Arcadian is a troll, I tell thee. |
Correct The company is obviously sold TBAIMMINENTThat has been clear since Resn 10+ 12 |
I've sent an email to APIKUR asking them to clarify the situation regarding the possible usage of export pipeline come Sept. Will post reply here but don't hold your breath. |
I have a list of troll ready. |
@ Johnyramppy, So a troll is someone who don't agree with your views and constant ramping sold posts! Please. |
tri harder = troll |
Tri harder added |
@johnbuyghost@ Anyone that don't agree with your view is a troll! You are a complete idiot,fact!! |
Well unless someone comes up with a cunning plan then I am looking towards September. But I'm sure there is a cunning plan in place already. Too much at stake to be otherwise. |
hangthedj hangs in there but only because I am a big fan of The Smiths. |
Correct The company is obviously sold TBAIMMINENTThat has been clear since Resn 10+ 12 |
Trolls should be using Ben's grotto🤢 |
More trolls appear. |
klassic I thought I was the only poster thinking that re the pipeline in September.
A lot has happened since the last referendum and the next vote might be very different especially if supported by Turkey and Trump.
We`ll see. |
ITP pipeline availabliity for KRG exports come Sept would be a good question for Caggins, see if he can back up the DNO chairman from a few months ago.
Doubt he would give a straight forward answer. |
 klassic - "Whilst Turkey might be released from contractual obligations, the KRG will not be able to send crude oil through that pipeline without SOMO agreement. Unilateral exports will not be permitted, do you remember the crushing and calamitous climb down following the 2017 independence vote?"
Ah yes, 2017, a very good year.
In 2017 the Kurds were independently exporting up to half a million barrels a day while the ICG were crying their eyes out, stamping their feet and trying every trick in the book to stop it while the Kurds and Turkey just ignored all the tantrums.
Meanwhile, with independent exports in full swing and SOMO being powerless to do anything about it, GKP were building up their war chest and going from strength to strength.
From the 2017 FYR 12/04/18:-
Gross Shaikan production guidance for 2017 was 32,000 to 38,000 bopd, so we were pleased to be in the middle of that range with an average daily production of 35,298 bopd, up on 2016. Gross total production for 2017 increased by 1.4% compared with 2016.
This achievement was greatly helped by stable production rates and constantly high export availability, averaging 99%.
Cumulative production from Shaikan has now exceeded 40 million barrels. This is a significant milestone. This not only puts Shaikan in the top class of producing assets, but also highlights that, despite operational progress enjoyed to date, Shaikan's long life as a producing field has only just begun.
Yes thanks for reminding us, 2017 was a very good year.
In fact 2017 was such a good year that only two months after that results announcement they announced that with $222 million in the bank they were restarting the investment programme that had been suspended since the 2016 restructuring:-
"Gulf Keystone has initiated contracting and procurement activities to implement the 2018 approved capital expenditure of approximately $91 million. The remainder of the required capital expenditure which is currently estimated to be between $175 million to $215 million gross (as previously set out in the 2017 Full Year Results) to achieve 55,000 bopd gross production capacity is expected to be part of the 2019 investment plan"
Halcyon days. |
The company is obviously sold TBAIMMINENT |
BigdogSarah5IQ = Troll |
Om nom nom nom nomshluuuuuurpGulp |