Thanks Skinny. I see there's a new remuneration package deal being constructed for Ergin at RR.
I wonder if EPS will be involved. Buy Back should help that along if so.
I must stop being so cynical. |
Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior unsecured rating of Rolls-Royce (OTC:RYCEY) plc to 'BBB+' from 'BBB-', with a positive outlook on the IDR. |
Moody’s upgrades Rolls-Royce rating, maintains positive outlook -- Moody’s Ratings has upgraded the long-term issuer ratings of Rolls-Royce (OTC:RYCEY) plc, a manufacturer of aero-engines, propulsion and power systems, from Baa3 to Baa2. The ratings agency also upgraded the company’s backed senior unsecured Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) program rating from (P)Baa3 to (P)Baa2. The outlook for the company remains positive. |
Thank you. I have been reading it and will continue doing so and research it further.I am finding stocks of interest but they are at its ATH and the share price price always goes down as soon as I buy it for different reasons. Trying to avoid the same thing happening again. |
Shared24 there's more than enough information on the EEE board, not worth me replicating. You're got advfn and LSE so simply read it and DYOR |
Fellow northerner here. I have been following RR for a while now but feel I have missed the boat. Few of my investments like ONT, AXL, KNOS have not done well for various reasons and have hopefully learnt from that.Thanks Cevo for your recommendation, I have taken an interest in EEE and have been reading about it. Would you mind sharing the bull case and bear case for EEE either here or on the EEE thread please? |
I admit to owning a flat cap (gift with YCCC logo), doing a spot of travelling and an ability to spell 'shareholders' correctly, like. |
MCunliffe1 thanks for your response. I accept your points but I know this company inside out and I would recommend you keep an eye on it. |
Cev: I've managed to look at EEE finally as busy today with the yearly draw-down from my SIPP with Int. Inv.
There's a large 4% spread between Buy/Sell - that always concerns me. It is frequently traded and the share price graph is up and down quite a bit, perhaps because of the spread.
I'd class it in the same league as Atome - also on the AIM - and too risky for me plus no divi.
I see you are heavily invested with over 10million shares held and already showing a handsome (paper) profit given your buy prices earlier this year.
Appreciate your pointer to EEE but I'll pass thanks. |
On Thursday, Redburn-Atlantic analyst Olivier Brochet increased the price target for Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc (LON:RR:LN) (OTC: RYCEY) to GBP9.40, up from GBP6.90, while maintaining a Buy rating on the stock. The adjustment follows the company's full-year 2024 earnings release, which included an improved mid-term outlook. The stock, currently trading at $10.81, has shown remarkable momentum with a 126% return over the past year, according to InvestingPro data. |
Buys 5m, Sells 3m. The green line @8am was a buy of 300k given the 10p strike price.
Market makers again driving the price down. |
Cev, good response and nice to hear. You are a little older than myself but similar story. Strangely money can't actually buy the things that actually matter in life, health, loved ones , friends and experiences. I get most reward from helping others out by volunteering my time. Strange old world. |
MCunliffe1 look at Empire Metals, ticker EEE, yes its AIM, but after your research it shouldn't concern a man with your experience. Best speculative investment I've ever seen, other than Nvidia. I'd welcome your insight. |
Cev: What other shares? There are perhaps 200 people read this thread, 20 comment occasionally, 6-7 regularly. Your insight disclosure would not be considered ramping.
Back in time, about 40 years I guess- almost - when RR was floated, I would have a punt on RR, M&S and one other (who I cannot recall) by way of both PUT and CALL options.
I had little knowledge beyond what I'd picked up whilst developing a client valuation computer system for a small stockbroker in Bolton at that time. 1985 it was. A few of us chaps on our road formed an investment club. A side-show was my involvement in the options and we made some money. All relative. few of us had spare cash willing to risk and lose it. But I remember RR was up and down sufficiently often enough to make a buck or two.
So, Cev. If you would be willing, I'd love to know you embryonic shares as our involvement, should we choose to be involved, can only assist your hatchings. |
Cevodniya , well said !! I'm a northern working class lad myself, grew up in the Manchester in the 70s , and kept my eyes and ears open and used my brain and work ethic to get myself out of the city when I could . I've known lots of people with very little and a few with a considerable amount of wealth, but my motto has always been treat others as you would like to be treated and always try and learn something new every day , which is why it's good to keep up with what conversations are happening regards your investments , filter out the idiots and pick up anything that can teach you something . I'm not into Rolex or a Ferrari either , but I have got a rather nice boat ;-) Good luck to us all and enjoy the ride with Rolls Royce ! |
gb thanks for your comments and glad you found the videos useful ;) |
1Carus, why would you change sociologically or psychologically, simply because your investment has gone up? I'm a Northern working class lad who left school at 16. I'm 70 next month, why should I suddenly become different? Yeh, I travel a lot, anything over 6 hrs, I fly business. But, as good as Rolls-Royce has been and will be, I have other Shares that are embryonic stage and the percentile accumulation will be greater. No, I won't fly 1st class or buy a Ferrari or a Rolax it's not me. I leave that to Southerners. |
RYCEY finished 837 equivalent, it's a blue day tomorrow fingers crossed |
in all of my years investing this RR recovery is the most impressive recovery of an established company I have witnessed. Bankruptcy in 1971 re privatised in 1987. Always struggling share, hard to make any money from it.
Here we are 38 years after privatisation a ten bagger in 3 years and a mighty international company with the World at its feet.
Right now it is behaving like a meme stock, crypto, early `Tesla.
To think that Sir Arnold Weinstock as head of GEC later to become Marconi (valued at about £36bn),once refused to takeover RR at £5bn, and he had the cash to do it. He was on the board of RR at the time.
Marconi ended up going bankrupt, but only after `Weinstock had left. |
This is bonkers. I did not buy into bitcoin at the 7-8k range and kinda regretted it, although I would find it too emotional these days to watch the price swings. Who would have known RR was gonna do a 10x, or more for some, in about 4 years. I know which one I would rather be holding now. Cevodniya, if you still have all of your original holding well done. Not sure with that type of return why you would be spending time on here.( Other than general interest) Actually, good informative posts and links from various regulars tbf. |
For RR to stay on the up, it will need a highly qualified engineering workforce. RR> will now start offering more apprenticeships for both Female and Male. So much going on at RR.It will invest heavily in training. the grafter directed me to some RR videos on YouTube today. How an engine is put together. The new twin engines for the refurbishment of the USA B52 bomber. the are four set of double engines need for each aircraft all with LTSC's Well worth a look. |