So UP is being proved to be a liar, I shall keep reminding him when he returns from Bognor Regis. |
Watch out for the sharks! |
Bon voyage, Up. |
Off to the Maldives see you all in a couple of weeks. |
Just say what the dates are? Not being a thug just proving you are a liar. |
Zoo, my info was all declared both on advfn and lse. Another failed misdirection from the thug. |
Big tree shake towards the end of the day? |
GFM going to £2 Thanks Wyken
In the meantime why are you lot not buying loads more MATD It must be a steal no? |
Rose is not a question of that, UP constantly makes claims he can't back up, because it's you the troll. |
So UP you wont post the dates, just goes to show it was all made up because you know if you post them it wont add up just like your claims Alan is 50 percent down on MATD with an average of 1.56..You're the trolls Patsy nothing more. |
Crazy Al's deluded as ever. |
farmergeorge I’m very pleased about that but please don’t get me mixed up with the trolls they are the scum of the earth without them this would be a very good site unfortunately it’s not going to happen ,it seems to be rose posting as four people ,good luck to you and happy Easter, |
It doesn't answer the question. How did you work out Alan's supposed loss and what were the dates of your Tullow trades..If you can't answer them people can make up their own minds about your claims. |
It's all documented in my posts. The 30 percent was in fact a little bit more but the 1.5 was by the skin of my teeth. Of course I'm nowhere near to your legendary trading. |
Up, you claimed that you bought into Tullow and ever since then it's dropped the best part of fifty percent. You claim you made two trades when it was dropping and made thirty percent. Maybe you could tell us the dates you made the trades, the buys and sells. I'm not bothered with the amounts just the dates. .So come on please tell us all how you've have worked but Alan has lost fifty percent of his money when his holding average is 1.56p. is this the same maths as your Tullow profits..Either put up or shut up , or is this a continuation of your personal attacks on Alan? I'm not sure which, so please try and help me out here. |
I am not sure if I ever mentioned this but the reason I have been in GFM so long is my dad. He is now 85, he recommended GFM to me back in 2006 when it was circa £1.10. He rarely recommends anything and I guess I just didn’t want to believe my dad would do anything to my financial detriment. Well it’s been one heck of a ride with lots of trading but ultimately my best ever share. So, thanks dad. |
On a day like today spare a thought for our old friend CD/Neville. By chance he met a GFM director in a service station and decided to invest circa 20k at 3p. A GFM millionaire. No trading, just a bit of luck. Ultimately we all dream of finding that one lucky share and he did it. Well done CD. |
Agreed Zoo, a profit is a profit. We all try to buy low and sell high. So we buy and it drops and we sell and it rises further…aaarrrrggghhh. As long as we make money overall who cares. I think in my entire time trading the only bottom that I ever caught meaningfully (ie with more than just a few quid) was Tullow oil at circa 7p. Happy trading. |
UP no answer to my question then? You probably cant even add up, given your unsubstantiated claims about Alan so called loses. .Best you go have another can of Stella the wife beater. The film has finished so I'm off to bed. |
Sage I have done well on the top and bottom a few times but only a few times but I'm happy to make any profit given profit is profit. . |
Be careful sageman. Zoo has claimed on numerous occasions to have been the perfect trader only to be exposed by several posters here. The issue is that he has little man syndrome. |
Zoo, only a liar always buys at the bottom and always sells at the top. Like you I like to trade the backside out of certain stocks. The reality is those trades tend to be a sideshow , a bit of fun. Some you win , some you lose. I am sure that if Alan or anyone else on this board is currently underwater on Matad or any other trading stock it is just a sideshow to their overall portfolio. Most people are today sitting with their portfolios at (or very close to) all time highs. Today is a day to smile and be happy. |
Alangriffbang, no no, you haven’t heard the last from me. How could I possibly resist your humble, thoughtful, and insightful remarks? |