 million (i.e. less than 10% dilution?) will be tied to obtaining the US listing, and then the company should be self financing. The gas project is important in that it should build confidence in the viability of PANR's program but I suspect limited direct cash for the early production wells on Megrez. DH is right, IMHO, in working on the assumption that PANR must find funding for the initial oil production from Megrez. |
Cor blimey, guv!
bogroll, it might be miserable but every time I see your name I manage to laugh.
What were you thinking?
Don't bother changing it, I think Skidmark is already taken.
Be careful. |
Cor blimey guv!
What misinformation are you referring to?
You did balls up on the flare and cost people money (lots) and you admitted to posting information that you stole off the tinternet, as your own.
Is reminding everyone bitterness?
Be careful. |
Helpless, do you do anything else in your miserable life? |
Helpful acting out of self confessed bitterness, continues to dedicate his life to misinformation, in an act of petty revenge
Do you feel any better for it, "resentment makes a poor tenant...." |
Cor blimey, guv!
Crazy mike290 puts him on filter.
Calm down, mental.
Be careful. |
Hi NigOil
I see that you are an 88e investor. I used to be an IceWine supporter many years ago and have a soft spot for 88e.
They have been unlucky at many levels.
However, the possibility of the LNG pipeline is something that every 88e investor should be supporting as it could commercialise, otherwise stranded assets.
Will Japan commit? I think decades-long, secure, stable and, now due to Pantheon, cheap limitless gas stacks up well to offset the Trump dynasty and tariff threats (at least another two GOP administrations surely as the Dems are in disarray and had stopped listening). Trump only needs to convince one of Japan, south Korea and Taiwan to jump and the rest will follow as FOMO and its implications could be severe. Korea are my prediction as first-mover.
Best of luck with 88e, its success would be a success for Great Bear and vice versa. |
Yeah sure! As always - whatever you say.
You're back on filter now. |
Incontent I think you are the one who is being fooled easily. Have a good weekend. The few minutes I have spent on here today are far too many. |