From Angle website
Newland was involved in Provexis
Andrew founded ANGLE in 1994. In 1999, Andrew led the team that founded the medical diagnostic company Acolyte Biomedica. Acolyte was the first ever spin-out of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) Porton Down, which specialised in rapid diagnosis of MRSA, the ‘hospital super-bug’. Andrew chaired the company for several years and successfully led the company through three major rounds of venture capital investment. Andrew also founded Provexis, the first ever spin-out of Rowett Institute, Europe’s leading nutrition research institute. Andrew chaired the Board of Provexis, a specialist nutraceutical company with a heart-health product, through to its successful flotation in 2005.
I always felt it was a bit off he named the company after himself ANgle (Andrew Newland) but I'm taking the American entrepreneurial perspective which appreciates people being risk-takers and not writing them off if they have the odd failure. As opposed to the UK risk averse approach which cancels and despises risk-takers if they fail. Newland does rub people up the wrong way and had burnt many boats with his promotional nature. Very much frowned upon by UK Institutional Investors. |
Well Wan' I hope you remember it. I will remind you again. The villa in Cypres with the doggy deeds. The repair work I had to get done on it !! No Internet ! Well I am still here and alive.😅514;
Show me a contented person and I will show you a happy person. Most suffer with one form or another of unhapyness in life. Such is life if we are truthful with ourselves. |
AIE' of course I have been through all that. I lost £350K in just one year. Just after COVID. I posted about it on here. I explained it Wanobi. No one likes losing money. It is how you cope with after the event !! |
2cmb, Agree on that point, I’ve had a lifetime of stress, especially recently but it’s how you deal with it or not that’s important |
that's the line I've always encountered AiE,,,, but,, if you're old, do you really need to recover,,, sure, a bit,,, but in reality, your days are numbered, so!!! |
Cmb that’s it, can you take the risks and recover from it if it goes wrong. An important question to ask oneself |
You younger ones don't have any ideas about the risks I took in my business life,to get where I am today. I was younger in those days. I could afford to take risks. Even now I take risks that are calculated. Secondly I don't want to end up in some old peoples home. I have had more fun in my life then you can dream about. I have traveled a lot. Had women in most ports of my calls. Had fancy cars. Big houses. I could not have wished for more. I still have good health. What more can I ask for. Finally I have seen many unhappy millionaires.㈳7;😂 If you only new the full story LOL. I also like making money and giving it away. I think I have said enough. ATB. |
But if you can’t afford to lose it then stop playing right now. Edit. Sell the lot and breathe easy. No more risk of black swans and the usual market shenanigans |
If you make the right decision it’s happy days. If you make the wrong one it’s how you deal with it that matters. I’ve a history of right and wrong decisions, it’s all about if I win in the end 😊 |
I like that AiE :-) |
Well Wan, I would say best to die with success. But not with regret for not willing to give it a go. Don’t be in the nursing home saying I wish I’d….. |
oh, I dunno cmb, is it best to die loaded with cash or in massive debt!!!??
you have to take risks in life & the older you get, surely, the bigger the risk you can afford to take :-)
don't worry though, I don't have big enough cojones to do it :-)
Cheers Wan :-) |
Wan' one thing you don't do is bet the farm on any stock. Your house is your castle. Don't ever think about having any gamble with that. You have more than enough AAZ shares. What would you do with all that money anyway ?? Even I had a chat with my Bank. The don't lend much these days to old codgers like me. Gone are the days when bank managers uses to come and visit me !! Gone are the days when you knew your bank manager personally. It is the digital world we live in. |
So to recap, Plenty of AAZ bulls, the usual downticker that is investing in EME? And bumpa33 who thinks they should stick to the core and not diversify? Can’t disagree with that. |
AGL - the market probably does get it, but the mkt is likely more than just a little sceptical when there have been a lot of false dawns down the last 15 years with Parsortix, not least back in 22 with FDA clearance, and wants to see a lot more than just a webinar being devoted to it, all be it with Illumina. A “Show me the money” kinda thing, as it were. Speaking of money, they’ve got cash through to early 2026 though, so at least they shouldn’t need to be banging the drum for a raise too soon. Maybe it can go on a run, assuming that last 15p placing money has churned/moved on. Not sure about Newlands either, he was (still is?) useless at Provexis…
Actually, the more I think about it, Newlands is a turn off...
Edit: was a long time ago and can’t recall for certain if it was Newlands or maybe Moon at Provexis (PXS) - either way it was a non-event - amazed to see its still listed, Fruitflow ffs 🍇🙄 |
AiE post 73420 thst’s pretty much my mindset right now, use my time elsewhere; though I’ve long had AAZ a core hold. It’s my only core hold, as even my favoured exchange, the TSX has proven tricky for me to sit on stocks. So bar odd little plays, it’s spend time elsewhere, hence first look since Friday.
Good that this board stays alive, nice charts Wan, your post 73435 is what I’m personally looking forward to. My average cost has crept back slightly into double figures, but even adding like others, once dividends start, it won’t take much more than a year or so for me to be riding free. I’ll happily be a passive investor and trade a few on the climb.
MJ re the LBMA run and demand, surely we’re just seeing the big players enacting out the old adage “if you can’t touch it, you don’t own it”? At least that’s my take on it. |
You’re right about the time to come good CMB! As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, VRP (US - VRNA) 15 years! Massive dilution but now flying. AGL was £1.50 on FDA approval, who knows if they will get back to that level. |
Hi Thiopia' I did hold AGL in my portfolio a while back. There has been dilution after dilution there !! With AAZ at least we know where we stand. No dilution at all over the years. I have stopped myself investing into Biotech Co,s. You could be dead right but I don't want to wait the time some of these Bio.Co.s take to come good. I am not knocking AGL. Just putting my case. ATB. |
AGL - not getting the credit they deserve for the fact that $20bn Global DNA diagnostics leader Illumina (ILMN) is giving over their Seminar at the EACR Conference to Angle's Circulating Tumour Cell companion diagnostic to Illumina's DNA analysis suite. That added to the fact they are also helping $200bn AstraZeneca with some early clinical trials which could become tens of millions revenue contracts if AZ use AGL in their bigger Phase 3 trials the market really doesn't seem to get it. Think AGL are at the start of becoming a huge company.
AGL - Mkt Cap £50m ILMN - Mkt Cap $20Bn AZN - Mkt Cap $200Bn
free stock charts from uk.advfn.com |
Only 2 things make a share price move: supply and demand. We know supply here is limited and having held through COVID, war and an unfair shutdown I doubt many are planning to sell just as the company reaches the sunny uplands. So we just need demand. Btw I was bidding for a few at 110 on Thursday and Friday just to round off numbers,but nothing doing |
I also think,, hopefully, the re-introduction of the dividend will help with investor confidence and support the SP,,, when that will be, I'm not sure,, probably not until 2026 I guess,,,, but, the sooner the better :-) Cheers Wan :-) |
If you look at twitter, or the hive on telegram (which is I think the biggest UK investment group) AAZ never gets mentioned. It is miles under the radar, which gives lots of scope for getting new investors interested |
 thanks all :-)
AAZ's need for cash AiE is not a concern,,, if they need it, they'll get it... and that's awesome as they have NO designs on equity dilution,,, none whatsoever :-) :-)
how often can you say that with an AIM company :-) :-)
why is the share price where it is,,,, we've all bought so much, we haven't got any spare cash to buy more,,,, well that's me anyhow LOL :-)
I've even considered remortgaging the house,,, but, one has to draw the risk/reward line somewhere :-) LOL LOL :-)
no, seriously,, what's happened with the partial shut down has been a blow to peoples confidence, for sure,,,, but, now we are even closer to the locals, to the gov, to the pres than ever before....
everyone who needs to know about AAZ & what its doing, what it going to do in terms of the TD wall raise & a new dam in 3 years time,,, now all know all about it... complete transparency,,,, with the county, its people, its leaders, its regulators etc etc
again, how often can you say that about an AIM company!!
&,,, please,,, any newbies looking in,,, trust me (I don't say that often LOL) when I say,,, once AAZ's share price starts to moves, it moves very fast on very low volume....
so, if you want in, you believe in the story, now's the time to buy stock,,, NOT when it starts to move!!!!
GLA Cheers Wan :-) |