Dell I agree that the iii stuff is laughable pump 'n dump. But the Times?? Why should the journalist be desperate? Nobody has forced him to come up with an explanation for the tiddler's rise. And the information he has come up with seems to me to be far too specific (2 named contracts and 1 named partner) to have been conjured up out of nowhere. Time will tell. Note, too that there has been no "we know of no reason" statement this am a la OEM. |
That looks like a desperate journalist trying to explain an inexplicable rise, so they invent a rumour.
If there's any truth in it CLC will have to respond very quickly, won't they??
Of course we all know that the rise was really down to a huge pump'n'dump on iii, don't we Mr.Orange?
All IMHO, DYOR etc.
Rgds dell |
Well, there could be life in the ol'dog after all. The Times reports today as follows:
Rumour of the day Clinical Computing, the healthcare software company, rose 2¼p to 6p on talk that it has won a long-awaited contract from the Greater Manchester Strategic Health Authority through Computer Sciences Corporation, the local service provider for the NHS IT programme in the North West. The company, whose flagship product is Clinical Vision 4, is also said to have secured NHS work in Kent. |
Charmer -FWIW, this is getting a big P'n'd push on iii at the moment.
DYOR etc.
Rgds dell |
So what do we have here? A lot a pre-results buying or a p 'n' d operation in play. No news from the co. since the interims in Sept so will be interesting to see what the finals contain. ;--)) |
I see what you mean!: The "baby is moving" and "it all looks very good!". Should I be selling mine? That will set the cat amongst the pigeons. LOL! |
Orange - be careful, it's the iii crew. |
Undoubtedly the company's costs have been out of line with their income. That has been the case for a while now. There was a hint last year that the tide might be turning in that respect but there does not appear to date to have been any follow through on the build up of sales. Plenty of activity today on market as far as the shares are concerned with someone at least keen to buy the shares. |
 Bakunin Welcome! I can't quite believe that somebody is actually interested in this minnow.
The £1.25m annual revenue in maintenance fees which I have previously mentioned is based on the figure in the notes to the most recent annual accounts £1.1m uplifted so as to reflect the new contracts. CLC have a large stable customer base who pay maintenance fees every year. Not all of these were originally sold CLC products. A chunk of these customers were acquired in the 90s when CLC acquired them from Fresenius (from memory).
I agree that it is unlikely that these are paying 17.5% of the licence fee. It is probably a much lower percentage. But for those acquiring CV4 a rate of 15 to 17.5% is not unreasonable I believe.
The CV4 licence fees are higher than 50k but, as you say, there have not been many.
It has always been the case with CLC that a spate of licences sold would transform the fortunes of the company. Just £1m to £2m of licences sold in one year woulld have done the trick. But sadly this has never come to pass. Based on the figures last September, the company's financial situation and prospects did not seem to warrant the rock bottom rating we have today. But there has been no news since then and the price today tells its own sad story.
I still hold but much more in hope than expectation. The upcoming results should tell us more. |
Thats about 3 weeks too long.........could be .5p within days!!!!! |
bust within 4 weeks I am reliably told. |
Ground control to Major Tom ... Take your protein pills and put your helmet on Ground control to Major Tom: Commencing countdown ...
I've got a new theory now: we are not going for the fundraising and transfer to AIM route but for "the company going private at a ridiculous price" routine. Expect an offer to shareholders at 1p a share or so, an injection of private equity, a delisting, a load of redundancies and shafted private shareholders and triple gins all round for the funders and management who are kept on.
Yours at the end of the blocked off tunnel, Orange1 |
Things are stirring. The patient's eyes have twitched today: the news section of the CLC website has been updated so as to include ..... the interim results for the half year ending June 2005. Thrilling stuff indeed. Still no mention of the new MD in the list of directors though. Talk about keeping a low profile. |
chessman2 I can't envisage them putting the begging bowl in front of the likes of you and me. A placing is the more likely route I think. There are rules governing how much the discount can be to the prevailing price, no more than 10% I believe. Could explain the fall. The other problem is the nominal value of the shares is 5p and there is another rule I believe to the effect that a fund raising has to be for a price in excess of the nominal value. |
Orange 1,
Thanks, more money for me to give away!! |
George Best said something to the effect that he spent most of his money on birds and booze, the rest he wasted... I wonder if he meant that he put the rest of it in CLC... |
Ah, Ian, good to see you. It's a sort of George Best at the Cromwell Hospital situation. But the difference is that George had a good life, so he claimed anyway, whereas this little lot have been on life support for most of their lives. Pay your respects, keep watching and who knows there may be life in the old dog yet.
> chessman Not a game, I don't think. Something is up. A deeply discounted fund raising and transfer to AIM is my guess. |
On the other hand I have just realised that 2 trades of 25,000 each were by the MMs. Perhaps this is just a game by the MMs to create business?? |
You still in there O1? Old Faithful, eh? As you know, I gave up in September but caught sight of the share price today and thought I'd call in and see how you're doing. Looks like they're performing as usual!
Regards, Ian |
Taken outside and given a thorough good hiding would be more appropriate.
The house broker is quoting 3-6p which appears to say it all. |
CLC do not appear to have been one of my better investments. Thank goodness I am now heavily into oil.
If I did not know better I would guess that the expected contracts have not been signed and that the few people in the know are selling a small number of their shares. As we all know if you have too many shares in a stock like this it is nigh on impossible to sell them.
And to think that Techinvest thought CLC was good value as well!!
Lets hope the market is wrong and that CLC get taken out next week!! |