Sure sure buy buy buy while the directors are too stupid to see the wonderful opportunities to accumulate within their own company.
O wait.... ROTFL!!
The recent noise from mentally-ill, conspiracy-obsessed ramper "supersonico", who refuses to accept the 1969 moon landing was real, cutting & pasting long screeds that have no relevance to the (non-existent) prospects of this shytestock, is designed to drown out cautionary voices on this DB, i.e., those of Chrischas and especially those of ravenna23 and me.
This discussion board is a BOILER room dominated by multi-avatar PAID (and undisclosed, where lies the criminality) PROFESSIONAL RAMPERS and by multi-avatar trapped bulls, including ones like "Timbo_Slice" who are more than £1m underwater due to their incredible gullibility and stupidity.
I find it personally offensive to be compelled to share the planet with such filth - morally-repugnant degenerates. |
 Canary told you so..
Pfizer's Poison: The Deadly Truth Behind the COVID Vaccine
Naomi Wolf: "So in this book, you'll see that Pfizer knew that the vaccines didn't work to stop COVID. In fact, a month after rollout, they concluded that there was vaccine failure and failure of efficacy in their words. In fact, the third most common side effect is COVID."
"So like that should blow your mind because it means that every single thing that followed November, 2020, whether it was the mandates, the lost jobs, split families, the divorces, the kids locked in their homes, the two-tier society that was rapidly put in place, the Jim Crow type society, all of that was based on a lie."
"Another thing you're going to see is that they knew that 1,225 people died in just three months, which is the period the Pfizer documents cover. They knew that although we were... being told that the vaccine materials stayed in the injection site. Pfizer knew that they bio-distribute throughout the human body."
"As Dr. Robert Chandler, one of our experts put it, it's like a shotgun blast to the body and that they accumulate in the brain, the adrenals, the spleen, the liver, they cross the blood-brain barrier. And if you're a woman, they accumulate in your ovaries. even though we were told by the CDC and by the NHS in Britain and by all the public health authorities that maybe you'll have fever, maybe you'll have chills."
"Pfizer knew that there were, there are almost 43,000 people in these three months who had serious adverse events and there's over 100,000 of those adverse events and they're not fever and chills and pain at the injection site. There's tens of thousands of blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, blood damage of all kinds."
"There's tens of thousands of neurological damage examples like strokes and epilepsies and convulsions and dementias and Alzheimer's, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Bell's palsy, tremors. How many people do you? Like, I literally, everywhere I go, I see the Pfizer tremor. or the Moderna tremor."
"And now we know what's causing that because the lipid nanoparticles degrade the myelin sheath of the nerves. Pfizer knew that in these documents are thousands and thousands of forms of heart damage, myocarditis, pericarditis, tachycardia."
"They knew that there was liver damage and kidney damage and that In many cases, this happened within 48 hours of the injection. In our stroke report and our liver report, half of the adverse events took place within 48 hours of the injection, including deaths."
"They knew that they were hiring 2,400 full-time staffers just to manage the flood of paperwork documenting adverse events just right as the injection rolled out in the population."
"But I could go on and on about what they knew about the damage and deaths they were causing, but really the centerpiece, Mr. Brand, of these documents, you would expect that since COVID is a respiratory illness, that the centerpiece of the research would be respiratory, right?"
"Lungs, mucous membranes, oxygen levels, that's not in there. for the most part, what is the centerpiece of the Pfizer papers is a 360 degree attack on human reproduction and especially on women as you forecast. That's so, they're so obsessive about that, that's so much the feature of these studies that there's no way to conclude that it's not a bug, it's a feature." |