These were 6 pound before the war,1.Rasp now debt free.2. Rasp sitting on a cash pile for 3 years.3.Rasp part of Evraz again :)4.Evraz debt down 1.5 Billion dollars = 80p a share.5. Savings on 1.5 Billion debt reduction Accounts for Rasp, NA and Evraz are known i would expect , just need a top 4 accountant to sign them off. |
Perhaps because MAD and an end to all life on earth is a steep price to pay for swallowing the left's Putin is crazy and there was no reason/provocation which led to the latest invasion? |
doubt any time soon with Putin being stubborn about the off-ramp being offered.
Why the West doesn't collapse Russia is beyond me, just a bunch of gangsters from the last century - Peskov looks like a used-car salesman from 1983. |
If sanctions are lifted is this likely to re list? Sat on 20k shares here :D |
Another step in the right direction. Fingers crossed. |
I hope so. Things are looking bad at RAV, though it's a rather different story. |
If Trump is successful in ending the war could this lead to positive moves for Evraz and we long suffering shareholders. Happy to cling to any glimmer if light? |
One day my 2000 shares might be worth something... |
Russian currency in free fall. |
Situation may improve considering Trump is now the USA President |
still unlisted in HL |
same in my halifax account.... though iweb is halifax so could be an internal problem. |
Lol Evraz is showing as £80.89 per share in my portfolio with iweb this morning. Has something happened that we don't know about? |
 Share trading: I am focusing more on buying out the institutional holders right now, but still offer best terms for individual investors who want to get real money for Evraz plc shares. I have just received from Evraz the certificates for the 4th of December 2023 deals, so if you sell to someone else who promises to pay you upon transfer – get ready to wait for 4 months and then may be get the transfer declined by the bank. I pay 100% on the day of the deal. My price is 0.8 gbp per share, more if you have a lot of shares. Contact me at chinaadr2021 at . Minimum amount 8000 shares, you have to be sane and sober. I have bought 15 people so far.
Evraz news:
ESO list first edition is out. ESO-ing means that Russian assets get torn away from the UK Plc under the mandatory 470 law. FIVE X5 – Russian top retail chain with 25 000 stores - another company I bought a lot is in this ESO list, I am very happy. Evraz PLC is not in this first addition of ESO list, but I have invested a lot of my own money into the idea that it will be eventually ESOed, so I put my money where my mouth is. The Russian Gov had claimed in 2023 that there would be one list of companies to ESO, so I thought it would include all the companies, but the Rus Gov decided to start with 6 first companies and then add others like Evraz. I have no idea when the second part of the ESO list will be out.
Raspadskaya coal company – the key subsidiary of Evraz and value generator - has released 2023 results. The results are ok, but the cashflow is bad. If you add the numbers starting with the Evraz 1st half of 2022 net debt of 3,5 bln dollars and calculate the debt on 31/12/2023 you can see that there is still a lot of debt. My estimate is 2,5 USD bln in debt on Evraz PLC combined. The main reason is that some huge customers of Evraz are not paying for the metal/coal send to them. This leads to Evraz essentially sponsoring some “unknown”; (wink) Buyers. It is a common practice in Russia to do this if you don’t want to show the money.
This debt situation leads to variants for Evraz PLC fate:
1. Oligarchs manage to persuade the west to abandon sanctions and unfreeze everything before the ESO process hits. I think that it is almost impossible since there is no time left.
2. ESOing. Foreign shareholders lose almost everything if they don’t have a Russian wife/entity, oligarchs regain Rus assets.
3. Evraz PLC does what Polymetal and Yandex did – i.e. sells all Rus assets for debt plus a tiny amount of money to repay some Eurobonds debt. For me and you this is super bad, shares are a zero.
4. Russian GOV seizes all Evraz Rus assets for zero. There is a huge wage of nationalization right now in Russia as the war gains steam, so this can happen, but lets hope that oligarchs do nothing stupid. |
Sorry, 5.063k shares. Some are held in non isa and the remainder in ISA A/C |
Can you buy back about 4k shares? |
 1. The list of economically significant organizations to be forcefully moved back to Russia under 470 law still has not been released. The main reason for this in my opinion is the Yandex situation. Yandex is the “Russian Google” wannabe so it is a very complicated and politicized matter. You can read this story in depth on Forbes dot ru in Russian only. The Yandex deal has moved to 1q2024 so the list which should include all the companies has moved also.
I still think that for Evraz and for FIVE_X5 the destiny of going back to Russia and abandoning the Evraz PLC is inevitable. Right now Evraz PLC even can’t have an office in UK, they rent a essentially PO Box to receive mail. Think about it.
470FZ law from august2023 is about taking the assets from foreign companies like Evraz PLC and giving them to a new Russian based company. I think they have changed the law a little bit in late Dec2023, but anyways for foreign shareholders it means being frozen in Russia until the sanctions are lifted that is than Putin leaves that is 2042. If you are ready to wait - great. Ending the war is not lifting the sanctions unfortunately(
2. Since the open antiRussian hate in the telegram groups which claim to be Evraz plc share oriented we have created our own group Evraz 2024 sane people only. You can post your bids and offers in it if you want to buy or sell the shares. The only thing that we won’t tolerate is calling Russian people derogatory terms and words which in the previous groups to me was common. You should respect people despite different views on the share price and always be ready to tell the same thing in person as you say to someone online.
3. Since the deadline has moved to I don’t know when I can buy some more shares at $1 or 0,8 GBP. Minimum amount of shares is 8000, you MUST have a paper certificate and be sane and cooperative. I am the only person buying them and actually finishing the deals. 12 people sold and got the money in December2023 alone so I am not so anxious to buy more, but since I have all the infrastructure in place we can discuss. Write me here or in the telegram group Evraz 2024 sane people only.
4. Common questions – why you buy if the stock is a zero? I live in Russia, I HOPE to get the shares in the new Russian based Evraz company although it is not certain. Are you real? Yes, I am. Can you pay me a lot more per share? No, there are a lot of risks involved for me in the process. I am mostly looking for sellers with 100 000++ shares, may go a little higher for them. North America and EU assets? 10 years no profit, 2022 only profit, I value them at below Evraz PLC debt. Dividends/buyback on the Evraz PLC? The major shareholders are sanctioned to death, it is super-stupid to think they will pay YOU and freeze the money due to sanctions for themselves, they are smart people. |
Farrugia I have a few JEMA which holds a good amount of RUSSIAN equities valued at zero in the accounts net assets 49p and share price £1.32 but over £5+ of Russian equites . |
i live in Russia, if peace comes and sanctions are lifted before 2042 I will benefit from my Rus assets, so i don't need to "hedge" that outcome. Who wants to sell - hit me up in direct messages. Minimum 8000 shares, paper certificate a must. |
how do you hedge against a cease of hostilities? I know of Caspian Sunrise - what else could you buy that would benefit from a cessation of the war? |
i am thinking about a second round of buying Evraz plc shares. Same price 1 usd (0.8 GB pound). 11 people sold last time in December 2023, 300 000 shares in total, I know how to do it from A to Z. Minimum 8000 shares, you have to be sane and cooperative. You also have to have a paper certificate on hand. |
My telegram account is @slavikyes. If anyone interested to sell please contact me |
The moment any Russian assets held abroad are sold by the West is the moment the U.S dollar ceases to be the world's reserve currency. |