AIM listed Sefton Resources (LSE:SER) has today issued an RNS stating that it has initiated libel proceedings against me personally and also against BrokerMan Daniel. Bring it on. Game on. I am delighted by the news as I relish the opportunity of having my statements validated.

If Sefton thinks that I will be cowed it makes a big mistake. I have twice invited the company to sue me HERE & HERE as I WANT to go to Court and go head to head with this company.
I stand by everything I have written and have data which verifies every word I have said. I have written entirely in the public interest – investors have a right to know if an RNS is misleading. I stand by my word, I shall be calling a number of witnesses whose testimony will be fascinating for all to hear.Another fellow with an interesting tale to tell has, in fact, stepped forward this evening.
The company says that it has also reported me to the FSA and once again, I say, bring it on. I have made a number of statements about how Sefton has issued RNS releases which were untrue or misleading ( and which occasionally came just before a share placing) – the FSA is already very well aware of this as Sefton knows full well. It is fully aware that the FSA has already seen all of my articles, they were passed on as part of a formal complaint made AGAINST Sefton to the FSA. Sefton knows that and thus to suggest that IT is bringing my pieces to the attention of the regulators is…er misleading.
I hope that Sefton tries no delaying tactics as I am really looking forward to my day in court with that company and its directors. Game on.
What this company does not seem to understand is that since I have a slam dunk case I do not fear them or their bully boy lawyers at Pinsent Masons one iota. I am having a glass of champagne to celebrate this good news tonight.
Thank you for the numerous messages of support.
If you missed the great Sefton Downfall video you can watch it HERE
Dan says that he will also not be bullied and he too looks forward to his day in Court as you can read HERE
Tom Winnifrith is not intimidated by bully boy lawyers and tells it like it is for 10 websites in the UK and US. You can get updates from him by following him on twitter @tomwinnifrith or by checking out his own website
Don’t give in Tom These bullyboy tactics wont work this is England not America. I support you 100%
Tom, you should probably sue them for wasting your time.
Anyway, now Sefton will need to place more money to take you to court.
Go for it Tom, best of luck. If you need any expenses I’ve got a reliable source.
Heather Frost.
Good man, it’s rare to see someone with the guts to stand up to this sort of bullying.
Good. Without your oversight, too many small cap companies would get away with blue murder since their regulators move ponderously if at all.
As one of the countless retail investors who have lost money because of misleading statements and/or deceptive omissions from AIM “regulatory” announcements (thanks, PLUS Markets plc), I think it is essential that investors can turn to the likes of you, Wexboy and Brokerman Daniel for a free, instant and educated dissection of a company’s claims.
I suspect that you will need more than the proceeds of T-shirt sales to see this through so please post details of the ‘AIM CSI Goldenballs Fund’ so that bigger donations can be made. I can also recommend a good London lawyer who specialises in internet cases.
I enjoy your writings Tom Entertaining and informative. I’m a relatively new subscriber and love the way you often use the vernacular (e.g. reference to certain other nationalities with such OTT and humourless responses………. “The lady, doth protest too much, methinks”). It makes the serious business of investing so much more pleasurable. Keep on doing what you’re doing.
Many thanks
Duck & Dive
Many thanks.I have had several offers to fund this case. Let’s see how far the other side want to take it.