I note that it has proved impossible for anyone to supply a link to an article about Cyan from any reputable source (newspapers or shares magazines etc), even if you go back 10 years.
Why is that?
Too toxic? The writers want/need to keep their readers. |
Good morning all !
Another TR1 showing an increase in holdings.....coupled with the news below would make sense to the logically minded ones.
I gather that Miton has another circa 26m shares in another fund.
Let's hope the selling by Miton is finished - phew !!
Good luck all !
Edit: Axia have picked up a total of 11,363,659 shares from Sep to date. Looks like we can expect to have a TR1 from the seller (s) in the near future, as there could be other funds like Crux also facing redemptions ? |
IMO, you would be wise NOT to interpret the last trade on Friday as a buy signal. |
hTTps://www.transparency.org.uk/partners-in-crime-UK-LLP-Limited-Liability-Partnership-money-laundering-press-releaseNo more to add |
Hi Indiestu
Thanks for the links.
I don’t understand why a family firm based on Hanover Square would be seen as “another massive red flag” though?
They seem pretty much exactly as I thought they would and as has been earlier represented on here to me!
Personally I’m more interested in knowing what they know about CyanConnode and why they’re so keen on purchasing our stock.
There must be a “personnelR21; link I would guess somewhere.
I’m on the same page as tightist in that our new NED is likely their “jockey”.
Interesting and thank goodness their with us or the share price would be getting decimated as we’ve said before with Miton unloading just after Crux doing the same. |
hTTps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DoxaChoose the Greek, Hebrew or Russian origin for the word Doxa. All of them send shivers down my spine and the last places on earth you would choose to park your hard earned cash. None of the origins have any relationship to Chinese religions. Nothing adds up with these guys. |
hTTps://uk.linkedin.com/company/doxa-research-ltdI'm guessing people have researched Doxa Partners LLP. The three partners are Zeng, Wang and Wing. The London office is a townhouse and Axia are registered in the Cayman Islands with no company website. A shady Chinese partnership. Come on, would you trust your money to these guys? Screams boiler room operation. Another massive red flag. |
If JC ever gets Cyan written about in the Investors' Chronicle or Shares magazine, I will believe that he is genuinely attempting to find new investors in our company.
MB talks about SALT and the company that owns 70% of it (i.e. TEK). TEK (market cap - £18M) has raised money recently at 10p and 7.5p and pretty much gets mentioned in IC on a weekly basis.
You can only go back 8 years on IC and there isn't one sentence written about Cyan. Why is that?
Can anyone find anything written about Cyan anywhere (shares mags or newspapers - not industry articles)? |
 Good evening Major Courtenay and all :)
The current Indian PM Modi and Govt of India is looking at growing the economy to become $5 Trillion GDP by 2025 and a $10 trillion dollar economy by 2030.
India has become a key foreign inward investment destination following the cooling of relations between China and USA. Vietnam and Philippines are also benefiting from this development. In business, manufacturing industries use the phrase "China+1" to signal their intentions to move manufacturing away from China in the medium term. Apple is already doing this in Tamil Nadu and Indian infrastructure is scaling rapidly to try and make it easier for global majors to do business in India - but it will take many decades, if at all to catch up with Chinese export infrastructure. There is a (what a find a pretty sycophantic) book called "Modi@20 - Dreams meet Delivery " which highlights developments across various development and other metrics.
Following supply chain disruptions during Covid and beyond involving China and further due to border disputes between India and China (which led to India banning Chinese goods and digital services, apps etc), India has embraced the need for "self reliance" and slogans such as "Make India" and "Make for the World" are mainstream in Govt and bureaucratic circles. This could be mis-construed as being "inward looking" but it is a long term objective to move away from China mainly for imports.
CYAN is virtually seen as an Indian company within India and increasingly we seem to be moving our operations to India as it is a much lower cost base and closer to our biggest and most important market. Energy and in particular electricity in the current era is key for economic growth anywhere in the world, and it is worth remembering that we currently have a 42% market share of RF Mesh and a 14% overall smart meter comms tech in India ! So I believe that CYAN is in a strategic sweet spot in terms of the Indian growth story and we will strongly benefit from it.
I foresee the Indian economic model being increasingly outward looking and becoming a leader for digital and associated services for the Global South - where the vast majority of the world's population live anyway. With its software expertise and relatively less restrictive digital privacy regulations coupled with very high levels of smartphone penetration, makes it an ideal hub for AI development. The Reliance group of Mukesh Ambani is already onto this amongst others. The Indian Unified Payment Interface (UPI) and digital stack is streets ahead of our UK set up and India is exporting these technologies to the Middle East and in neighbouring countries.
So from various visits to India over decades, I see a very radically different, rapidly evolving and confident India - like any country it has its problems and issues, but its outlook and prospects look a whole lot brighter than where we are sat ! |
Likewise, have much appreciated the last few days messages, pro and con. I’m still hoping for us to be an “overnight success twenty years in the making.” Equally, lingering doubt about extracting true value; I have also heard that a recently resurgent India has an exclusively patriotic approach to wealth creation. Time will tell if they can be persuaded of the merits of internationalism.
GLA. |
Beeezzz, definitely fingers crossed; the H1 back-log/pipeline and tone of confidence, combined with the activities of Axia and LF seem to bode well - just maybe CC is finally turning the corner....... |
Tightfist - Much apprieciated, fingers crossed, in the black is the only way to kill shorting off. |
Enjoy tomorrow's game.
Although I can't see it, bookies have Scotland as ever so slight favourites. Australia have been a great watch so far this autumn and will take some stopping (IMO).
Have fun.
Hi Beeez, re #9257, I believe they have already stated they are profitable within India. However, subsequently they have shifted more overhead costs from UK to India so this statement may currently be in doubt. At a group level I estimate (but DYOR!) they will need to ship in India very approximately 3.1 million models in FY2025 to breakeven, extrapolating from the latest Zeus forecast..Whatever, on 8 November they said "Given this pattern, we remain confident in meeting market expectations for FY2025" which was £1.9m consensus PBT according to Stockopedia. |
Morning DW. I watch this board and the other one. The latter has two or three good posters although, in the main, they provide information and links rather than analysis. This site is stronger on the analysis and I value that very much. And, as you imply, the general atmosphere is respectful and measured. I tend to the positive side myself but, to be honest, in previous investments I might have fared better by taking more account of the naysayers. So all opinions are valuable to allow us to make a more balanced assessment. For that, I am grateful to all who contribute on here. At the moment, I'm pretty positive about the company but, like everyone else, I would welcome some good, game-changing news soon. Interesting large article in today's FT on the Adani situation. GLA PS: It's Scotland v Australia I shall be watching tomorrow ITT. Needless to say I'm hoping for a home win. Not out of the question. |
Well said DW.
GL with your latest investment MB.
Have a fun weekend.
ITT (22/1 for Wales to beat South Africa this evening) |
Most if not all on this board are in the dark about what is going on behind the scenes in this company, which can lead to frustration about the share price and direction being taken. I am one of the worst for overthinking situations.However this board has always been friendly and accommodating to all views and I hope it will continue into the future. Good luck to all holders. |
I have wondered why our thread host hasn’t bought any recently so good to see the above post from one of our largest holders.
A little disappointed at his somewhat condescending comment about : -
“ Arm chair pundits are a dime a dozen in every field and in every village”
And also his valuation of money, I would have thought in his trade he would know better but it takes all sorts I guess.
Money isn’t everything Mr Multibagger. |
Not so fast and not in the same breath DTB - AXIA are in a totally different league to us mere mortals !!! CYAN trade showing up now and as to the other one took several million shares more :)
Good luck all ! |
Multi and Axia buying. Surely a 'buy' signal if ever there was one. Taking a long time for it to appear on the board though. And will it be recorded as a buy or a sell. I topped up in another little company a while after your purchase and it's already on the board. |
Thank you Daddy Warbucks - I am pretty confident of that, patience is what is needed ! |
MT becareful, nothing seems what it seems with this company now, I wonder how many modules they need to sell, to reach breakeven...In India |
Well done multibagger.I hope it comes good for us all.Have a good weekend everyone. |
Just picked up another 133,656 CYAN @ 9.99p at 1528 hrs
Good luck all :) |