Albert Ernest Sisto born Aug 1979 Appt Feb 2014 Resigned Jun 2023 It must be remembered that in UK, There is no upper age limit to a Directors Tenure.
There is an interesting story Developing around SISTO. In the UK, a Directors fiduciary duties generally cease upon Resignation, BUT, certain obligations, like avoiding conflicts of interest related to Company Property or Information known during their tenure, may continue. A former Director may still face liability for actions taken while in office, such as breach of contract or WRONGFUL TRADING, OR INSIDER TRADING USING INSIDER KNOWLEDGE.
Sisto has resigned as a Director yet still controls a listed AIM Company, investing in Companies Financed by Holders. Sisto has a financial interest in those companies supported by the Investment Company Sisto has since resigned from. A CERTAIN CONFLICT OF INTEREST, BASED ON THE FACT, Sisto can claim financial support from holders who are TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, At arms length from Sisto. FCA are missing something that may well be Fraudulent, but FCA do need to fulfill their legal obligations to protect HOLDERS from what certainly looks, on face value, "A CONFLICT OF INTEREST"
Sisto has no public role at TERN, A VENTURE CAPITAL Company, yet he makes all decisions re placing`s. Sisto makes the decision that holders of TERN, Finance Companies that Sisto has a financial interest(SHARES) and a board position in.
Sisto is a Director of Talking Medicines Appt Nov 2020 One of the Investees of TERN.
FCA Have a duty of care to fully investigate the ANOMALIES surrounding TERN and its Investees. |
He's too fat, short and lazy to have ever played hockey, must be several Albertos or Alfonso Sistos out there and yes he's way older than mid to late 50s. :) |
As an ex-de jure Director Sisto's record is still there his DOB is August 1949. So he is over 75.
Iain Gladstone Ross will have a lot more time on his hands one of his 4 directorships, Biomer Technology Ltd applied for voluntary strike-off earlier this month.
Gladstone Partners Ltd (which seems eponymous) has its registered office as Tilford, Surrey, GU10 2DD.
Suggest to Tim that if he doesn't provide an email address that investors may start writing to him at this address. |
Despite request, Tim has not given out the direct e mail addresses of Jane or Iain. |
Al Sisto played defence in the 1986-87 season for a hockey NHL team -
That would make him22-23 then so born in 1965-66 i reckon. he's had a hard paperround for sure, I thought he was older than that. |
I voted against placings last time and will do so again. I only have a tad under a Mill, but all votes count.
Tully, I agree with you on shining a light, FCA might be more useful though than the fellow board members that Al obviously sanctioned. Cannot see them upsetting their Non Exec applecart, with a possible promise of DA shares down the line! |
Everyone should be voting against the accounts at the AGM because we all know the investment values are all fake, deliberately kept down to let Al & Bruce and mates in. |
Too old to make sensible decisions, not one shareholder I know wants anything to do with the SVV fund, the promise to invest in it Yearly is a licence to do placings, it has to stop. If cash is needed sell it all to keep the company solvent ask any holder what would they get rid of first it would be SVV, Sisto needs to be told that fact, at the AGM or an EGM, do NOT vote for anymore dilution.. |
TB -
Then, as far as possible we should try to force light and transparency into TERN's past actions and current activity, to help the BOD and Senior Management optimise TERN's future potential and alignment with the common and best interests of all Stakeholders.
Perhaps communication between Shareholders and:
- Tim Metcalf, for circulation to:
* The Chairman
* Jane McCracken, non-executive director
* Iain Ross, non-executive director
will be a start.
Suggested for further discussion. |
how old is AS ffs |
I don't care for any stick I will be voting against all resolutions with my nearly 2.5m share. Everyone knows every placing is for either salaries or SV no matter what assurances Tim provides.If Al chooses to sell on fake prices to his mates he will have FCA, SFO, AIM Regulators on his back. |
It is 100% NOT a preferred solution Tully. it is i fear, the stick we will be hit with, when al needs cash for his new pet project, and he has no more confetti to issue! As always, love to be proved wrong, but not been so far. |
MM, (362187), I agree that "TERN's investee companies are positioned for a period of sustainable growth."
However, I am not so sure that TERN itself has been managed to achieve systematically the best result from its three primary holdings, namely Device Authority, Talking Medicines and FundamentalVR.
TERN should have garnered and retained funds sufficient to safe-harbour these investments until EV exits,(which they may be doing).
Hopefully this is still the intention and can be accommodated by phased disposal of SURE, as and when minimal funding is required.
Perhaps already addressed, especially if ALL of the Shareholders in any one of DA, TM or FundamentalVR are in current talks with a potential Acquirer.
I do not believe that selling down by TERN of any part of its Investee Company(s) is a preferred solution. |
Not sistos way unfortunately. |
TERN PLC ternplc.com hxxps://ternplc.com › wp-content › uploads › 263... PDF 29 Jul 2022 — Device Authority has partnerships with leading IoT ecosystem providers, including. Avnet, AWS, DigiCert, Entrust, Ericsson, HID Global, ... |
Sisto needs to forget the SVV fund sell it and move on, we cannot afford to invest thousands every year as was promised. Get rid of it concentrate on the others, get some cash in the company, forget about anymore placings and up the P/R here, the basics are on place revenues are maturing , could see some decent rises if the placings are finished with. |
Also to be fair the businesses have only recently positioned for a period of sustainable growth to which maximum EV multiple’s can be applied .. now we just need to see the big bucks flow back to shareholders .. nai |
To be fair to them they have appointed 2 new directors who are experts in realisations.Shame it took them 10 years to realise they are useless, how about a full refund of those massive 'salaries' Al and Bruce? |
Should be like buses hopefully |
coming up to a decade without an exit at full US EV valuations..
Tesla was built quicker !!! |
28.1.25 Part of the SFI mission is: Secure access for non-human identities: Start by taking an inventory of your workload identities. Replace secrets, credentials, certificates, and keys with more secure authentication, such as managed identities for Azure resources. Implement least privilege and just-in-time access coupled with granular Conditional Access policies for workload identities. |
Reality check.You're away with the fairies.Hope that helps. |
If Google were to buy DA it would be a stick in the wheel for MS and CyberArk. They would have to counter-bid to keep their systems secure, methinks. Microsoft have a new initiative this year the SFI (Secure Future Initiative). If Keyscaler is embedded in that too (who knows ...), how can they survive without DA? |
Reality check.They aren't.Hope that helps. |
Someone said FCA are watching Al if true and if they are watching Al then they are watching placees and shareholders holders and anyone else Tim speaks to... chances of Al doing more creative accounting is probably behind us. |