who knows d18, not even Trump I'd guess,,,,, yet that is :-) |
nice find cmb,, thanx :-) |
Wan' read this and you will see the Gold miners share price will climb. |
If Trump does that Wan, it would be similar tactics to China! USA first. Somehow I doubt it. |
oh nooooooo,,, that's it,,, the price will fall now SuW :-) LOL LOL LOL :-) |
Not very enlightening, but the fact that The Daily Mail has a full page piece on Gold tells us something. |
 Wan' the Chinese held a lot of USA debt in $s. They are not stupid,they have been investing the $ debit into Africa. Now they control a lot of the African mining rights, not only there, they have been moving all over the world. South America as well. A lot of the countries in Africa are in debt to China. There are also a lot of small East island nations in the same trap as the Africans. The island of Sri Lanka below India,the Maldives islands. The West have been asleep while the Chinese have been making hay ! If one fire is put out another one starts, the war between Ukraine and Russia may come to an end this year. What about Taiwan ?? China wants to control the world !! The next conflict will be big !! A very frightening thought. Man's and Governments all over world are hungery for power!! Control of what ?? Resources of course and people. I could go on but what would be the point ?? Our Government currently in this country is a prime example !! Not much difference between them and dictatorship !! I look after myself Jack, what are you going to do about it is their attitude ?? The motto of the new politicians here is Rob the pensioners first. They are a burden to our society 😭. LOL, have a good day all 😄. |
thanx cmb, interesting :-) |
Wan' you may find the video interesting in this article. It is regarding SMR,s The boat you missed with RR. Enjoy. |
 "US government needs to find $28 trillion
Schiff Gold notes that gold rocketed to an all-time last year because central banks and foreign governments reduced their dollar holdings.
But the greater risk to the US federal government is the maturation of US government bonds, aka Treasuries:
According to Federal Reserve data, there will be roughly $28 trillion worth of US government bonds maturing over the next four years, i.e. now through the end of 2028.
That’s more than 75% of the government’s $36+ trillion national debt.
This is an absolutely staggering figure, averaging $7 trillion per year for the next four years.
And remember, we’re just talking about the existing debt that is set to mature. It doesn’t even include new debt that has to be issued over the next four years, which could easily be another $7-10 trillion.
This is an enormous problem for the Treasury Department, because they clearly don’t have $28 trillion to repay those bondholders.
Usually when a government bond matures, the investor simply rolls the proceeds into a new bond. This is referred to as the debt “rolling over”. The problem for the US government is that most of the bonds that are maturing over the next four years were issued when interest rates were much lower. If they were previously issued at 3%, for example, now the government has to refinance that debt at say 5%, meaning an extra 2% in interest charges per year.
That’s almost $600 billion in additional interest EACH YEAR on top of the $1.1 trillion interest bill that they’re currently paying.
The question is not only how will the government find the $28 trillion — likely they will print it, which is hugely inflationary — but who is going to buy the new bonds? Enter the de-dollarization trend.
The Treasury Department relies on foreign individuals and governments to buy US Treasuries, which helps fund the national debt. Traditionally, countries are forced to buy US government bonds because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Most commodity transactions are conducted in dollars. But over the past several years, a number of countries have started to trade in currencies other than the dollar.
Schiff Gold then poses the question: If you’re a foreign central bank and you have $100 billion of US government bonds that are about to mature, what are you going to do?
Are you going to reinvest that entire $100 billion back into a country that might already be threatening you with economic penalties?
Or do you quietly let the treasuries mature, take the money, and find someplace else to invest that $100 billion?
A lot of foreign governments and central banks are going to be giving serious consideration to option two.
But they are going to have to invest that money in an asset that, like US dollars, is widely accepted, and has universal value and marketability around the world.
Gold is one of those assets. And that’s why central banks have been buying so much of it for the past couple of years.
I think there’s an obvious case to be made, given the prospects of tariffs and further trade wars, or even just the threats thereof, they are going to keep buying gold and send the price even higher." |
""The concept of peak gold should be familiar to most readers. Like peak oil, it refers to the point when gold production is no longer growing, as it has been, by 1.8% a year, for over 100 years. It reaches a peak, then declines.
At The Northern Miner’s International Metals Symposium in London on Dec. 2, a presenter from CRU Consulting said global gold production will peak at 3,250 tonnes, or 105 million ounces, next year, before entering a period of prolonged decline.""
Next Year!!!!
""From 2025 onward, according to gold and base metals analyst Oliver Blagden, reserves will deplete, ore grades will decline and aging mines will close. Even if all planned projects come online, production could drop by up to 17% by 2030, Blagden noted.""
"gold rocketed to an all-time last year because central banks and foreign governments reduced their dollar holdings."" |
Good morning all, Cheers Wan :-) |
🙏🙏128591; |
Don’t think we are on the same page here cmb. Have a good evening. |
I’ve never bought a book either. We work alone. It’s a tough world but I like a challenge. Look after people and they will look after you. As I say it’s not all about profit but enriching those that help you make anything. |
AIE' during my time in business . There is something called the most successful business in any particular year. The businesses elites. They included your Co. In a particular book that went to all the libraries around the world,well they were sending these cirtifecate and if you wanted Thier book for that year , it cost an arm and a leg !!! Another con ? Well I never bought their book. |
Thanks. We saw covid coming and had a plan and supported all our lot. We didn’t see high energy costs etc coming and they supported us. Now the current situation is unfolding we are in a position to support them again. You reap what you sew. |
AIE' Good luck to you in your ventures. ATB in the current economic times. |
That brave pilot gave his life for it !! Not many read the links I post ?? |