Has anyone tried reading the transcript from the latest video?
Try it whilst wearing a pair of 3D Glasses. It looks quite impressive.
We're doing something that no one else. As far as I know, does. We are improving the performance. Of, existing hardware.
Hello you’re watching Proactive, joining me is Quantum Blockchain Technology CEO Francesco Gardin. Francesco, very good to speak with you. Following the RNS update on the 17th of January, where you stated you were now able to mine Bitcoin in real time with AI Oracle. Where are you now with the development of this product?
Hi Stephen, good afternoon to you. We are in a very, very intense and busy period for the company. And as we speak, we are mining with our FPGA bitcoins. Of course we're talking about, Satoshi’s more than bitcoins. But we are now ready to go out and present our technology as a live demo to our potential customers. What is slowing us down in doing this is because it in an ASIC chip, you know, like, 1000 double shot lanes on an FPGA we can pack four, five, six, depending on the area of the FPGA. So we are like, 4000 of a power of an FPGA. So to accumulate results take days. And so we then, resorted to techniques of like time lapse, to shoot faster. But, in a cumulative, approach, we can show that the graph, generated by the FPGA with the Oracle performs better than the graph with out of the FPGA mining without the Oracle. And so we are very pleased and, we are extremely busy because we want to rush out with this demo, which has not to just show the results, but also to be presentable to potential partners so that there is also an element of presentation which has to be prepared very carefully.
You recently presented at a US Bitcoin conference. I believe shareholders are keen to know what was the reaction to the AI oracle from the industry.
It was extremely well taken. And the main difference even is that when you make an announcement, or when, the, the news is basically, captured by these, mining blogs. Then that could be a fake news. You don't know who this company in London is. And I'm referring to the US audience. But then when they associate a face, who was actually going there and talking to them and answering a question. Then the entire credibility changes. So from that point of view we met all the main players, we know them. We talk to them. Jose Rios who's our consultant Knows all of them because he's been selling Intel chips for, for a long time to all these potential partners and clients. So he was a major step forward in that our process of increasing our credibility with the potential clients and partners.
How confident are you that you'll find a partner to work on commercializing Method C?
We're doing something that no one else as far as I know, does. We are improving the hashing performance of existing hardware. And therefore, we are one of the few options of any chip manufacturer., we're talking about Method C, in this case any chip manufacturer who wants to improve the hashing performance of their chip, and, all they can do is just use it as smaller scale of manufacturing. So going from, 5 nanos, to 4 nanos, to 3 nanos, to 2 nanos now will be 1.8 nano, but none of them gives a 30% plus boost to that performance. So I mean, the what we have we believe is unique.
We've not had an update on methods A and B for a while. Are they still in the pipeline?
Absolutely. And the these methods are there. To give you, a metaphor; say that you are a very good rider and you have the reins to control your horse, but then when you go to the race the reins are not there, you have to pull the ears of the horse. And this is exactly where we've been. We've been for a long time that the the underlying ASIC chips couldn't perform. We, we tried to change our Method B particular approach model, but still these limitations are preventing us to get the same performance that we get in the lab, however at this conference, it was announced that block which is one of the major upcoming players, not only has acquired the old Intel chip which is the Vision 2 but now a prototype of the new chip which is built on the architecture of vision two. And they will, release, hopefully their miner by the end of the year. Plus, they announced that they made a donation of 256,000 Intel chips, which they have in storage, to the 256 Foundation which is an open source foundation to develop single chip and limited number of chip miners for individuals. And, all of this, means for us that finally we will have, the ability to use this Intel chips, which fit exactly in the ability to control the chip that we've been looking for. For a year by now. We do have machines with the Intel chips. But after six months of negotiation to the with the provider of the chips, will give us access to the source code, of the of the miner. We had to give up because we wouldn't give exclusivity to these partner because we think that the Method B is unique.
Just finally, Francesco, you have demonstrated that the AI oracle has disrupted the Bitcoin algorithm. What's the significance of this to the crypto markets?
Yeah Okay. So as usual, it's a problem of communication. So we are now trying to make it easier to understand because most CEOs and CEO of these large mining companies have little understanding on the inside of what happens actually in the chip. So we are about to release a 3D graphics video which will explain method C and this should really help to deliver the message. And as a confirmation of our attendance at the national, event. This is something that is really totally different from what the industry is doing. And because of this the interest in what we're doing is huge in the community. I look forward to seeing that 3D video when you have it ready. Francesco, thank you very much for the update today.
Thank you very much, Stephen. Always a pleasure. That's Francesco Gardin the CEO of Quantum Blockchain Technologies. |