Gold breaking out of 1-2 month long trend resistance. About to move over $3k |
No Arthur they run at Randwick and Melbourne. |
Poor simple minded Jaka"..end of session when the stock retreats " Eh? stock retreats at the end of a session??? The price has been retreating since Dec 2020 , you utter helmet. Come on chum time for another of your conspiracy theories why price in the 8s and falling . Hydrogen1 another slap in the chops eh chum. Any of your imaginary superstar racehorses, that you claim to own , running at Cheltenham? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL . |
Good grief those with sour grapes follow me around.
As many here know, I and SKYSHIP for that matter, have done very well with GGP over the years. No wonder you pick a poster name like yours, you clearly don't do your research properly.
Again, I am lucky enough to have had a great day on SOLG today.
It's funny the harder I work at research the luckier I get.
Arthur only appears end of session when the stock retreats. He's been doing that since it was trading at 4.8p last September and will be doing exactly the same when Greatland Holdings is trading at 130p! Arthur the "Master Investor" in alternative economics and lost causes. Enjoy the rest of the day! |
Well ggp is one of best performers this year out of a basket of mid caps and juniors.Year to date GGP v Skeena v West African v Hocschild v Evolution v Regis Resource v Vault (basket of gold developers / producers ) GGP tops the list!Given the placing finance was at 4.8p... I think we're looking rather sorted! |
Hazl , a bit of respite on this lately , though still a long way to go to get you back up to break even point . You don’t have much luck do you |
Huge and I mean HUGE buyer at 9.025 Some say it's Arthur.
No volume much, so one may assume they step it up soon.
Come on Arthur: show us the money. ;0) |
You talking to yourself clown your insane your Arthur clown wife beating knicker sniffing idiot. Posting under multiple clown names as nobody interested in your bollucks. |
Massive volume declared late again - all around the 9.0p level |
Remember Arthur
Markets that go straight up are fragile.
Markets that consolidate, build support, and slowly grind higher over time are the ones that last.
Yet, everyone wants the unhealthy parabolic run.
This is exactly what GGP is doing now. Lovely jubbly |
Try humming that song Arthur. Hehe |
Oh Arthur oh Arthur you are quiet it’s clear to see
Oh Arthur oh Arthur should have bought GGP
You invested all your money in the dog called solgold and now you are angry cause you haven’t got a pot |
Where is Arthur the 4p shorter choo choo |
Don't forget chnge of banking rules in July gold might be returned as a standard. Gold stocks might be relevant. None of us know for certain so don't gamble. Take care everyone difficult times.
Very well done GGP countering the trend. |
Sell a kidney if you must but don’t sell GGP |
What does he mean 2=2 = 10?? |
Stuart Hinds @hinds_stuart
We’re 👀 for professionals to operate Port Hedland to Telfer Mine Site quad side tipper road trains
Most people know #GGP are working on the underground and open-pit extension update.
Can they also work out 2+2 = 10 + years ? |
DOW Looking better premarket in the US at this moment. |
With the plunge on the US market yesterday gold and commodities stocks might prove to be the best to survive. We'll see.
Wow thanks Timberland you're the man!
34679 |
 Don't Forget The Copper! Copper Mines in Australia Investing News Network - 10th March 2025
Learn about Australia's biggest copper mines and significant upcoming copper projects in the country as world copper supply concerns mount.
Home to the world’s second largest copper reserves and the eighth largest copper producer globally in 2024, Australia holds dozens of operating copper mines.
Data from Geoscience Australia's Identified Mineral Resources 2023 report shows there were 36 operational copper mines spread across the country as of December 2022. Since then more have come online, and there are plenty more copper projects in the exploration and development stages.
The future for copper production in Australia remains bright thanks to higher price projections and large investments in exploration and development. The Australian government forecasts that copper export earnings will reach AU$15.3 billion in the 2024/2025 period and AU$16.2 billion in the 2025/2026 period....
...There are 11 copper mines in Western Australia, and the state accounts for 8 percent of the nation’s total copper economic demonstrated resources. The Paterson Province in this region has attracted a lot of attention for large-scale copper discoveries, such as the Telfer mine, which is now wholly owned by Greatland Gold....
Where will Australia's next copper mines be?
- Caravel project
- Elizabeth Creek project
- Eva Copper project
- Havieron project
The Havieron project is an underground copper-gold development-stage asset owned and discovered by Greatland Gold and located in the Paterson region of Western Australia. Previously a partial owner, the company re-acquired the full rights to the project along with the Telfer mine from Newmont on December 4, 2024. Greatland Gold plans to process ore from Havieron at the nearby Telfer mining facility.
- Whim Creek project |