And can you confirm they're doing that? Whats the timescale for completion of the tunnelling? It's quite expensive. |
BTW, while old Charlie is right that drilling in Idaho is easier in summer than in winter, once you have started to drive the adit into the side of the mountain it doesn't make much difference. Drilling through rock underground is an all season activity. |
RetirementPlan14 Oct '24 12000 of 12000
OHRLsw7: it might be useful if you explained your previous connection with PXC. That might explain why you are so disgruntled. It won't explain why you have failed to move on. Back to sleep whilst H1 2026 gets closer :-)
RetirementPlan - 27 Sep 2024 11931 of 12001
Anyway, signing off for a long while now. Gonna let the company get on with their job, and ignore comments from wannabe armchair CEOs, CFOs etc.
It seems he woke you from your slumber? :D |
OHRLsw7: it might be useful if you explained your previous connection with PXC. That might explain why you are so disgruntled. It won't explain why you have failed to move on. Back to sleep whilst H1 2026 gets closer :-) |
Agree ORH ...was just taking what the CFO said to shareholders when trying to instil confidence in the funding being available ..after the schedule they gave went up in smoke...that in hindsight was indicative apparently ..even though PXC asked for $5m in line with that schedule and the funds did not materialise.I think the only real comfort that shareholders will take is if the funds "legally" committed to are forthcoming within the firm committed period of 5 months from signing the agreement and first drawdown ..or maybe that was also just indicative too? |
White collar crime is always forgotten very quickly |
The minute the word legal is mentioned in conversations means it is not going to well. |
Let's see how close they are to processing and selling "the sulphides" come springtime! LoL!! |
I think that would be the normal way of doing things to get certainty on the recoverable resource and if tested and quantified I presume it could have been to a limited extent relative to what they "say" is there been added to the PFS of the project. Rather than effectively wildcatting an adit to what they think might be there..but hey ho all very Wild West isn't it! |
Just out of interest, do you think it would be handy to drill test "the sulphides" first or not bother? Furthermore, and imho, the North Americans normally like to drill test in the summer season and not the harsh winter. |
I guess there must be news before Nov 5th on funding ..or lack thereof as the CFO stated that there was a legal commitment to provide $30m of funding within 5 months of agreement ( first drawdown June 5th) and they still have $25m to cough up by then ...well behind the "in hindsight indicative" schedule which proved to be wrong..that legal position remains.Be very interesting to see what happens and whether the goal posts are moved again by the supportive bondholder.How such delays in funding might and surely must impact on development we might never know as there is not a timeline given.The idea though from the CFO is that sulphides could be added to production middle on next year...would be very interesting to get some detail on how that might be able to happen. Seems the secret squirrel business around something ..M&A ? is still being used to avoid having to get too involved in such trivia. |
Anybody got any news bites that may be coming out of the woodwork? |
I'm on the inside track bumpa
A guy on Telegram, Fraser_P has revealed all..
They're not actually building a mine - it's a hive! They're installing Caner and Emma Priestly to begat (beget?) a master race; unspeakable creatures, the Oxus Morlocks, with a view to creating a slew of junior Aim mining companies, creating havoc in SIPPs all over the land..
That's why it's called Empire |
"dodgy blog"...most of the recent stuff posted came from the FT can't put the link up...its also well covered in the dodgy blog known as Bloomberg. |
how about YOU go and find something concrete Jasper? You will need to open your eyes first, it helps - a lot. |
when it happens it is too late
winners act preemptive loosers react to the fact |
WTF! Proving you are a loser nicely. |
don't let the autism win guys |
It's quelle "surprise" isn't it?What has this got to do with anything exactly?I have posted information publicly available in major media publications and have not made specific allegations against anyone. The only thing misleading is you saying they have been cleared of all charges. Not true.Maybe google defamation see what it means while you are online !If you and others chose to ignore such background information that is your concern but if there is an issue with the bonds ...and judging by the share price and the management panicking into a comforting statement..that no one seems comforted by then thats up to you.Unfortunately ignoring such things and blindly accepting anything a management that has been serially rather over confident in the progress of this company and now seems to be hiding behind a smoke screen of being in a 'close period" after the results have been released..look that one up not a great idea imo. |
how ya doing down there in the sand jasper?! |
and quelle surpris |
Did i say he was guilty ..nope i was pointing out he is very embroiled in another ongoing and very large investigation and has not been "cleared of all charges?" As you wrote.That is very misleading ..firstly he has not been charged as of yet and certainly hasn't been cleared of anything to do with this latest investigation.Previous activitiesCLC AG..bust Level One scheme..bust Currently being investigatedAdler...basically bust huge losses Aggregate..basically bust huge losses.All his activities involve hugely complicated webs of corporate entities ..there is no way of working out if he is worth anything.Are there committed funds in NUI to cover the bond commitment...again there is no information available. He is the only investor apparently. |
You forgot this bit, right?
Not good times for the mysterious Cevdet Caner. We do not know at this time whether Caner is among the accused, for whom, of course, the presumption of innocence applies. |
 Take a bit longer than 5 mins then. He was cleared of wrong doing over an earlier company failing which led to his personal bankruptcy. But the investigations launched last year appear very large and ongoing over his more recent activities.The Level One StoryIn 2004, Cevdet Caner founded the real estate service provider Level One. The holding company's tax domicile was on the Channel Island of Jersey. In May 2005, the Falkenberger Viertel in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen was acquired. The second property in Leipzig on Walter-Markov-Ring followed in the same year. By 2008, the portfolio had grown to around 28,000 residential units with a total value of 1.5 billion euros.According to its figures, the Level One Group made a profit of around 130 million euros in 2006 and approximately 80 million in 2007. In September 2008, the real estate group filed for insolvency for its German property companies after banks placed Level One in receivership in August 2008. The group had established a network of more than 150 companies in Europe. The insolvency affected around 20,000 apartments and 500 commercial properties mainly in Berlin and eastern Germany. The company's creditors were also affected by the bankruptcy.Level One's creditors include Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, the Royal Bank of Scotland, and British companies. Credit Suisse approved loans totaling 1.3 billion to Level One and helped Caner build his real estate empire without having any primary equity. Most recently, Credit Suisse still held 300 million euros after a large portion of the loan portfolio was securitized and sold to investors.In 2018, Caner and five other defendants were indicted in connection with Level One on charges of aggravated commercial fraud, fraudulent nuisance, and money laundering, with damages totaling 145.2 million. After 55 trial days, all defendants were acquitted of all charges in September 2020. is now all about ADLER and AGGREGATE June 2023"Simultaneous raids in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Monaco, Portugal, Luxembourg and the UK involved 21 offices, one law firm and other properties including those of Cevdet Caner, an Austrian property magnate who lives in Monaco.In Germany alone, 175 prosecutors and officers of the country's federal criminal police BKA took part, prosecutors said in a press release. Although the release did not name Adler Real Estate or Caner, both confirmed the raids to the Financial Times.""German financial watchdog BaFin last year found that Adler Real Estate, which owns more than 26,000 residential units in Germany, inflated its balance sheet by 3.9bn and its earnings by 543mn in 2019 and filed a criminal complaint against the company.""Frankfurt prosecutors are targeting several individuals aged between 38 and 66 over suspected criminal acts between 2018 and 2020, they said in their press release."This seems ongoing. |