Cor blimey, guv!
So the charge of plagiarism was proved, by your own admission.
And the flare farce was another of your vain attempts to appear knowledgeable.
I remember laughing my socks off which was difficult because I wasn't wearing any.
You still don't appear to realise how wrong you were.
Not a problem really as long as you don't go about writing long posts and trying to influence idiots and the naive, but you do.
For the record I have never tried to deceive. But cretins like yourself splash words around carelessly and there is always a fool to believe you.
To show your face here you must have an highly inflated self worth.
Be careful. |
2015/16 2021/22... Déjà vu |
Helpful, no I was falsely accused, for copy pasting an easily recognised description of trolling from wiki It did match the behaviors you so encourage here
Yes the Alkaid 2 flare was large, I accurately picked its flow rate, the gas oil rate then proved to be very different from the earlier testing in Alkaid 1, so altering the oil flow rate. I was clear in the post that the oil flow prediction was dependent on GOR
You are a broken disinformation source, too many proven deceptions on record now |
Bye bye Nigoil. Bye bye Helpfull. Thanks for the laughs🤣315;🤣 |
Nite nite pwick |
How long after posting can you Edit posts? Is it a few years, in which case Mystic Nig will be furiously re-writing history. |
For the record, my break even on PANR is 31p. But it isn’t about me, it’s about Mystic Nig.
Fantastic Timberrrrrrr!s last week, the price has plummeted from 50p all the way up to 57p.
You mentioned last week that you Timberrrr!ed at 140p, that’s a lie isn’t it, you did no such thing? Here’s your chance to regain a tiny bit of credibility, cut and paste your 140p Timberrrrr! |
Oh well only 84p for tizo100 and his pals to break even!... LOL
The dump will be as spectacular as the pump!
Just wait and see!
Just saying like!
Simples!..... :-) |
Confidence is growing and the word is spreading. Certainly a good buy. I have never expected it to go the whole course but maybe someone is nibbling already. |
Another calamitous day for the trolls here. Yet they continue to post their amusing nonsense; I wonder when they will finally admit they are wrong? |
How's ya froth going ya fraud |
The second day in a row of closing at a new recent high, and on higher volume today too. Obviously a negative sign according to the technical analysis gurus of Helpy and Nigel. Id be interested to know how they live their extraordinarily sad lives. Fascinating. |
Helpfull has now removed his recent bollie-bands-are-indicating-17p-then-10p chart (from the header of this thread).
It's seemed a ridiculously amateurish interpretation of a chart since he first put it up there. |
Probably the daftest post ever.....
Helpfull3 Feb '25 - 13:00 - 22949 of 22977 0 1 0 Cor blimey, guv!
A good question nigoil.
"And where are the funds coming from for the 7 tests?"
And the IPO?
And the loan/interest payment?
And the next 3 wells in Kodiak?
And the hot tap?
Everyone knows.
The mug punter in a 17p cash raise.
The annual "I didn't see that coming".
Be careful. |
Have you been called to an emergency meeting yet? |
Nigoil is predicting a 17P increase............... When do you say that is happening? |
The dump will be as spectacular as the pump!
Just wait and see!
Just saying like!
Simples!..... :-) |
Cor blimey,guv!
Mental Mike290 has no relevance.
Caught out changing your posts.
Forever shamed.
Be careful. |
Nigoil, the Baghdad Bob of PANR 🙂 |