17 Sep 2012 @ 08:38
AIM listed oil darling Falklands Oil & Gas (
LSE:FOGL) has announced the results of its Loligo well and it is bad news for both the company and for others operating in the region such as Borders & Southern (BOR). Reaction from BB and penny share punters has been mixed – some are in love and […]
16 Sep 2012 @ 19:18
The UK market has never really warmed to AIM listed airline SkyWest (
LSE:SKYW) – something for which there are understandable reasons. It is a stock that I have followed on a website whose name I do not mention (tipping it at 12.25p in December 2006). And so with the shares at 19.25p ( and having […]
13 Sep 2012 @ 05:47
I have noted before the curious way that AIM listed penny share dreadful Sefton Resources (
LSE:SER) communicates with its investors. Having advised you to bail at 2p initially I reiterated my sell advice a couple of days ago with the shares at 1.58p after the company issued piss poor interims. But my confusion with the […]
12 Sep 2012 @ 21:01
I met up with Marcus Hanke the CEO of red hot penny share tech stock 1Spatial (
LSE:SPA) yesterday for a detailed catch up. This company – formerly known as Avisen – has been a tale of woe for investors. Not because it has screwed up operationally but because in share price terms the stock has […]
11 Sep 2012 @ 18:24
Oil producer Sefton Resources (
LSE:SER) today announced its half year results which were – as is normally the case with this AIM listed penny share dreadful, pretty piss poor. A marginal increase in production and in the oil price meant that revenues for the six months to June 30th increased from $2.028 million to $2.283 […]
09 Sep 2012 @ 16:51
I have written about Avanti Communications (
LSE:AVN) several times before. Shares in the AIM listed satellite operator, are in my view, very cheap at 348.5p. But they are volatile. The year low is 241.25p the year high is 419.25p – some range. And they can move pretty sharply on rumours or indeed downright falsehoods. And […]
07 Sep 2012 @ 07:44
AIM listed oil and gas producer and explorer Northern Petroleum (
LSE:NOP) farmed out its La Tosca gas play in the Po valley. So its costs in drilling the well were trivial. It was announced today that the well has been abandoned as a write off. In the greater scheme of things this is pretty irrelevant. […]
06 Sep 2012 @ 14:28
I noted earlier today how the way that AIM listed penny share oil explorer Range Resources (
LSE:RRL) communicates with its investors is very odd indeed. My attention is now drawn to the way it has communicated with its investors over it operations in the Islamofascist hell hole that is Puntland. This really is curious. You […]
06 Sep 2012 @ 10:58
JJB Sports (JJB) shares now trade at 0.32p valuing the company at just under £1 million. Quite amazingly there are still a few prize loons out there who think this Aim listed retailer is some sort of penny share punt and are “buying for recovery.” They are mad. This stock is utterly worthless and if […]
05 Sep 2012 @ 23:53
I took a fair old beating on the Bulletin Boards after advising you that AIM listed penny share oil explorer Range Resources (RRL) was hugely overvalued at 4.86p following the abject failure of its drilling campaign in the Islamofascist hell hole that is Puntland. Report him to the regulators screamed the muppets. He must be […]