Just watched a video on LSE and pondering now. You don,t put a 14 wheeler load on a 10 wheeler tipping lorry neither of which are suited to quarrying. Further thought makes me query is this load of rubble not particularly shiny.If not the norm what the hell is it? Something awry me thinks. |
Make s/b making. Apologies. |
LSE have found another one under the pen name of P119.He theorises that the fall in Kodal share prices is due to funds managers make book corrections. This is absolute nonsense does anyone know a fund manager that deals in a £80 million mining company in Mali? Not at all, plus do they sell lots of £5/20 k and never buy? Of course not,ALFRED please list under another village idiot found. The book of common sense is not in the LoSErs library and never was. Barnum would have loved these people. Cheers,Jim. |
The merctard predicted *5 BAGS*. when the share price was 0.455p ! That is 2.25p by 20th Dec !!!
_________________________________ mercedesman Posted in: KOD Posts: 5,498 Price: 0.445 No Opinion RE: How long until mine up and running please 20 Mar 2024 10:51
I mentioned the merc earlier after being awol and guess what he reappeared.. Getting a bit of flack though regarding his price estimates 😉😉 |
O F & Alfred the LoSEr board is worthy of a nomination for comedy.The fact that they virtually beg for more investors when Almost 70% of KMUK is owned by HAINAN and Mali Gov and even the many small institutions already involved make Kodal a very small holder has yet to dawn on them. Continued dilution hasn’t helped and going all in on Lithium and ignoring the gold was suicidal.A proper business needs an acknowledged qualified board not a group of University chums. Ten years wasted by the happy clappers speaks for itself.They have made me lots of money and is likely to continue but really the laughs I have received from the Lse twits has been worth twice it in value. Evening all. Jim. |
Bri15 your village have just sent out a search party looking for you
Ntvo is going to blow! |
Just back from a quick trip to flooded York to read the last few days posts. Great work guys on all the observations,no wonder the gurus on lse have gone mostly silent. They must read this forum and quietly wish they had sold out after the latest pump n dump cycle here. Anyone seen the merc…. Is he the big seller 🤔🤔 pmsl he wishes |
Just read the LoSEr board and back in the .3,s again.Lav doing the big I am as usual but the one picture he paints is of BA busting a gut.Now that indeed would be an explosion worthy of the name,alas Goita would have to send his troops in even earlier than I expect. Suay Chin who were used and snubbed continue to sell their shares undermining any share price rise and who can blame them.Just wait to they start selling in large amounts. All we need is rain and the perfect storm will commence. |
You just got to laugh at this clueless LoSEr
*.50 easy target .60 next week.*
Oultonmike Posts: 965 Price: 0.445 No Opinion RE: It is completely OK that the stock needs to take a breather now3 Jan 2025 12:17 Buys coming back in now.
.50 easy target .60 next week.
Bargain lithium stock
Gla |
13million sell and down she goes That's a surprise .. said no one ever BWAHAHAHA |
Acc the formula is: target SC grade divided by ore grade divided by recovery rate
So sc5.5/1.1/70%(0.7)= 7.14t ore to make 1t sc5.5
Then divide annual throughput 2mt by 7.14 = 280kt pa sc5.5 with a 70% recovery rate |
8x 1,000,000 2x 2,000,000
Just dumped and the share price goes red but the goon on the LoSErs board says there’s no big seller it’s just retail
Who says ignorance is bliss LOOOL |
What a wonderful world Kodal down there 4% today.Who would believe it? ME ALL DAY LONG. The big mouths on LoSEers very quiet today. Oh boy am I loving this. LOL. |
I’m sure there can’t be much more than a couple of billion to dump
12,000,000 SELL 3,000,000 SELL 3,000,000 SELL 3,000,000 SELL 5,000,000 SELL
All the bed wetters on the LoSErs board have gone quiet today