12 Oct 2012 @ 09:52
A month or so ago I signed up for Obama’s emails and… …they make it out to be a very clear partisan battle between the haves and the have-nots. Obama represents the have-nots of which there are far more! It is all about the evil billionaires and the tax breaks they would get under Romney, […]
06 Sep 2012 @ 15:18
American International Group (
NYSE:AIG) announced today that it is planning to sell up to nearly 25% of its stake in the AIA Group Ltd. AIG will sell up to $2 billion USD in shares to raise funds for “general corporate purposes.” Its share price is holding strong above $34.50 per share and could easily reach […]
04 Sep 2012 @ 09:40
With the Republican National Convention over we are starting to get a clearer, if still vague in a way befitting of Clint Eastwood’s speech, view of the the Romney/Ryan ticket’s economic platform. However, in the days since the the convention, conservatives have been very vocal in lending support to the GOP candidates for President and […]
10 Aug 2012 @ 22:49
Whenever President Obama says Jobs you know bad news is on the way. He has spent hundreds of billions creating non Jobs while squeezing the private sector (which creates real jobs) ever harder. But the JOBS I refer to here is his JOBS act which allowed “emerging growth companies” to float in the US with […]
09 Aug 2012 @ 09:09
Supreme Court approves ObamaCare and stocks rise. What impact will the uncertain Presidential election have on the market? Register for a free ADVFN account and gain access to real-time stock charts, streaming prices, information and data and follow ObamaCare’s and the 2012 Presidential race’s impact on the market. After the United States Supreme Court ruled […]
07 Aug 2012 @ 15:20
The White House has stated that Spain faces “difficult challenges” following a discussion between President Obama with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. European markets have responded positively and the euro close to a five-year high. President Obama and the Spanish Prime Minister’s talk follows earlier discussions with French President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Mario […]
06 Aug 2012 @ 12:11
Mitt Romney is a Presidential candidate, and as such his finances are finally coming to the surface. As is the nature of some of those about to join the highest levels of the government, Mitt has been hiding huge amounts of money for a long time and finally has to admit it to the world. […]