My reading of that MATD RNS, that Zoo enthuses about, is that it is now easier to obtain a licence in the Block XX Exploitation Area.
Both heron1 and heron2 are in that area but already have their licence, for all the good it is likely to do MATD. So no change there.
How it does affect MATD is that it may encourage Mike Buck to go wildcatting again in an attempt to rescue the company from the dire straights that it now finds itself in.
Any such move would probably involve going back to the market for cash, yet again. |
Wyken tells me it’s going to reach £2 |
The two deranged muppets are in a posting frenzy blaming everyone but themselves. Zoo in particular is spinning around like a Catherine wheel. What an idiot he is. Yet again he is posting away without a thought about what he has previously posted. |
Sorry meant to say, you don't know what I did or didn't hold, again please provide proof I never bought or infact still held. Show me the trading sheets?.You really are an old fool clutching at straws Rose. |
Really 200 posts? Methinks you are telling porkies old man. Typical of a troll, 200 posts removed yet I'm still here. Funny that..Care to repost these posts given I'm sure you've got copies of all 200. Not.....Note this is the same poster who refused to tell UP to stop his personal attacks on Alan. .ADVFN will be using AI before too long to catch you out Rose old son..I wonder how many are looking at you from the GGP bb old man to see what you are? .Nite nite.... |
Alan, it doesn't work that's the problem with the Wi-Fi. :-)).Forget the Trolls the MATD RNS basically has said they've designated the land for an oil company. The new minister is pushing hard to get things moving given there is a rather large oil refinery that needs feeding with Mongolian oil. I bet they'll be happy to do it for another country but would that country want to be that dependent? |
Also it was a wish not a claim but you're too old and dim to see that. Or is it just that you're a troll? |
If you took the time to read the posts before red ticking, Alan, you might understand that it was another poster advocating the hockey stick chart formation.
My part in the friendly discussion was to point out that there appears to be little evidence to support such a claim.
Perhaps it should be you polishing up your comprehension. And your manners. |
the a go away we are doing very nicely without you ,go and polish your hockey stick, |
Certainly not for the same reasons that you hung around "like a bad smell" for several years with no GFM, all the while crowing that it was destined for 60p and how happy that made you.
Have you no sense of self-awareness, Zoo? |
Alan I see what you mean, Rose has been busy today on his PC. :-)) |
Phillis you don't own anyMATD so why bother posting about it?.Same as the idiot boy saying he doesn't own any GFM but he hangs around like a bad smell. Why?.Oh yeah it's Rose ..... |
Alan, yes there has been a relationship with Alba. As Sage has said and both you and I know, MATD is a trading share and the weather pays a large part especially winter time . Sage made this clear when he tipped it, some took notice by reading the words others didn't..People have sold knowing they can buy back in at a lower price. The question is how low will it go? At 1.56p a return is achievable given an RNS saying BPD is 800 plus and a JV is being sorted or something along these lines. .Gold holding well, GGP is up as well. :-).2,861.77+18.97+0.67%.I'm quite happy with things going as they are. .Good day out on the bike, bloody cold though. :-) |
sage good luck to you ,I have built up a large holding in AAZ and am now well in profit it was tipped to me again recently they are expecting very good results next month, I stupidly went back into bgo again and I’m going to sell them it’s a bitter disappointment ,I still haven’t sold Perseus mining yet I hold forty million and they are still rising ,I never did find a broker who would sell them for me ,lse have given me a list of brokers in Australia who will sell them for me when the time is right ,Coutts have been useless I don’t really need them it was my rich friend who said I should use them ,keep studying and I hope it pays off for you ,Alan |
Hi Alan, Alba has been a mess. I can only guess your B/E but I look at the MCAP today and my starting point is under 0.03p and a total company value of under £3m. I picked up circa 10m shares today for circa 2.5k. A complete gamble but from this point this could go bust or 20 bag . A bit of fun . My previous posts confirm where my proper money is invested. GLA |
Sage I have eight and a half million alba which I bought a long time ago I’d have to live to be one hundred a twenty to break even so I hope you have luck with these and it rises nicely , I’ve got a feeling zoo had these many moons ago, I Lao have a lot of MATD I kept buying more as it fell I only need 1.56p to break even which should be easily achievable, nice to see you posting on here again , |
In terms of Matad. It’s a trading share. The key is the weather. It tends to rise as you go into the spring as people get excited about drills. I only hold a tiny amount. I buy it low and sell into spikes. Check the charts. A spike should be incoming between now and the end of May.
GGP is more of a buy and hold now. A gold miner with ample cashflow from Telfer to develop Haverion. It will dual list in the summer and Haverion is a treasure trove. 8p today. Probably 15p sometime this year. The deal for Telfer is recent and a re rate is due. However MCAP already nearly £1bn so possibly a 2-3 bagger but anything more would require gold to stay high and Haverion to be massive. |
I hold very few single company shares these days. They represent circa 3% of my portfolio. I did decide to have a punt on Alba today. It has been a Sh1t show hence the low share price The MCAP is less than £3m post recent fund raises etc. DYOR but Alba is a miner of Welsh gold and also owns a large chunk of Greenroc (a graphene miner). I only invested a tiny amount but the whole thing is priced to fail at £3m. What brought it to my attention was the recent fund raise by Greenroc. With gold at current prices you would have to be utterly incompetent to lose money and previously unprofitable ore becomes viable. As I say it is the MCAP that has astonished me. |
I read the MATD RNS this morning No mention of actual production performance
But I liked this comment on the BB “ Get out of this stock and unfuk your life now” |
Yes, Alan. I noted your red ticks.
To quote a reliable source "how sick is that".
Actually, Alan, the curved end makes little difference. It's the near vertical handle that would be the telling factor.
In that unlikely event. |
zoo the a has been talking about hockey sticks on the GGP board don’t wet yourself laughing, ha ha ha ,good day again today AAZ has lasted out and GGP is quite strong ,wonder where tomorrow will lake us I’ve no idea, of course it’s the curved end on the hockey stick that makes the difference ,I was worried about Glaxo although they missed the target by a whisker it was taken as positive ,hope you’ve had a good day, |
He can hardly work his ipad let alone master a spread sheet. |