Paul had options over 37m shares so a low ball bid of 15-20p would see him a wealthy man in any event .Assuming he still believes what he has repeatedly said about our potential to be a dominant player in Auto & Fleet & the only player in Aviation I would hope that he now wants to still be here once we have exceeded breakeven & following the launch of G3 a clearer view as to our potential revenues in FY 27,28 & 29 .Most if us have been waiting a long time & I personally doubt whether Paul would sell out cheaply.I doubt whether Martin would be interested in 15-20p as he is a newbie & clearly already wealthy enough to invest £500k+ so he will hopefully also be looking for a much higher exit.All seems like a bit of a pipe dream right now but nothing has been said by Paul to encourage me to bale out now & will continue adding when circumstances permit |
At some point the Directors will stop buying because of RNS in the close window. It could mean they buying now being the share price is cheaper and then annoucement coming month or 2. If they keep buying till end of November then no news. |
Each to their own. I like to focus on the risk to my investment. The most important KPI is the share price and its at these levels because of the companies failure over the years to deliver. These guys aren't running this business for you or me. They are in it for themselves as I would be. So don't be so naive to believe that these share buys are because they are concerned about you or me. The buys are welcome, but I don't want them to be incentivised to sell me short when the end game arrives. Instead I want them on a share price performance bonus well north of where we are now. |
Blimey nvh, just rejoice at the fact that the Directors are buying shares which must be a good sign. Perhaps better be glass half full rather than empty when following shares in a huge bear market |
I actually hope these director buys stop while the share price is so depressed. From their point of view they are going to do what they believe is financially beneficial to them like I would too, but I want them to show the same faith and belief in creating shareholder value for longterm investors and that would be to buy at levels over previous highs. |
2.5 m share sale. Some organisation wants or needs out. Seems to be a never ending seller. |
There are a lot of long-distance buses and coaches, as well as lorries. are these included in the commercial vehicles figures.
Do SEE currently sell to any of the operating companies in the aftermarket? |
That thought had crossed my mind - I've been here for what seems like forever. |
Like I said and someone else is now saying on LSE this morning these directors buys at this level might not be the best thing for any longterm investor that has suffered for years with this company. They'll be more inclined to back a low ball offer if they can double their money in a short period of time. I'll consider my investment in SEE a let down and waste of 10 years if this company sells for anything less than 24p, but for the likes of Paul and Martin who have only put their cash on the line recently a 400% rise to 25p would be a great return and I'm sure they would be recommending selling the company. |
Boon: thanks.
This is one of my concerns around the GSR requirements. What kind of system will satisfy the requirements? If it doesn't have to be a system as clever as ours what are the minimum requirements? |
We're on the move back up!^^ |
This is the requirements for all commercial vehicles.Number 8 is from July 2024 no 9 is from 2026 (although from 2024 for new models)8. Drowsiness and attention detection: Safety systems to assess the driver's alertness that for instance monitor how long somebody has been driving and warn the driver to take a break when needed.9. Distraction recognition and prevention: A safety warning system capable of recognising the level of attention a driver is paying to a situation and warning the driver, if necessary. Set to roll out in a later phase in 2026.No 8 is not specifically a DMS system. However I expect many oem's will implement DMS instead of an alternative that's only useful for 2 years. However, as I understand it DMS is not a legal requirement in all vehicles until 2026. |
Don't underestimate the likelihood of a bidding war for SEE |
 BoonBoon: I don't understand your post regarding the size of the fleet opportunity from July 2024.
You have already stated that the drop dead date for GSR compliance in commercial vehicles is July 2024 and SEE via some independent source said the European market size is circa 330K vehicles. Therefore from July next year everyone of those vehicles will need DMS either at the point of manufacturing or before they hit the road.
So 330K vehicles is the market size / opportunity from July is it not? Or to put it another way circa 27,500 units per month.
So I come back to the same old mystery to me which is who is going to supply the DMS? We have a product. Smarteye have a product. Who else is there? Have SEE over hyped our position in this market and the importance of the billions of miles of data. Who has fitted a product like Guardian over the past 5 years in any vehicles? I haven't heard of anyone else. However, there have been several occasions when we have won Guardian contracts where the client has said that Guardian was evaluated against other products.
I'm hoping for the best outcome based on all of the information and hype from the SEE over the years, but I've got this nagging feeling based on their very low projections that we're far from the only game in town. |
Well it might well be continuous! |
Continual surely (not continuous) |
18967 Only a fool would say that after the continuous director buying lately.
They've said they don't need funding if they stick to the current business plan and I believe them.Maybe considering a takeover of competition at some point in the future but would like our shareprice to be a lot higher first. |
So does this mean a placing is due ? When was the last one? Thanks |
Yes mallorca my point too.
Surely along with increased director buying got to indicate strength? |
The Directors are certainly putting their money where their mouths are ! I'm betting that the general market is about to turn upwards ... watch this one head north today. |
Don't overlook the significance of the newly appointed non exec Director ... who has a track record in mergers and acquisitions and has significant senior exec experience within the automotive lighting sector. This tell's me that there are big plans afoot. This Company is not going to stand still. |
kate hill chair buys a chunk |
I believe that the DMS part of the gsr regulations is passed just like in passenger vehicles.So after July 2024 every new model will need a DMS system. In 2026 every vehicle will need a DMS system.As such the initial demand next year is likely to be less than the 330,000.Which in a way is good as we can gradually build up our capability. |