We need a trigger soon. Maybe I should have bought qpp when I said - 1bagged if I had....IF!!!! |
Please people don't let this board desend into taking cheap shots at each other. The fact is that it matters not to any of us if Picobird has brought more Anite shares or not it only effects him personally. If he has brought then I would wish him luck and if he has not then he is only kidding himself. Everybody who has posted recently Rath and Pico etc... all seem like reasonable people who have valid opinions which I would always listen to let's keep it that way. |
I am a little bit encouraged by the rise in the price yesterday and it's associated volume perhaps it could be the bounce I was looking for when I brought in???? A little bit late but hopefully my timing was not too bad. Still a wait and see how the price performs over the next few weeks before celebrating the champagne is still on ice. |
What signals were you following yesterday pico that encouraged you to "get back in yesterday"?? Amazing timing........ |
That was a close shave, got back in yesterday at 84p. Time now to wait for the annual results. See Liberum have sent the price up today - IN THE KNOW: Buy Anite On Better Market, Takeover Potential. Those particular brokers do know their stuff. They anticipate a weak Q1 for SPT due to contract time delays !
Back into research mode now.
15/04/2015. Anite enables Fleet Managers to remotely improve drive test reliability and accuracy |
Apologies Pico, no offence actually meant to you, it's probably more frustration that this doesn't move, last updates have been decent but despite the stock market being at highs nothing has really moved this share in over a year. I wouldn't mind trading it but there is no movement and once dealing fees are taken into account I struggle to see the attraction. |
 Hello deanowls There is a vast cross section of peeps on this board. We have persons who already know the technical depth of Anite & those who throw a fit about it when it is mentioned & prefer just to look at the share price Someone mentioned a while back ( might have been Werty but would not swear to it ) that a little trading along the way is a bit of a plus. Anyway it was what had been going through my mind for a little while. We all have own own strategies & the fact is I had forgotten that we hold shares to make money. Really referring here to pocket money rather than paper profits. Nice to have both !
Was going to mention the news today of the Metis project of which Anite forms a part. They were due to report this month anyway so I gave it a miss.
Got to admit that price watching is rather time consuming but I am close to quietening down on the trading ( for a bit ). Times to just hold, but at the same time evaluating holdings change weekly. Sorry if my posts are TOSH but to me the whole scene of investing / semi trading is very serious. If there is a quid to be made I will chase it now, before - I just watched ! Might be an idea to filter me if I have become a PITA_ LOL.
At the end of the day I need the DOSH despite the TOSH. Looking at your post I note your concern. My strategy is a little more complicated than you think but at the same time fairly straightforward. Each to their own. No more to be said. |
Pico, you've gone from telling everyone what is happening to Anite (quite useful and informative) to talking a load of ballacks, long term, short term, it's done nothing, it's doing nothing there's no real movement but now your trading it like some financial ninja.
Tosh |
 Hi Werty Thanks very much for your hard work on these TA charts. Before I saw them I was looking very carefully last night at the usual charts including candlestick. Been waiting to come back into Anite this week at the right price full whack as it were on my long term portfolio. Like you I feel that the present levels are a sensible entry point bearing in mind that we are in the final trading month. Cannot see the trend line being broken for support although you have drawn it to exclude 83p. Should it happen which is unlikely I will come in again with my smaller portfolio fund. My system is working for me & will only work if you know the companies inside out, so it could not be used by the majority of semi traders. For now the theory remains in a beta stage & will not be revealed. In all fairness semi traders should make the effort to master TA first before developing their own trading tools. For those who want a course in TA there is one on special offer of $24 reduced from $1395 on Sharepickers.com. I find the site amusing just to listen to. The guy who runs it pulls in many informed people on his podcasts, but again not to be taken too seriously.
As you said Werty the Bull Flag is a little overdone. Will be interesting to see what happens - plenty of sideways movement right now. |
My last chart shows the longer term weekly chart over a 3 year period to perhaps get a bigger picture of what is going on.
free stock charts from uk.advfn.com
As you can see from the chart the downward trend was broken in about May/June 2014 sorry but dates are not easy to read using ADVFN charts but I have marked the area with a circle. After the downtrend was broken AIE's share price seems to be trending between about 75p and 95p working on the theory that this trend might continue if your not invested yet but are looking to get in around 75p might be a good area you could look to make a cool 20% profit minus costs by buying in here and selling again at about 90p. If I do decide to sell out it would be in the 75p area that would interest me again. However after all that we do have the next statement issued shortly and after the last positive statement I think I will hold until it has been issued. Oh to have that crystal ball or be Dr Who. |
The next chart shows the bullflag that Picobird mentioned in a previous post this chart has been posted using candles because i think it shows the flag pattern better.
free stock charts from uk.advfn.com
My thoughts are that the pullback is a bit too steep and long to be a genuine bullflag but charting is a bit subjective and that is my opinion and Picobird has his. |
my thoughts on the charts sorry has taken a bit longer to post than I was intending.
free stock charts from uk.advfn.com
First chart shows recent price history the reason I took the trade is I liked the sound of the bullish nature of the most recent statement, I was also looking to buy in to catch the upward trend marked by the diagonal line. As you can see the trend failed marked by the circle so things have started off a bit shaky for me. I am now focused on the area marked by the horizontal line and would like to see a bounce before this area. If this area is breached I will probably look to see how near we are to the next statement but would have to consider pulling my funds once again. Lesson I have learned from this is it would probably have been better to wait to see if there was a bounce from the trend line before jumping the gun but hey hindsight is easy. |
Year end 30/04/2015. Update last year was 12/05/2014 - second week of May then ? I must admit that I seem to have rewritten the law of physics, or at least bent it to include a functional parallel universe (in figurative terms). I think a new chapter should be added to the trading manuals in the form of an algebraic algorithym which is not fixed to a single point in time. Anyway, it works for me which is the main thing. GLA
& No - I am not Dr Who ! |
Pico, on the chart above i can see only two times that it has risen above the 83 support in the last year, neither of which would have made me much in percentage terms. I cant see much to trade with, qpp well theres another story!
I do think that it is bottoming out and that there are better things around the corner, when is the next update due? |
Interesting strategy pico. How do you know when the share price is going to drop so that you can sell (before the drop) and then "benefit from any negatives" by presumably buying back in at a lower price?? Sounds great but surely there is just as much chance you'll get it wrong as get it right?
Crystal ball? |
It is rather amazing as you have said. The important thing is that the informed investors benefit from any negatives. I have to admit that I trade back into Anite at these prices. The trick is to trade out prior to any drop & to buy in when the drop takes place. That might sound like smoke & mirrors but it works for me. It is the only way of holding this share - to make a bit on the side. I make sure that price movements in both directions are covered. Trading that way acts as a sweetener to holding the share. You could say ' a little bit of what you fancy (money) does you good '. It keeps me happy whatever the price does. 83p is the support level. At the end of the day it is a winning company, just a matter of developing one's own strategy in holding the shares.
Quindell looks interesting at the moment, wonder what's going to happen ? It is not a share that I would touch with a barge pole although those brave punters who have will probably do well from it ! |
Tatsfield, I agree. However, it's the end of the tax year and this sometimes affects share price I'm prepared to wait and see what the share price is in a couple of weeks. |
 The attitudes of "investors" makes me weep. Anite makes a highly productive and innovative acquisition and the market drops the share price They bought something that will make them extra profit and consolidate their position in an increasing domination of their sector, but you'd think that the announcement was about all the directors buying themselves Ferraris at the shareholders' expense. As I've said before, Anite's share price will only rise when the market thinks they are about to declare a huge dividend that they can buy into quickly before payout day!
Because of this, it is entirely possible that Anite may be a bad investment but it's a strange world where a company does everything that it needs to do to advance to the top of the tree and it is still seen as a bad investment by the market which means that in absolute terms, it is! I still have some profit margin to play with and intend to stick around for a while in the forlorn hope that the red braces brigade may yet see a profit to be made and carry my investment with them. |
Yep! I am annoyed at myself in that I looked over ETO while it was still a small cap about 18 months ago but decided not to take the plunge and then watched the share price rise over 50%! I only bought ETO recently and am pretty happy with holding that for the foreseeable future. I bought Merlin for the same sort of reasons about a year ago and have made quite a handsome return but am now looking at exiting.....not because I have gone negative on the business but I suspect it will probably trade sideways for a while as events catch up with the large recent run up in the share price |
At least Pepper pig has your back Salpara. |
I have no axe to grind against Anite, I make a living out of investing so I have to be ruthless in how I run my portfolio. My one golden rule is....at the first sign of trouble GET OUT! I dont know why I ignored my own mantra when I invested here. I suspect it was because I could not see another opportunity to place the money in at the time. I have nothing against Anite in particular, if you are a professional investor you have to accept that sometimes you make a mistake, it is what you do when you make that mistake that separates the professionals from the amateurs. You can go to any one of literally hundreds of small cap message boards to read the banal chatter of private investors who can't bring themselves to accept that they have made a bad investment and as such are going to wait until they lose their entire investment rather than take a loss and move on. Some day I might invest in Anite again but clearly the last 2 years have been a catastrophe for anyone holding. |
Hi Pico I will take a more detailed look at the charts perhaps tomorrow and let you know how I see it working out in regards to breakouts and bull flags etc.. I often find that charts can be read by seeing what you want to see it is a trap that I have fallen into a few times so I am always a little bit weary of publishing too much info. On the other hand I know if I get it very wrong you won't hold it against me. |
 I know this sounds a bit like sitting on the fence but I understand both point of views. Pico obviously knows a lot more about the business that Anite is in than most and I include myself in the not very clued up category so perhaps he can see the grand plan and knows it is worth waiting for, however I would question the wisdom of holding Anite all the way to the bottom waiting for a bounce but just because it is not my style doesn't make it wrong if it suits him. On the other hand both Rath and Salpara obviously have lost money on the share which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth which I can understand as I have been there more than once myself but don't close your mind to Anite making a recovery which is likely to happen at some point even if it isn't now because you will then feel bitter you lost money but also bitter you were not there for the recovery. The point is everybody is different and the view you take on the direction that the share will travel will vary. I will let you know how I trade shares which may or may not be helpfully. I will first of all look at the company fundamentals how cheap is it to buy, what was the last trading statement like and what are it's future prospects etc...... next I look at the charts what is happening with the recent trends? when I look at trends I look in multiple time frames as what is happening in the short term trend might be different to the longer term. I also look for possible resistance and support lines Then I ask myself is there any prospect to earn at least 20% out of the share? If I don't think the prospect of earning at least 20% is there I would probably pass. The last thing I look for is a good position to place my stop loss. The next part is probably were I differ from most I try to forget about how much money i could make and focus on how much I could lose, how do I do this? I look at the total amount held in my trading account and work out what 1% of that total is this is my risk amount in other words where I have positioned my stop loss I will only buy enough shares which if hit will only lose me 1% or less of my total account. I also enter a share with the hope that the price will do what I think given the trend lines support and resistance areas but I am more than aware that the opposite might happen and the share could hit my stop loss. If stop loss is hit I will wait and observe the share to see when the next opportunity presents itself and try again, you see because of my 1% loss policy and the fact I am looking for shares with plenty of potential upside I can attempt buying in and getting it wrong several times and still eventually be on a winner. Sorry to bore you half to death but I have always found it interesting how people trade. BTW none of the ideas above are my own but are only what I have learned through speaking to others. |