zoo up is sick and totally friendless and it will never alter, he's the lowest form of scum that there is on the planet ,it’s no wonder nobody wants anything to do with him ,I suspect where he went wrong was being born ,off now for a luncheon appoints unfortunately it will be inside ,once again there is eight of us ,good luck and have a good day , |
UP you are a nobody, a nothing just a faceless idiot who attacked a person because you thought it would make you part of a troll gang. A weak insignificant nobody. I doubt you have any true friends and certainly no-one who would stand up for you. .So jog on, troll. Or should I say Rose. |
As for the grooming the victim appears blissfully unaware. |
I think the whole country has concerns about grooming at the moment, with the grooming gangs in the news. It is very disappointing to see it here, with zoo abusing a senior citizen, just to prop up his bullying. |
Alan, nice to see gold is doing well, GGP is settling back but should be in the newspapers over the weekend. .Will there be some news on GFM regarding the company soon? .UP seems to have a thing about grooming do you think he has had issues due to his poor parenting or something? I don't feel sorry or pity him, someone like that you can't can you? It's all self inflicted in his case. |
zoo good morning ,nothing much happening yet ,miss moneypenny has arrived the fraud ,I’m hoping bgo rises a couple of Penny’s today so that I can sell up ,the RNS wasn’t very good at all ,GFM got to £1 50p and I think that’s your lot for now ,apart from the wind the weather is not too bad ,have.a good day , |
Good update from PAG this morning |
Alan, your filter is broken. Why can't you stop telling lies.Do you realise you are being groomed by your "internet friend "? |
up FFS get some help !Maybe a good cry might help you , |
Meanwhile zoo continues his grooming. |
Alan, a nice lunch thank you. Indeed they're no bodies or should I say he is. Haha..... |
And why not "THE" why haven't you got one? There again who would want some sad old man who makes marmalade and sits on his PC all day long picking arguments with people..In my case we work not only as man and wife but a team and a family as well..Your comments suggest you have issues as well as being a sad bitter person, eh Rose?.Heres a tip for you. Seconds bought on the internet are rarely as good as you think they may be. Buyer beware...... |
zoo hope you had a good lunch , I managed to have a walk the sun is still out now ,the a is mentally impaired why does he spend his time trying to trip you up when he dosent even come close, he was too much of a coward to meet you ,still it gives us all a laugh ,ha ha ha , |
He gets more and more confused. Endless repetition of his fantasies has started to erode the actual neurons. |
That's several times recently that you've referred to your "lovely wife", Zoo. Hmmm. |
That's very apt. Fits in with the grooming. |
There once was a man who took pot And scored the occasional shot But he's into new habits He logs on and rabbits And maybe he bought Zoo his yacht |
Zoo good for you , I hate this weather I like to be out and about ,GGP never goes up two days on the trot ,keep smiling |
And we know what San Fransisco is famed for, are you one of them? And that was illegal at the time. .Alan, just winding the scum up as they / he sits by his PC all day. I see GGP dropped back a bit which was not unexpected, hopefully starting to lift again. The ASX listing in February will have a marked effect on the share price |
zoo let him carry on nobody answers him and never will ,everybody knows that it was wrong what he said, how he can live in his body I don’t know ,once a troll always a troll ,GFM doing ok wonder if it can hold for once ,wet outside so shan’t be doing much today good luck and thanks , |