iTisOnlyMoney posting illiterate dross. The posts aren't even written in English.
Added the to$$er to my filtered list. |
TBF I did here its name mentioned on RR when they were below a Pound!, now £8.00! |
slugs, if you've really never heard of joseph, I think we should leave it at that, although I am giving you zero out of ten for your situational awareness. Plus, if you say his name too often, there's a risk that he'll suddenly reveal himself and wipe out this board. Personally, I've changed my mind about him, because as a single poster, he's witty, wry, amusingly cynical and occasionally laugh-out-loud funny. |
Good day for house-builders today - the ECB has cut interest rates. Everyone's got a little bit over-optimistic about rates here.
But house prices are apparently dropping (the house-builders have shown in their reported selling prices, this has been going on for a while) despite the pre-stamp duty rush: |
 sikh is obviously right about inflation and interest rates.
lefrene is right about collectables losing their value.
Btw lefrene, banks have always been touchy about people making large cash withdrawals for two main reasons; one, criminal behaviour, and two, sometimes they don't have a lot of cash in the branch. Regarding a large or small branch (honestly, beckers, sweetie, you really are a bit harsh sometimes angel. If people are being horrid to you at work, I think it might be time to take your gorgeousness💕; to somewhere where it'll be better appreciated) there are no small branches left as far as I can tell. The nervousness would've been a 'do we know this person' kind of look, or just possibly it was early in the day or the week and there'd been little paying in, or a lot of paying out. They honestly don't mind you taking £5k out, generally speaking, if it's yours. But your central point is undeniably true; as a nation we are, for the moment, feeling poorer and for many people, actually becoming poorer.
The reasons are a pretty obvious quadruple-whammy - covid has cost us dearly in terms of healthcare costs and loss of productivity; a major European war has levied enormous cost in financial and military support for Ukraine and much higher energy and raw materials costs; the loss of low interest rates has created costs for everyone, either directly or by adding to inflation; brexit cut-off a huge export market for small and medium-size UK businesses, drastically reducing trade earnings.
And credit HAS 'tightened'. I don't know why you would argue with this slugs, other than being in complete denial about everything negative. Mortgage terms are undeniably more restrictive now, because lenders know that interest rates can and probably will rise significantly. At the most basic level, interest rates have gone up! |
It's no good rates falling too quick or that would create a frenzy in the housing market, hb's couldn't cope with that & thus new house prices would rocket, not good for anyone. |
It's no good rates falling too quick or that would create a frenzy in the housing market, hb's couldn't cope with that & thus new house prices would rocket, not good for anyone. DVD, never heard of him. |
slugs, if you really don't know who Joseph is, then perhaps it's better left that way. |
beckers, baby, I did tell you about point72 and told you that it was good news, but you didn't pay any attention to it, so really sweetie, I don't think you can criticise there. But am pleased that your relieved about it. Hugs and kisses sweetie. 💕 |
There's a huge debt crisis, govn around the world, organisations/businesses, individuals... Read the news...
They need more credit...that is being squeezed...
"The small traders I talk to are busy enough., hardly being squeezed they are just putting their prices up by 15% just like my old company is doing."
Putting up prices 15% because they need because of increasing costs, minimum wage, utility bills, etc
If your company puts prices up 15% then your customer's like TW will have increased costs and with lower selling prices(TW avg prices were down) therefore squeezing margins.
Putting up prices is inflationary, leading to interest rates needing to stay higher for long or having to increase them. |
kreaps, I know Fairline very well, they used to be one of my customer, but read the first sentence a few times & you will understand why they have gone bust, tbf this company has had many issues over the years again you little understanding causes you to read to much into a situation. too many companies are bought or taken over by companies that haven't actually got a clue what your business model is all about, very fortunately I sold mine out to a family company like mine that shared the same ethos as we did, I'm glad to say the the combined company is doing exceptionally well & has just invested 7.5 million in a new additional production facility. incidentally the boat industry has been boom & bust for as long as I can remember both through good times & bad. |
Who is Joseph |
Totally agree, all items go to protect the mortgage.
Cover the mortgage, first and foremost. |
Yeah the luxury items are first to go |
Lef(twing Marixt),
I quote you...
"in a large Lloyds branch"
You have never run a business have you, lol!
Whether it's a large, small or medium branch, it's called policy.
Don't try and make a drama to fit your negative narrative, lol!
Tell me, when is the UK house price crash, 40% peak to trough going to happen, one village idiot has been wrong for over 7 years, lol, just lol! |
what a load of bolloooooooks, although tbf banks don't like cash, neither do garages they don't like taking cash as deposits, no problem doing a cash transfer through the bank though, show me these people that are HAVING TO SELL items to pay their debts, Classic cars & boats escalated in price during covid(demand outstripping supply) now they are just normalising in price just like motor homes & caravans especially as you can't tow larger ones behind electric cars legally due to overall weight limit. The small traders I talk to are busy enough., hardly being squeezed they are just putting their prices up by 15% just like my old company is doing. |
Jugly walk into your Bank and ask for £5k cash from your account. Watch the nervous glances and the barriers they try to erect to try to block you getting your own money.
I don't do this very often, but the last time, just 6 weeks ago, in a large Lloyds branch, they asked me to come back in the afternoon, which I duly did.
Pleasure boats and classic cars are losing value, people having to sell their stuff to catch up on debts, the net is being tightened. Small traders will tell you the same story, your average Joe is getting squeezed. |
where is credit tightening up, defo not in the uk, banks are falling over each other to lend money. |
Point 72 now under .50%. I told you trolls their margin was thin, not correct yet again, am I...
DvD was quick off the mark to tell everybody, lol!
Now, tell me when is the UK house price crash going to happen, lol, just lol! |
Josephs doesn’t post here unfortunately. Bit of a pity really as we could do with their levelheaded in the moment commentary. |
lol. 😂🤣😂. Bless your heart jugs. Give sikh a break and go to bed mate. |
I have never said that we don't need first time buyers, last time I looked there were still plenty of first time buyer so where is there a problem & why am I upset, I choose to buy Tw I'm building a stake, I might even double my investment yet, as I have said before anything below 1.50 is a bargain, I would rather have all my money here than a pound in TLY! How many shares did I buy today? |