TOM is top of the highest gainers leaderboard today, hopefully something worthwhile behind the rise. |
Just went back to an old post....
"fenners66 30 Nov '22 - 12:17 - 15966 of 18586 We said over a year ago - no way they can pay the remaining 90% of TSHII
How could we be so confident - and so correct ? The deluded have spent more than a year telling us that they would get funding , soon. Now its 100% clear that funding is not going to happen before 31-12-2022 but most likely Never.
Surprise !!
The land is massively overpriced - what is it 240x the cost of Valkor's next door.
They "arranged" an "exclusive" option when they could not pay the deposit. Of course it was exclusive - no one else wanted it for the last 7 years !
So of course the deal will be postponed
Most likely with $250,000 option "fee"
That £925k has to be spent on something !
Watch this space......"
That was SO easy to predict 3 years ago and all the ramping posts since , you could be generous and say they were ignorant or stupid.... |
Ah there you are. So XTR? Still a good investment case in your opinion. I realise it's slightly down on your 6p previous recommendation, trading at all time lows and what looks like the chief being investigated for wrongdoings. But that aside are you still confident or did you get it completely wrong then do a runner from that bb with your tail between your Diddylegs? |
It does look as if after many years the narrative has run out of steam. The board strategy of kicking it into the long grass has worked in the sense that shareholders have disappeared - maybe not happy but silent. |
All the rubbish posted on the other thread over years and years - whilst we said it will come to naught. And now its come to naught and not a peep out of them.
I almost miss their comedy value... |
Anyway, my question still stands. Why was there no AGM statement? Unless of course there's nothing to say.......... |
Ah, I guess I misinterpreted your previous post and didn't pick up on the sarcasm!🤷205;♂️ |
Who's saying they were enthusiastic? Did anyone even attend? |
So everyone there enthusiastic about company plans but nobody saying what they are. No company statement or comment from those there. Back to being treated like mushrooms! (Has it even been anything different???) |
No AGM statement??? So what did they speak about then? |
And the result of the AGM , the directors are pleased to announce
absolutely knack all of any significance ? |
Result of Annual General Meeting
TomCo Energy plc (AIM: TOM), the US operating oil development group focused on using innovative technology to unlock unconventional hydrocarbon resources, is pleased to announce that at the Company's Annual General Meeting ("AGM"), held earlier today, all of the resolutions, as set out in the formal Notice of AGM dated 22 October 2024, were duly passed by shareholders. |
Everyone left enthused and invigorated about the direction of the company and the ability to buy at historically low prices but all seemingly individually decided against doing so |
What a load of BS. |
No trades since the AGM, must have been a thoroughly depressing affair |
Thanks for that Vauch, your usual brilliant post based on no facts or intelligence. |
Are you all ready for the next lot of bull shi* at the AGM No funds in the bank no 10% and most likely another direction the co want to go in. |
Trump Wins! Drill Baby Drill. Can we now finally have a deal now Tommy? |
AGM in a couple of days. Hopefully they have something decent to say in the statement...... |
How is xtr going? We do believe you tipped it at, was it 6p? You've not said much there for a while? Pot, kettle, black, bollix. You must feel a bit of a hypocrite eh? Ouch! |
The posters on Reichy's ramping thread have voted with their feet over the last year.
Over five years from 2018 to 2023 posts averaged c6,200 pa (of complete bollix), while in the last year from 4/11/23 there have been 405 posts.
There is a strong positive relationship between the share price and the number of posts. |
kemche - is that your "portfolio" you are referring to? |
I continue to average down. |
Strange how - now it really matters , there is no clamour for the gamblers thread to send someone armed with pertinent questions ... mind you they never asked pertinent questions. |