Oh darling beckers! What are you doing, wading into a language spat completely unarmed, practically naked from a linguistic point of view against native brits? Where ARE you from angel? 💕
A very quick side-note here for slugs, just in case he reads this nonsense; 'linguistic' means 'relating to language'. It's not pasta - that would be 'linguine'. Entirely different taste.
Anyway, itsy, seriously, why are you picking on poor little beckers when she thought she was being so clever? Couldn't you've just stepped aside and said 'whatever love'? We all know she struggles with the written word. It's not her fault - she's doing the best that she can, working with whatever she's got, which apart from good looks and an ill temper, might not be an awful lot. Also, I'm not sure the ill temper is helping.
Beckers, sweetie, I hope you've not gone to bed in a bad mood. Personally, I admire the way you try to put people right even though you've got no idea what you're talking about. It's adorable! 💖 |
lol! ok.
In yr post, "qoute" should be "quote". "Could you now" should have a "?" after it. "wow" is a new sentence and should have a capital "w". (I don't bother much with capitals on here tbf unless it looks confusing without them.) "What are you doing on this BB." This should also have a question mark after it, because it's a question.
You only wrote four lines and three of them are wrong.
In the post after that one, you wrote "Obviously, you are not from round these parts' because you would not write what you have."
"round" should be "around". "parts' " should not have an apostrophe. The rest of the sentence has incorrect grammar because some words are missing. You probably meant "Obviously, you are not from around these parts because IF YOU WERE, you would not write what you have."
beckers, are you from abroad? |
You need to learn how to spell!
Obviously, you are not from round these parts' because you would not write what you have. |
with respect beckers, if lefrene is right and you were wearing your deliveroo jacket, he would be able to spot you across a room, and probably on the other side of a football pitch because that cerulean blue colour really stands out, so no super powers necessary. a maccie d uniform might be a bit trickier at a great distance cos the brown does merge with a natural background. obvsly if he's wrong about yr occupation, then i'm not so sure. |
I qoute you...
"I could spot your type across a room"
Could you now, wow you have super powers, lol!
What are you doing on this BB. |
Jugly, I just wanted my life back, the margins were too thin and my competitors were rolling over their companies at the cash accounting threshold, back then £500,000 and not paying the tax and NI.
It was an education, but I wouldn't do it again. Before that for a friend I turned around a country pub/hotel, (Cartwright Arms, Aynho) that had gone bust £1 million in 1991. Certainly a much more straightforward business than the transport industry, and surprisingly easy to sort out. Lord knows what the previous owners had been doing!
Becks darling, I could spot your type across a room, you'd never have got a job from me. |
Lef(twing) Marxist.
What a load of bs you write.
To destroy a business in 4 months after taking over a dog, your WIP must have been a disaster. Looks like you sold the civil servant down the river of your imaginary business.
You are yet another trolling mug-punter, lol, just lol! |
The UK property market follows the US property market by 1 year
Videos recently posted about US housebuilders
it ain't pretty to watch
dyor |
Well Becks manages a collection of over 200 satin underpants. Not sure about accidents tho |
Please itsy, that's my gorgeous girl you're talking about. She's had a lot of adversity to get over. Deep down, she's loyal and has a heart of gold. And a pretty face. |
she seems to have two modes - off, or blistering rage. hard to live with i wld guess. |
Beckers, I built up a business from nothing from my own pocket eventually employing 200 truck drivers (not a single accident), 50 warehouse workers, and circa 30 other van drivers/forklift operators. I can asure you I know how to run a business and how to handle a workforce. The person I sold my business to, a former RAF Officer who 'knew it all', destroyed the business in just 4 months. He was too proud and stupid to come to me for help, I didn't know what he had done until 2 years later when I bumped into a former employee. I presume you have worked in a McDonalds? or have a Deliveroo bike? |
ie not many? |
when have I ever claimed they don't? of course it makes a difference to the Sp but won't have any effect on the number of houses Tw build & sell this year. |
There you go, as expected... Trump and EU policies, economic/political newsflow DO make a difference to UK HBs.
And Jugears was claiming they don't!!! |
iTisOnlyMoney posting illiterate dross. The posts aren't even written in English.
Added the to$$er to my filtered list. |
TBF I did here its name mentioned on RR when they were below a Pound!, now £8.00! |
slugs, if you've really never heard of joseph, I think we should leave it at that, although I am giving you zero out of ten for your situational awareness. Plus, if you say his name too often, there's a risk that he'll suddenly reveal himself and wipe out this board. Personally, I've changed my mind about him, because as a single poster, he's witty, wry, amusingly cynical and occasionally laugh-out-loud funny. |
Good day for house-builders today - the ECB has cut interest rates. Everyone's got a little bit over-optimistic about rates here.
But house prices are apparently dropping (the house-builders have shown in their reported selling prices, this has been going on for a while) despite the pre-stamp duty rush: |
 sikh is obviously right about inflation and interest rates.
lefrene is right about collectables losing their value.
Btw lefrene, banks have always been touchy about people making large cash withdrawals for two main reasons; one, criminal behaviour, and two, sometimes they don't have a lot of cash in the branch. Regarding a large or small branch (honestly, beckers, sweetie, you really are a bit harsh sometimes angel. If people are being horrid to you at work, I think it might be time to take your gorgeousness💕; to somewhere where it'll be better appreciated) there are no small branches left as far as I can tell. The nervousness would've been a 'do we know this person' kind of look, or just possibly it was early in the day or the week and there'd been little paying in, or a lot of paying out. They honestly don't mind you taking £5k out, generally speaking, if it's yours. But your central point is undeniably true; as a nation we are, for the moment, feeling poorer and for many people, actually becoming poorer.
The reasons are a pretty obvious quadruple-whammy - covid has cost us dearly in terms of healthcare costs and loss of productivity; a major European war has levied enormous cost in financial and military support for Ukraine and much higher energy and raw materials costs; the loss of low interest rates has created costs for everyone, either directly or by adding to inflation; brexit cut-off a huge export market for small and medium-size UK businesses, drastically reducing trade earnings.
And credit HAS 'tightened'. I don't know why you would argue with this slugs, other than being in complete denial about everything negative. Mortgage terms are undeniably more restrictive now, because lenders know that interest rates can and probably will rise significantly. At the most basic level, interest rates have gone up! |
It's no good rates falling too quick or that would create a frenzy in the housing market, hb's couldn't cope with that & thus new house prices would rocket, not good for anyone. |
It's no good rates falling too quick or that would create a frenzy in the housing market, hb's couldn't cope with that & thus new house prices would rocket, not good for anyone. DVD, never heard of him. |