Yet more great news, and the price is still lower than it was before any of the last 2yrs of newsflow.With more graphite than can be mined within the lifetime of everyone reading, and the market values it at less than 10mill.Mike needs to mention more trend words like some companies do to get noticed. |
More great news and the same reaction - plop!! |
interesting article from dec 2024..
Although Blencowe agreed to pay significant sums to the local community to boost skills, education, health and general infrastructure, there have been loud murmurings of discontent. Where is the money we were promised, some asked.
In mid-2024, with the help of Finance Uncovered, two Ugandan journalists began to investigate. By carefully examining the company’s annual accounts and other financial statements, the reporters set about tracking some of the promised funds.
And what they then found was not, as some had suspected – without foundation – egregious wrongdoing by the company, but instead wrangling among the so-called representatives of the community itself over who was to get what and when. |
Not sure it's fair to call BRES a sinking ship yet when it's within months of finalising it's DFS. |
It might be nice if existing BRES shareholders could make some money first. Or is this Pearce departing a sinking ship? |
 BRES has been making impressive progress since its RTO (reverse takeover) a few years ago, which is a tribute to its management and the quality of its project, and in due course its share price should start to positively reflect that.
And BRES's Executive Chairman Cameron Pearce, a founder of BRES, is now bringing his new mining RTO to market: into the similarly-tickered CRES (Citrus Resources).
For fans of Cameron Pearce and BRES, this should be a very complementary investment to BRES.
Harena Resources is floating on Friday 21st. March, via a RTO into main-market shell company Citrus Resources (CRES):-
26/02/2025 11:47 RNS Regulatory News Citius Resources PLC Publication of a Prospectus LSE:CRES Citius Resources Plc
"The Company confirms that a prospectus has been approved by the Financial Conduct Authority and published by the Company ("Prospectus") regarding the reverse takeover by Harena Resources Ltd and the Fundraising to raise gross proceeds of £1.35m.
Harena Resources Ltd is an Australian domiciled company that owns 75% of the Ampasindava Rare Earths Project ("Project") located in the northwest of Madagascar. The Project has been the subject of significant exploration work including 4,470 test pits excavated and 277 holes drilled (approx. 20,000m of exploration drilling) by previous owners that has confirmed the mineral resource is an "Ionic Adsorption Clay" deposit. The Project contains a globally significant JORC Resource of 606,000t of rare earth oxides, importantly, 22% of the reported rare earth elements are those related to the manufacturing of permanent magnets that are critical to the transition to green energy. Following Re-admission, the Company plans to complete the feasibility study and environmental impact & social assessment study to further de-risk the project and move towards production. ...
It is expected that Completion will take place following the annual general meeting at 10.00 a.m. on 20 March 2025 and Admission on 8.00 a.m. on 21 March 2025. A notice of annual general meeting has been announced separately. ..."
Harena is the best mining sector floatation I think I have ever seen. And even the best resource sector one (i.e. including oilers too):-
"Harena Resources all set to become London’s only listed ionic clay rare earths company
13:18, 26th February 2025
Alastair Ford Vox Newswire
... That JORC 2012 compliant resource estimate followed on from around US$20 million of spend on the project, undertaken by former owners. Amongst other things, work thus far completed includes 4,500 test pits and 359 drill holes. It’s also been established that negligible thorium and uranium are present in the deposit, meaning that processing with low impact salts ought to be relatively straightforward and the product saleable into the market.
The plan, once Harena gets listed, is to complete feasibility studies for the development of Ampasindava. Much of the groundwork for these studies has already been done, however, and it’s already clear that the project has a great deal going for it. ...
All this makes Harena stand out as a shining light amongst its peers. ...
One major positive that’s already confirmed is the interest of off-takers. Last year the company announced that it had signed a non-binding termsheet with a US rare earths company for the sale and purchase of rare earths from Ampasindava. ..." |
 Goodbuyexsell, Last reply because you're obviously on a wind up I've already answered regarding the BBC. Post 2272 and Graphite isn't a rare earth.
You bought because a friend told you too! Lol Excuse me if I don't take your advice to seriously. You also obviously do not understand the risk/reward of small miners. I've lost nothing yet because BRES is still trading and i haven't sold. You stated BRES is in trouble with no reason for such a statement. You didn't even know that Graphite isn't a rare earth.
BRES's share price fell from 5p to 4p due to an equity raise to fund the company share of the DFS. The price dropped on Friday because of a 3,000,000 sell BRES are following the same share price path of almost all small miners
Look up the Lassonde Curve on Google. Guess where BRES are on it. Yes near the end of the feasibility stage. Where does the graph go next.....
Time will tell whether BRES is a good investment but mining isn't a place you should invest. You have no knowledge of it or the risks and certainly not enough patience having panicked and sold out because you based your investment on your friends advice and panicked when the price dropped. Simples |
BRES was not up at any point on Friday, it appeared up on the day because of the previous days closing UT. The share price fell because of the large sell that was worked throughout the day. Holders can sell for any reason, especially this time of year when there are large tax bills looming and they need to raise funds. Seems a couple of non-holders took this as an opportunity to sow some FUD which unfortunately we see all too often in this market. MR has clearly stated there are multiple funding opportunities and he will take the funding “when it’s required and not before”. MR plays with a very straight bat, he’s one of the highest integrity CEOs I’ve ever seen, suggestions to the contrary are in my opinion purely wrong |
I hope BRES does well and you all make money. Currently you are all losing between 20-70%. you are correct I did not do any research before I bought, but when I did, I could not see bres making money so I bailed out. Has any of you listened to the bbc article I posted. MR is drip feeding everyone in the hope a buyer comes in.On Fri Bres rose 7% plus in early trading then fell 7% plus. Why? soul sauce said it himself below using the word Manipulating I don't like seeing anyone lose money that inc myself. |
Yes, as you say Apfindley,
Graphite isn't rare earth and even if Trump get's his hands on Ukraine's resources, they still have to be drilled, assessed, tested, feasibility studies done and in Graphite's case (if there is a suitable mine) tested to see if it will take and hold a suitable charge, then funded, mine built and then finally production.
e.g. many years away and certainly after Trumps' tenure as President and all under the threat of further war from Russia.
But to recap, as you say. Graphite isn't a rare earth anyway, so not relevant.
Luckily BRES Graphite has passed all it's test's with flying colours, exceeding expectations. A positive DFS will be critical to funding the project, helped by the in-country SPG plant proposal.
There's no such thing as no risk but I consider BRES to be much lower risk than 12months ago and will hold until we see what's what with the DFS and then hold/add if as expected it's positive. |
Not sure where rare earth's fit into things here. Oh well.Glad you could move on and go enjoy your other investments. |
First, BRES is not in trouble, it's a small miner with a great project and a novel way of maximising returns by processing SPG in country. However because it's a small miner and cash poor like all juniors it has to raise money in a poor market for juniors. The proof of it's success will be decided by the quality of the DFS produced and the terms of the funding package for the project. Maybe you were right to sell if you don't understand junior mining. and the risk/reward.
If not holding why do you feel the need to impart your wisdom for us. Surely not an altruistic reason. That post of yours was bloody long for someone with no.intetest, who are you trying to convince.
Your mistake was being talked into.buying BRES by a friend. A small mining company where you don't understand the risk/reward and the timeline which would decide the company's future. You should do your own research and understand the way small mining works or never invest in it. |
That’s your choice. If you believe MR carry on.
Ask yourself a question. Trump is asking for a Rare Earth Mineral deal with Ukraine. The US Govt has pumped $5 million into BRES yet the company is still in trouble. WHY? |
That's the whole point of producing SPG in country.
Is this the same BBC which produced a positive article about Scotgold the Scottish gold mining company which then spiked in price and then went bust weeks after their article?. Thought so!
Check this
I wouldn't pay any attention to anything the BBC produces. |
 I bailed out of Bres sometime ago. I could not then, and more so now see this company making any money from Oram Cross. Two years ago MR dug 200 ton’s of one meter deep earth and shipped it to China. Some weeks later, a photo appeared on the BRES website of approx 1 sq meter of extracted Graphite from the 200 ton’s of earth. A few days later another photo appeared of the BRES team sitting around a table with the Chinese. The body language said everything. Videos of MIKE R have always been just enough for investors to hang on. Eh Ed n the shares were 5p the Mkt Cap was £12,000,000. The US Govt has invested $5,000,000 and African bank is now involved, shares get c dc mashed on certain days. Yesterday I listened to a BBC Radio programme called More or Less, in the particular episode below it highlights the costs of extracting “Rare Earth Metals” More importantly, who controls the price. That linked in with the risk at Orom Cross I am satisfied with the £15k I sold Bres stock for and reinvested in Rolls Royce @£2.11. I was talked into buying Bres by one of my friends who sold at the same time as I did. I have not come back here to rub noses in the ground, but at today’s prices I think Bres investors need to re-evaluate their investment. I was not happy with such a large spread and I could not understand why share prices always fell after a MR statement. More recently I think there is some “shenanigans” going on. The only news investor are informed of is when BRES releases a press statement. Who many times has MR issued a positive statement, then big sellers pile in to unload. If you do watch the video below, scroll onto 2 mins and listen until that section of the show has finished. It shows how China controls the price. |
Apfindley I am glad someone else is on the same wavelength as me that this is being managed/manipulated. Has to be one of the big instis on the book playing this. |
Another interview - |
New interview - very positive: hxxps:// |
Yet another welcomed RNS today.
Considering Europe’s now highly likely forced increase in defence spending and the subsequent current surge in defense stocks that everyone can see, lest we not forget here that graphite is a crucial component of helicopters, submarines, artillery, missiles and gun barrels. Graphite is ideal for defense purposes thanks to its unique ability to withstand high temperatures. So, everything is lining up perfectly here. When BRES gets that increasingly likely cheeky takeover approach as time goes on, it had better not be too bloody cheeky when one considers just the current resource size alone AND foreseeable potential increased demand on multiple fronts! DYOR. GLA. RB. |
Awesome RNS this morning. AFC and DFC looking to fully fund project via debt and project level equity. Cracking result! |
If only have could convince the market or those manipulating the share price |
Thanks Paulie, Watched the video and MR talks a lot of sense. He seems a great bloke and understands how to differentiate BRES form other Graphite miners to maximise profits.
I love the idea of the in-country SPG processing, selling graphite into the EU Safeloop project and grinding the graphite to increase returns. MR isn't just waiting in hope of a Graphite price rise, he's being very proactive. |
Link: had chance to check but it's about 1 hour 11 mins, so pretty hefty. |