It varies. If you are the market cap of the 325th biggest share or higher (so knock off the FTSE100 and it's like 225 or higher in the FTSE250) and you are not already in, then you bump those below out.
At the moment about £608m but last time we got into the FTSE250 it was over £700m.
£608m mkt cap and last RNS from OXB was 105,304,986 shares so £5.77 or better - but it depends on the day. |
what share price is it for ftse250 ? |
Thanks HST. 5800 shares sold and ISA'd. |
£6 by end of August would be better - you just have to squint a bit to see it. |
Chart looking good for a run to £4 level. |
If it's AJ Bell then they often use BATF on Cboe Europe Equities so you won't see it listed on ADVFN.
Type OXB into this thing and look on one of the books (at the top).
Wouldn't 12k shares be too much money though? (20k limit). |
Technical question for those in the know. Do “Bed and ISA” trades show as “trades” or not?. I believe they are conducted at the mid price? My wife converted hers from her share fund into her ISA. Just under 12K shares transferred. Thanks in advance as no trades showing. |
 I like that Mirabeau ;)
We need news from OXB and we all know it. By that I mean us on the thread know it, OXB know it and the market knows it.
I've banged on about this in the past but back when we had a handful of programmes then there were by necessity some very long waits between news. Not only that, but by nature of trial work, some of those long waits would eventually end in disappointment.
Sometime about now (and that's a vague "now") then OXB with 50+ programmes back in April, reaches a point where not only have so many of those gone through the very early stages that something positive for OXB should be very frequent, but the weight of number of programmes means that the trials which will fail will be covered by those which don't - i.e. enough work to beat the odds.
None of this is secret and all the analysts will know, but sometime soon there will be announcement (likely a big announcement) which will be the straw which breaks the camel's back, and by that I mean that sentiment will change from "former covid pandemic supplier with lots of early stage work" becomes "OXB who recently announced XYZ and already has 60 (or whatever the number is by then) other partnered programmes" - and then the tide comes back in again.
Maybe next week. |
This is teasingly on a potential breakout with the usual caveat that it may not be. No one is Nosferatu or was it Cosa Nostra or even Nostradamus? |
Highest closing price since 16th August last year on no news?
No big volume which goes against a market rumour / leak of news, but a good sign for tomorrow I think. |
An update on world's 1st CAR-T cell therapy for a child (teen) with lupus: "1 year after the treatment, I feel as good as I did before my diagnosis, except for a few colds." 15 yr old received CAR-T cells at Universitätsklinikum Erlangen in Germany in '23. |
I still think we are suffering from this kind of thing Phil:-
Appreciate you know already, but Liontrust own 8% of OXB. It's been mentioned in previous articles over the last couple of years that they only hold so much in cash and if more investors than would normally be expected cash in their units then they have no option but to sell a small percentage of everything they hold to keep that cash float at the correct amount.
So the link there telling us that it's still going on - the only good news at the moment is that unlike this time last year, there do seem to be buyers who are keeping the price steady.
We all know what we need, which is news from OXB. OXB will know that too and I'm sure that they are trying very hard, but dates of signing deals and what OXB can say is very much in the hands of our partners rather than OXB. |
Well today, 10th July was exactly mid point in number of days between April 29th (our last update) and Sept 20th 2024 (if they use the same date this year as last). |
 It's a funny old world isn't it?
3 years ago we had broker notes with £21.50 and £24 targets (admittedly on the assumption that we were going to make an AZ vaccine 24/7 for another year at least) and yet today, a company which is significantly bigger than the pre-covid company trades on a rough half of that pre-covid price.
£25 (Tuco's 50p post consolidation) was definitely on the horizon at that point.
105,304,986 shares would be £2.6bn mkt cap.
Regular CDMO (ignore that we are quite a bit more specialised and therefore more difficult to value) should trade on about 5.5x sales.
So, £479m in sales and they would justify at least that share price.
I think they are hoping to top £134m this year. Then £181m in '25 then £244m in '26 with better than 20% earnings which would be a record year for everything for us.
If OXB can keep the CAGR then 2028 and you will be there, but maybe you have seen my thoughts on this before?
If not, I think Novo are sat on more cash than they know what to do with and have stated that they intend to buy service companies in our industry. I think as soon as our earnings are such where an industry valuation + bid premium = something acceptable to our major shareholders then we are all gone and OXB becomes a Novo company.
In the interim this promised update would be nice ;) |
Thanks Harry, you could be right ;) Anyway I look forward to buying you a pint at Tuco's 50 pence party hopefully soon |
Closing volume today 123,546 which is only one small transposition error away from all the planets lining up. I think it's a sign. I'm not sure what of, but definitely a sign... |
 Some of you might remember but back in April Phil found a link about OXB inheriting work via ABL for GeoVax.
Link out just now
They seem to be doing well.
Part relevant to us:-
"Vaccine Manufacturing Process Development
- Achieved an important milestone in manufacturing process development for Phase 3 and Commercial Production. This is an important step toward implementation of a validated chicken embryonic fibroblast (CEF) based production system for the companys MVA-based vaccines, with the release of the first lot of GEO-CM04S1 (next-generation COVID-19 vaccine) produced with a commercial manufacturing platform. This milestone marks the successful completion of the transfer and scale-up of manufacturing from the research-focused Center for Biomedicine & Genetics at City of Hope to Oxford Biomedica, the Companys cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Procedures) manufacturing partner.".
One of our undisclosed Phase 3 trials there then perhaps?
philh75 20 Apr '24 - 16:06 - 7567 of 8262
ABL /GeoVax which is of course OXBs manufacturing now: |
 It's only days since they added c£17m to their cash pile and they have told us previously that this year they are roughly breakeven on operations. What they aren't breakeven on is capex and therefore the 10m euros (which IM are chipping in) to tailor ABL to OXB's needs + whatever OXB spend turning Boston into a LentiVector hub will mean a small overall loss - UNLESS - (drumroll) - something happens to change that.
Hopefully I've been clear in the past, but my point about the senior staff isn't that some of them decided not to buy - it's that all of them didn't - which strongly implies they couldn't - as normally (even in bad years) someone would fill an ISA or something.
As mentioned before on the thread - and with a reminder very recently - Stuart and Frank are both under a contractual obligation to buy in the open periods. This again reaffirms the logic to me that something was in the background during the results which meant the senior staff had market sensitive knowledge which wasn't yet public. |
Raw management figures for the year and half year are usually available internally to management within a week or so of the period end. This is when many companies choose to give an update with guidance towards the likely range of the final 'polished' figures which typically appear two to four months later. So the next week or so would be a logical option for an update on the contract and cash positions which must be known. Failure to do so might spark more conjecture of the dog that didn't bark type (c.f. the directors that didn't buy). The management need strong positive reasons for withholding information from shareholders. Avoiding the possible inconvenience is not one of them. |
 I suppose it's always a risk, but then it's a business built on risk (will drugs work, will the trials succeed, is something better in the works, etc.).
I'll not do the full speech again, but if the takeover on the cheap was ever on the cards then I think it would have happened by now (or at least have been tried). For all the reasons listed previously then I don't think that's a worry.
Moving the listing? OXB have flirted for ages with the possibility of a dual listing. We were told at the time (without using the exact words) that it was part of the decision in the 50:1 consolidation. For reference that's just over 6 years ago.
In the near term I think moving from FT Smallcap to FTSE250 is the only likely move for OXB ;)
The reply to Phil (about quasi-quarterly reporting) was unusually informative and for reasons I outlined in the posts I removed I think that because our gap between FY results and the interims is only 5 months, that has to be soon (very possibly this week). Hopefully it will be worth reading. |
Todays Times,business section.The chief executive of Oxford Nanopore has warned that Britain's most promising companies will be "snapped up" in takeovers or will move their listings to New York unless the new Labour government accelerates financial reforms begun under the Conservatives.Gordon Sanghera, 63, who has led the genetic sequencing company since it was spun out of Oxford University almost 20 years ago, said that while there was some "great stuff" happening with pension and stock exchange reforms designed to boost inflows into struggling UK stocks and shares..... |
25,000 shares in the first hour seems a bit more like it today. Will that continue or was it just orders placed over the weekend? I guess we will see. |
Wise words takeiteasy, but some of this has a long history - so the occasional skirmish separated by long periods periods of truce is actually normal.
Appreciate that my response here is a bit of a stuck record, but we are well overdue news now. We know for certain that we are due to double / have already doubled our number of commercial manufacturing contracts. I don't imagine that they plan to keep that customer confidential (or even think it's possible regarding manufacturing records / tracing for the approved drug), but for some reason the customer obviously wants it that way at present (perhaps not wanting to irk their current manufacturer until they have to?). Sooner or later they will tell us who and what - perhaps in the interim statement which Phil told us about the other day.
I outlined my logic for that being early July (i.e. this week) in my removed post, so you never know - could be an interesting week. |
Chill guys - this is one of the best boards by a mile on ADVFN...Harry you get a lot of love ignore a few pokes in the ribs from time to time if that is how it feels...the stock is flat lining and we think it should be getting some buying interest and so it seems all rather odd atm.. |