#gkp#gkptakeover CEO ?Stay Bonus? gets paid by the end of January latest.Watch out for the Sale RNS too.Whenever you ready @HSFlegalhttps://x.com/111notout1/status/1882138330269376636?t=COr5hyjNpKL8DCvS1l0mRA&s=19 |
The company is obviously sold TBAANNOUNCEMENT IMMINENTBefore the end of January?. |
Bashers can't stop unsurprisingly.. |
Habscrum you fail to remind us that whilst the IOCs continued to produce oil after the 2017 referendum, payments from KRG became sporadic, then dried up completely. Why? Because the KRG was denied budget payments from Baghdad following the independence referendum, finding itself unable to pay government employees and IOCs. True, we enjoyed healthy dividends from the intermittent monthly payments as the loaded CRP was run-down, but the direction of travel was clear, culminating in the ITP car crash. The company has a healthy cash balance of approx $110m, robust local sales 45-48k bopd, nil debt and trades at a discount to net assets. But don’t assert as facts your risible fantasies of KRG supremacy and “creeping takeover” by a deep pocketed friendly giant. |
The company is obviously sold TBAANNOUNCEMENT IMMINENTBefore the end of January?. |
I would think they are in a back room throwing shoes at each other then stopping for tea and biscuits every half hour. |
That's Gary Glitter sorted. |
Controversial laws . |
#gkp#gkptakeover CEO "Stay Bonus" gets paid by the end of January latest.Watch out for the Sale RNS too.Whenever you ready @HSFlegalhttps://x.com/111notout1/status/1882138330269376636?t=COr5hyjNpKL8DCvS1l0mRA&s=19 |
The company is obviously sold TBAANNOUNCEMENT IMMINENTBefore the end of January?. |
It's very curious as to what Sudani is thinking with this last minute proposal. He must know the KRG will reject it. Blatantly breaking agreements that have been forged after months of meetings and committee calculations. Let's see what the next few days brings because something is definitely up, otherwise the KRG would be shouting from the houses, but they're not.....unless I've missed something.GKP update tomorrow or sometime next week at the latest, imo. |
So many trolls on here today. They seem very desperate again. |
The company is obviously sold TBAANNOUNCEMENT IMMINENTBefore the end of January?. |
Condog can't stop should "tri-harder" lol |
There will be a reckoning a beautiful day of retribution 😊. |
The company is obviously sold TBAANNOUNCEMENT IMMINENTBefore the end of January?. |
Yankee Doodle Condog clearly desperate.lol. Its wakey wakey on the East Coast across the pond , and for the 30,500th ++ time Yankee Doodle Condog posts AND ONLY EVER ON THIS STOCK ( barely credible - LOL ) the paid American sentiment basher clocks in for work.If CARLSBERG did BUY signals.FILL YER BOOTSTAKEOVER RNS INCOMINGTHIS MONTH.HTTPS://x.com/ChicagoJack5/status/1787790142574325840 |
Budget agreement close is it?
What about the oil law that Queen lemming sarah said was going to follow the budget agreement 20 months ago?
Any of the Kozel barrels discovered?
Pumping 100k a day are they?
Are shareholders receiving monthly divis that was predicted?
Pipe open is it that scotty snowflake said would only be closed for a couple of days?
What about the 10 years in the coming "imminent takeover" that the Carroll gang of bogus monikers have been spouting? |
The company is obviously sold TBAANNOUNCEMENT IMMINENTBefore the end of January.... |
Yankee Doodle Condog clearly desperate.lol. Its wakey wakey on the East Coast across the pond , and for the 30,500th ++ time Yankee Doodle Condog posts AND ONLY EVER ON THIS STOCK ( barely credible - LOL ) the paid American sentiment basher clocks in for work.If CARLSBERG did BUY signals.FILL YER BOOTSTAKEOVER RNS INCOMINGTHIS MONTH.HTTPS://x.com/ChicagoJack5/status/1787790142574325840 |
I note that johnyladyboy is spouting exactly the same garbage as they did just before the Bond holders took the company in July 2016!!! |
Arcadian22 Jan '25 - 16:45 - 717243 of 717262 0 1 0 "klassic I thought I was the only poster thinking that re the pipeline in September".
Perhaps the poster has their head where the sun don't shine!! Or just doesn't have any idea of the reality like so many of the gullible suckers here!!
I and BB have been posting the same facts for ages!!! |
Todds in glass ceilings shouldn't throw stones |
The company is obviously sold TBAANNOUNCEMENT IMMINENT |