The force is strong here.
I'd like to start a rumour.
There were no gas shows at Mou-5, none were reported in the RNS (ignoring helium, of course).
That's the bad news.
But maybe there were no gas shows because oil was discovered.
With reference to the Predator Proactive Presentation dated 8 September 2022.
Take a look at page 22/24.
Mou-5 was known as Mou NE at the time.
And the target was "Leached carbonate reservoir".
Described as "rich oil source rock".
" Mou NE - Lower Jurassic Trap Prospective for oil".
Now wouldn't that he a nice rumour.
Be careful. |
To be "very confident" means nothing -It's BOD CEO talk - carefully worded RNS that seem very positive but assure NOTHING - are a big red flag |
The force is strong here.
"Well suspended to allow for future re-entry"
Sound familiar?
"The MOU-2 well has been suspended with an option to re-enter"
Mou-2 was over two years ago. Never re-entered.
I think someone is playing games when they are trying to stop people from panicking.
Be careful. |
you want some more too good to be true illiterate wittering's ??
ohdearohdearohdear - 08 Aug 2024 - 15:39:09 - PRD some folk will continue to think that it is too good to be true whilst watching the share price rise towards £10. when it is proven that it is true, they will need to pay in excess of £10 per share. all of this will happen before Christmas 2024
ohdearohdearohdear - 25 Sep 2024 - 06:36:44 - PRD all looking good for a stellar final quarter
oh dear oh dear oh dear :) |
Raul Redondo. Yes we have a name. Care to put a name to your illiterate whitterings about your wife? |
Who are you talking about HCTS? You appear to be overly infatuated by some random old fart? Unless you are talking about your wife, I'm sure you can pay somebody to get you the "thrills". |
CRIKEY 3 dear
how did you manage to exclude this bit from your desperate promo ??
"The Guercif Licence is located off the coast of Morocco and comprises four exploration permits covering an area of 4,301 square kilometres"
Raúl Redondo
proper amateur nonsense !! |
I'm feeling just peachy thanks as I'm in profit already !!
unlike the majority of the Random Old Farts Michael Caine believers !!
I suspect it has never once occurred to all of his very faithful and loyal sheep that the Random Old Fart has been trading PRD all along ??
he is not the messiah
he is just a VERY naughty random old fart
oh dear oh dear oh dear :) |
The force is strong here.
The shenanigans with the share price will not effect the special dividend.
Hold onto your golden shares.
Hide them behind the line of ducks on the mantelpiece.
Be careful. |
Some huge buys gone through. Somebody still believes |
who wrote that piece of promotional nonsense ??
I dare say the 'unfortunate' who sold on the morning of that RNS and had the option of buying back now the exact same number of shares for 35% less aren't feeling that silly at all, in fact I am feeling rather smug about my own interpretation today !!
whereas that random old forum fart who slept on it overnight before selling a day later at 2.85p might be the real 'silly billy' given it cost him almost £50 grand !!
here's hoping my learned friends over on LSE who are better known to Michael Caines transformational company maker believers as the irritable blog dwarves add that faux pas to the pompous old boring gits list of 'never calling anything wrong' !!
UT 2.705p
I'm already in profit !!
bwahahahahahahaha :) |
It will be - thanks BigSi :-) |
Full "results" RNS for MOU5 will be ..... interesting:) |
Sure looks bad if even permabulls like GRH are exiting. Have to admit I'd found his incessant cryptic ramping pretty tedious over the years though. |
The force is strong here.
🚩🐷 🐴🍒 🍌😁
😇😇128519; 😎😎128526; 😇😇128519;
🏝🏝127965; 🙄🙄128580; 🎆🎆127878;
🎺🎺127930; 🏁🏁127937; 🎺🎺127930;
Just practising for when the emoji man disappears up his own jacksie.
Bring it home Paul!
Be careful. |
The Company has guided you in the only way that is open to them.
A message from the IR folk telling you to ignore SM (which must include this post as well of course :-))
And they have posted an article onto their official X page.
The rest of the interpretation has to be done by the individual until we have an official RNS. I am more than happy and content to wait for that... |
Lots of folk sold on a negative interpretation of the RNS unfortunately. For them. |
 The British company Predator Oil & Gas has announced promising results in the exploration of the MOU-5 hydrocarbon field in Guercif, a city in the eastern region of Morocco.
The UK company confirmed the presence of excellent quality limestone and dune sand, revealing the existence of a potential hydrocarbon reserve to be taken into account, according to an official company statement.
This find, which was the main objective of the operation in the area, was located at a great depth due to the mobilised salt, according to the technical explanations. This condition increases the thickness of the impermeable layer necessary to harbour hydrocarbons.
It is worth noting the appearance of a significant layer of good quality 30-metre-deep sand located under the carbonate formation, something never seen before in the area.
For the moment, work has been halted to allow for further assessment of the seismic data and other technical aspects to be taken into account. In addition, helium was discovered, opening up new possibilities for exploration.
In the light of the discovery, the executive director of Predator Oil & Gas, Paul Griffiths, emphasised the relevance of the work carried out: ‘The results of the MOU-5 drilling revealed a new Jurassic geological trend never before explored in the Guercif basin. The confirmation of our initial geological concept now allows us to concentrate on the acquisition of new specific seismic data to clarify the potential at the top of the formation’. |
So many silly billies and/or nervous nellies will regret their decision to sell unfortunately...........oh well. |
Bottom's in |
Its not good to see seasoned investors leaving. Successful MOU 3 rigless test results soon please so there is some cash flow on the horizon.
"very confident that a farm in partner will recognise the value proposition assignable to the Jurassic Project" the choice to add the word "very" is a glimmer of hope in a savage market. |