Why don't you share your complete analysis of the whole LNG project. You are confidently supporting articles making this claim but you have not provided any evidence.Meanwhile Pantheon and AGDC have provided multiple independent third party reports, yet all you have is innuendo and talks of blisters and coal.Truly pathetic.Keep helping |
Content, please resend your message. I managed to delete it b4 reading it (Probly because I am old, ha!).Padamster, the other day, I bought c 70k shares at about 50. The share price promptly lost several pence. I misinterpreted the short-term dynamic and lost out on the trade.Moral: pay attention to the chart. It can save you money. Long-term this is going up. If you want to hold through a technical correction, do so. It's safer. |
Cor blimey,guv!
The costings for the Fairbanks spur is public knowledge.
Be careful. |
Cor blimey, guv!
Mental Mike290 has no relevance.
Caught out changing your posts.
Forever shamed.
Be careful. |
You are missing the point spangle. Forwood is playing his chart views to suit his trading book. So he’s not trying to be helpful to the reader,but is playing the reader. There is an enormous difference. I too have no issue with honest debate but I for one don’t like posters trying to play the reader. |
Spangle93 - so why does Forwood not solely post potential negative news on the Guild only? Answers on a postcard - it not difficult |
Sorry, but surely there's a Guild thread for those who believe that negative views shouldn't be expressed in public?
There's another boring thread where those with deliberately destructive views can daily post negative viewpoints, and butt heads with those who daily defend the company and right false news (including forwood).
Please can we maintain this as at least one forum / discussion board where a real, adult discussion can continue?
I'm not a chartist by any means, but even if the NAV is still multiples above the current valuation, if a share has risen almost daily for a month, and has doubled in price as a result, there's going to be churn and consolidation, and volatility as a result. |
Perhaps you can share your costings and analysis?Didn't think so.Keep helping |
Cor blimey,guv!
No it is only competitive in he confines of the limits in which the AGDC asked for the report.
For the practical proposes of the people of Alaska it is uncompetive.
The uncosted Fairbanks spur is a good example.
Be careful. |
Forwood seems to have culted some of you who are now not acting in your own best interests. Sounds exactly like what is going on in the US with its voters! |
The misconception was in the article shared which stated the Alaska LNG would be uncompetitive. Wood Mac clearly disagree with this and the author has offered no further justification to this claim. Whether the AGDC was told or asked to get the independent review is irrelevant. Your focus on this point just shows how weak your argument is (again). Keep helping |
 Why are there the same predictably stupid comments whenever Forwood posts what is seen as a negative chart possibility? The usual criticisms are;
1. Charting doesn't apply to resource small caps. It does. Chart patterns are about the psychology of shareholders - so these shareholders don't behave like the rest? Of course they do. Charting applies to all shares - there are simply different parameters.
2. He is trying to drive the price down for his own benefit. Forwood is a long term bull of PANR and has long defended it against the shorters and naysayers. He also knows more about it than the majority of people on the board. He admits that he trades around the edges but he has a very large core holding. Again probably larger than most of the people here. And he is more transparent and honest than many of the posters who impute bad motives to him.
Identifying short term declines is certainly ery useful for anyone thinking of adding to their holdings.
If posters cannot contribute to our knowledge of PANR then why don't they simply not post but listen to those who actually know something of the company. |
The world is going mad |
Wow well I for one see nothing wrong with forwoods posts and never have. He calls it like he sees it. Basically if you do not like someone’s post just filter or ignore them! |
It's clear to me Forwood is acting in his own interests otherwise he would not post the stuff he does if he really had the long's interest at heart. Those supporting him and who are long - I have no words. |
Pad I am also suspicious of those who quickly defend forwood playing games. I recall the last time that he did it,that I was told not criticise him because he is an older gentleman. So basically forwood can play games and we have to shut up. |
Pos - I cannot believe the stupidity that you would support someone who by posting may make people sell their stock and weaken the price but you are long (and want the shares to go up) but you defend him in the name of freedom of speech. Help me understand the logic! |
I completely agree with you pad regarding forwood. He is playing us. |
To be fair this is a discussion board and that is what he was doing; airing an opinion about the short term. Others look to the long term. |
Cor blimey, guv!
Mental Mike290 has no relevance.
Caught out changing your posts.
Forever shamed.
Be careful. |