I expect PANR to challenge and exceed its all time high share price of 2005 and 2016 on successful flow testing of Megrez. It will completely change the dynamics of the likelihood of successfully commercialising 2 billion + of recoverable oil and associated gas. Not even considering He. |
Fantastic RNS from HEX and drill next week!!
Always a good rise in share price before a drill from a fully funded company who give a definite date to drill and a specific time frame for results 💥 🚀 |
Yes, Helpfull's posts reek of desperation. |
But Zeus never mentioned the coal and the value that could add to pantheon...oh wait. |
Nig Oil and "helpful are in overdrive today. 13% rise, desperation must be striking for them.
Best that they close their shorts. |
Newcomers (if by slim chance there are any),
Helpfull misleads and lies so much that he's lost his way.
Within Helpfill's lies, he has falsely claimed that I am shorting Pantheon shares.
This claim is stupid because if it were true, it would make no sense for me to constantly warn readers about his extremely deceitful, entirely negative, Pantheon-bashing posts.
If I were shorting Pantheon shares, I would be encouraging others to read Helpfull's deceitful posts. |
In his recent post no. 22994, Helpfull said: "For the record I have never tried to deceive. But cretins like yourself splash words around carelessly and there is always a fool to believe you."
So, let's quickly remind ourselves of what Rabito79 thinks about Helpfull's posts:
Please note: I have corrected a couple of Rabito79's small typos.
In relation to Helpfull, Rabito79 said:
"Very good, none of that negates the fact you have repeatedly lied.
Note it was hardly a sneaky placing as you had been predicting one since Dec 2023!
Blisters - lie No distinct reservoir - lie Hot Tap FID - lie AGDC FEED money needed by tomorrow - lie
Keep helping."
A more recent lie from Helpfull was:
"a made-up false FID deadline for the Hot Tap" (as identified by Rabito79, again) |
'I have never tried to deceive.' Ha ha ha, this could be the best one yet.Keep helping |
Cor blimey, guv!
Weren't you the poster who accused me of having multiple aliases?
Provide the evidence.
Be careful. |
I am sure nigoil knows that whatever he says has no basis….. |
helpfull’s gain is in low share price. He does his best (as one should do to help himself – nothing wrong with that).
.....Please BE CAREFUL with helpfull..... |
"Face it trolls, you are screwed, your error ridden bull has destroyed your cred"
You can't even answer a simple question Olderwiser2, what about your cred?... BIG LOL
Just saying like!
Simples!.... :-) |
Face it trolls, you are screwed, the desperation of your error ridden bull has destroyed your cred
Nigoil Just for you, copied in from the Zeus analysis, and all this before Megrez hit pay
"It is critical to appreciate that the substantial entirety of the value and cashflow expected to be generated by Pantheon Resources will be derived from the company’s liquids production; however, the company’s associated gas has tremendous strategic value in terms of its potential to attract the funding required to achieve first production and thereafter, self-funded growth." |
Cor blimey, guv!
"This is the result PANR has hoped for, simple as that."
Is it?
What about Top Set 9?
Wasn't that in the wish list?
Why did the AV0 man think it was there, when it wasnt?
All that lubbly jubbly (phantom) oil.
All those greens, reds and pinks or as Ted Rogers might say: "1s,2s and 3s".
What happened there?
Be careful. |
 Does 88e have any oil reserves, that is the question?
The answer.........
Yes, 88 Energy Limited has oil reserves in Alaska, Namibia, and Texas: Alaska 88 Energy has four projects in Alaska's North Slope, including Project Phoenix, where they discovered a multi-hundred-million-barrel oil and NGL resource. In April 2024, 88 Energy confirmed a light oil discovery at the Hickory-1 well in Project Phoenix. Namibia 88 Energy has a 20% working interest in Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL 93) in onshore Namibia. Texas 88 Energy has producing assets in the Texas Permian Basin, where they produce around 355 barrels of oil equivalent per day. 88 Energy's portfolio also includes a prospective resource of 3.4 billion BOE and 2P reserves of 94 million barrels of oil.
This would be a fantastic opportunity to sell your Panr and buy into the 20 bagger to be 88E........
Just saying like!..... LOL
Simples!...... :-)
P. S. Olderwiser2 how about you explaining where Panr are going to get the funding from to keep the lights on and pay for all these flow tests etc? |
Would you like to address your oft repeated 88e reserves in Namibia claim
We all know it was a lie, a bit of contrition from you would be nice |
Does that make it less real ? New Facts have merged and the future`s bright although they do try to create a panic first thing hoping to cause a sell off. |
Sleep tight, Nigoil, Helpfull. |
michaelsadvfn, are you saying that you have sold?..... Very wise if you have! Well done on making a profit, shame about tizo100 and his pals who held and hugged!.... LOL
Simples!....... :-) |
You still don't appear to realise how wrong you were.
Not a problem really as long as you don't go about writing long posts and trying to influence idiots and the naive, but you do.
No he doesn't.
Just correcting that like. |
Wonderful profits today !!
Thank you idiots, the naive, and helpless for enabling me to buy at low prices. Ta very much chum.
Lubbly jubbly ! |
The post that got me removed from the Guild!.... The rampers didn't like it, yet I was 100% correct!.... LOL
The share price actually was around £1..43p from memory and dropped to 10p, the rampers were behaving exactly in the same way then as they are now, very dangerous!
Nigoil Apr '22 - 08:49 - 25819 of 39961 0 0 12
Timberrrrrrrrrrrr!..... LOL
Not looking good!
Simples!....... :-) |
 I wrote this on 10/12/24 after TD on Megrez 1, the trolls must have missed it, probably busy looking for coal
This is the result PANR has hoped for, simple as that.
Conventional oil is fairly black and white, if the oil is there in quantity, it is commercial
The greatest prior risks were, is the trapping mechanism effective, and does it have the required seal. The drill bit has proven light oil is there in substantial columns, although not all of it will be pay, as reservoir will also have tight sequences, the presence of an oil column demonstrates the seal and trap are effective. Further supported by encountering porosity as expected of a conventional reservoir, it screams commercial
Also it can reasonably be assumed the prospective resource classification will upgrade to contingent.
Fair enough to be cautious, as it will be some time, before a flow rate is determined by an actual flow test, but at this point a generous flow can be assumed based on the now known data, porosity, permeability, oil presence and type.
Three legs of this trifecta have come in The oil previously discovered 1.6 b barrels Megrez 1 conventional oil discovery, has gone from 69% gCOS to 100% The gas pipeline proposal has full momentum |
No credibility NOBOILSIMPLES! |