The current share price is so ridiculous, of course there's an enhanced probability of an opportunistic bid, but I was alluding to something more banal, but still very profitable for anyone buying at these levels. One example: I think the Company can afford to pay a lot more than the current mooted per share payout. If the market wants to continue to supply shares at these levels for now, then I would look for a slow but steady rise in institutional buying and a subsequent rise in pressure on management to consider more radical actions to realise value. Again, I'm putting my stake in the ground: this Company's valuation is now so extreme, the likelihood of a pack of wolves arriving on its doorstep grows more likely every day. One thing for everyone here to keep very much front of mind: Any fund that builds a position at these silly levels/up to 20p, knows that - AT A MINIMUM - they will get over 50% of their investment back (I realise there's a risk that that may not come in cash - ie., a special dividend - but you can't be completely risk free here) in around 4 months. That will make it so much more likely that event-driven/activist-oriented hedge funds, etc., will bend their 'no companies under 100m' rule and look to build a position, if that hasn't started happening already. From there, a more co-ordinated activist campaign to push for anything from a (much) bigger payout, to a wholesale breakup of the company, to yes, even putting the company in play, becomes so much more likely. |
For NANO to get away with the blatant lies told to it’s investors along with the poor quality management..shows just how far this country has let standards drop!
Add to that dishonest politicians, five tier policing - and you can see why these company heads are so bent - water and energy about to explode! |
i bought back for a trade! They have enough cash left for a punt! Are there any UK tech companies that have prospered at all? Many USA tech companies are worth billions yet in the UK it seems we only have struggling tech companies. |
Supernumerary..re the buyback it was being done completely separately from the board ..apparently. I was concerned why they held off buying for 8 weeks ahead of the first profit warning as that did not make sense at all...i was then told when i raised that it was entirely at Cavendish discretion ..and if they had interfered due to inside information it would have been in breach of MAR rules..either way they were unlikely to interfere again whatever or whenever they knew.In hindsight along with everything else a very poor use of capital ..as have just about used all the £3m buyback on average at twice where the price now finds itself.Such a tale of disappointment ,mismanagement ,misdirection and failure over a very long period. |
Supernumerary..they had £20m in the bank end of July ..that might be reduced by a month of burn (annualised £4.5m) and some share buyback..unclear if that £20m figure allowed for the full £3m committed. Then there is the terms of BT "resignation" my take was always he was pushed and will get a pay off ..couldn't happen to a ...So probably £18-19m left..forecast to be about £15m end of current financial year...but that was before revenue warning so i think the true burn is likely over £5m a year now.They have to cut costs immediately as there is no short term revenue prospects and I believe should put the company up for sale in a formal sale process...it may be that others can use the IP to commercialise better than Nanoco on it own and it has a higher value than the cash value alone ..though the expiry of some core patents is getting closer all the time.we can't sit and burn cash and see that IP value further deteriorate. |
I guess that it is upon for sale now. |
I've always been convinced that the posters who back management 24/7 on both here & LSE are connected to the company - IMO it's the only reason they would act like that. The events on early January 2023 were and are a disgrace and should be thoroughly investigated by the FCA, it remains by far the worst behaviour I have witnessed on the stock market. |
Dis bad share Me know dis longtime But I sad for peeps loosing dey money |
kooba - if they'd known this was coming they should have held off on the buyback programme - they'd have got an awful lot more shares for our £3M! I wonder what happens to the remainder of that cash? Anyone know how much is still left? |
Ok - I have lost a few quid here….but what pains me more is knowing how that fat lump of lard was allowed to turn over honest investors….he walks away with a shedload load of money and leaves destruction!
I called it - and there are a few of us that are not surprised….however, three posters on here backed the management 24/7. It will be interesting to hear their views? lol |
FFS. I have now lost all faith in this company. I have tried to stay positive however I now fear the worst. I will keep the shares I've got and start going to church. |
As usual making things up as you go along PPE . Amazing you now made a profit here despite expecting 750m from Samsung.
As for my agl ,those that know know I made a very tidy profit there trading on the spike last January but carry on with your deluded ill founded posts as usual . Your an idiot and one to avoid and people know it thankfully |
I see the clown show continues here, at least BT's 1,5m shares will be worth considerably less by close of play today. |
I guess that's why Mr Tenner is leaving... Completed share buy backs not great value after today's share price carnage?? |
Nothing ever changes with Nanoco. ME ME ME knew it when he cashed out years ago.. |
It pains me to say it but I think it is game over now.
Such a waste of potential. |
As a result of the above, the Group expects revenues for the year ending 31 July 2025 ("FY25") to be approximately 25% below consensus forecasts1. |
Sadly it's the lack of any decent organic growth or any visibility of future orders, coupled with bad faith in management that's resulting in the shocking company value.
Sod all news on their website and social media- beyond company jollies. |