Another day another imbecile ignoring 670 ft of net pay in the Lower Sak.Keep helping |
Get him Owly ! Go get him. You are doing great . Maybe try saying something new, more factual maybe , so it doesn’t lose effect ?
But you have got this . Don’t lose confidence ever again . We are with you . Xxxxx |
Cor blimey, guv!
Another day, another imbecile speaking of the Mangrove short.
I've calculated Mangrove must have had a 1,589% short because to be reduced so many times, in the minds of simpletons, it is still 1%.
Is that the best you've got?
Wake up crazy and borrow his coloured pencils.
Be careful. |
Helpful, continues to dredge the internet for any thing he can use in his feeble disinformation campaign.
Larry Persily of all people, junk in junk out
I see last nights trading trend, is very similar in shape to the last time Mangrove reduced their short, could that be the reason hateful helpful is so frantic |
Yet more biased posting from helpful, not giving any acceptance that there maybe another side to the chances of a pipeline,such as the very strong financial arguments as presented by the likes of wood mac and political backing from the Governor of Alaska and indeed the president of the usa. In helpfuls world no challenge can ever be overcome.No business can ever succeed.Everything must fail. I guess it’s one of the reasons why maybe he can’t maybe even afford the bus fare to any of pantheons AGM,s to present and throw all his attacks at them face to face. He has so much hatred for anyone who may possibly succeed,that it’s eating him alive. Has he considered that just maybe Larry has a downer on the chances of a pipeline because he doesn’t want others to succeed where he failed? |
Cor blimey, guv!
"Kim believes the pipeline would be operational by 2040 at the earliest"
Listen to Mister Kim.
Be careful. |
 Cor blimey,
"But Alaska state lawmakers have remained broadly skeptical.
The Legislature last year planned to shutter AGDC because it had failed to deliver a pipeline.
”There’s still a lot we need to learn,” said Anchorage Democratic Rep. Donna Mears, chair of the House Energy Committee.
Legislators have questioned who will finance the project, who will buy the gas, whether a connection would be built to deliver...
Japanese news outlets reported on Tuesday that while South Korea and Japan’s governments are continuing to study the project, no final investment decisions have been made.
Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba told Japan’s parliament on Tuesday that “we will carefully examine its technical possibilities and profitability,” The Japan Times reported.
Larry Persily, an oil and gas analyst and former Alaska deputy commissioner of revenue, said it would be significant if Japan and South Korea signed binding agreements to buy Alaska gas. Pledging to examine the project would be familiar to Alaskans, he said.
“We’ve had decades of that,” he said.
Nick Fulford, an analyst with the Legislature’s oil and gas consultant GaffneyCline, presented to legislative committees on Wednesday about the global gas market and Alaska LNG.
Fulford said Alaska LNG would be a “very expensive project” due to capital costs, but its operating costs would be relatively low. The Alaska project’s vulnerabilities — compared to gas developments in the Middle East — are based on “capital cost inflation,” he said.
GaffneyCline’s forecasts for natural gas demand in coming decades range widely, so do cost estimates for construction of the Alaska pipeline.
Persily said at lower demand levels, Alaska LNG does not seem to be needed in the global market. Wide-ranging cost estimates to complete the project are a cause for concern, he said.
“We’re far away from having a reasonable, confident estimate,” Persily said. “Is it a $44 billion project? Is it $50 billion? Is it $60 billion? We don’t know.”"
Listen to Larry.
Be careful. |
We all know Helpless leads a very sad existence... be his / her / their mum is / are very proud of him / her / them LMFAO also .;-)))))))))))))))) |
It looks to me like we have a continuation of the uptrend although it needs to be confirmed in the next few days. Let the trend be your friend… |
Swendab upset helpless on the EME thread two and a half years ago so he created this thread.
He's still upset.
Helpful knows that he can throw out his silly daily attacks on here against the company knowing that the company cannot defend themselves. But he also knows,that if he faces them in person at the AGM with his silliness,that they will then be able to respond. But we know that helpful cannot do that. |
Rabito destroys helpful but are we surprised. I guess helpful will be far too scared to embarrass himself and present his numerous silly attacks against the company,in person at the company’s AGM. He has hidden from AGM,s in the past so I guess we know what to expect this year. |
Surprisingly good day. Let's see if we keep the gains into the close. Looks like Forword might of got it wrong again. (tongue very firmly in cheek) |
Again welcome to exploration Helpfull. Turns out predicting what's below the surface based on seismic is quite hard. I can't believe you are actually continuing with this moronic argument.The good news, again which you are ignoring, is that Pantheon have stated they have found 5 conventional horizons in Prince Creek AND the Lower Sak (670ft if Net Pay). If these are proven up shareholders won't give two hoots if they were bonus zones on top of the initially targeted Topsets. Further good news is Pantheon have indicated they are all bigger than Topset 3. On the Topsets, I am more than comfortable that all the independent experts have considered permeability in their assessments. However if you, with your zero technical knowledge and industry experience, can provide modelling that contradicts that of the experts we would all love to hear it. PMSLKeep helping |
Cor blimey stalker It tells me they weren't expecting to find coal, unlike you lol.SSM |
Cor blimey, guv!
"they expected up to 35 millidarcies and found 1000"
They expected 5-35 mD in the 3 topsets.
But found 1 mD or less.
What does that tell you about the overall knowledge of the formations and the extrapolations they have made westward?
Be careful. |
Helpful, More bull, do you never tire of it
Drill with three targets in mind, found seven
The bottom 4 are now estimated to yield 15% to 50% more than the estimated 609mmbls, and PANR have stuck with that estimate after getting the vital core analysis results
The bottom 4 reservoirs have net pay of 670', coincidentally the top 3 reservoirs also have net pay of 670'. According to helpfuls idiotic volume calculator, where only height is required, those 3 must also yield another 609mmbls, plus 15 to 50% From the core data we know, there is high flow, 1 darcy reservoir within some of this shallow reservoir set of 3 FYI they expected up to 35 millidarcies and found 1000
That there is what is called a result, no wonder you are so panicked |
Cor blimey, guv!
These are company figures:
Topset 9 Net pay zero(zilch)
Topset 3 Net pay 160ft
Topset 1 Net pay 210ft
These 3 zones were the pre-drill targets in order to achieve 609mmbo.
From a conventional reservoir.
Turned out to be unconventional.
Lower Prince Creek Net pay 140ft
Upper Prince Creek Net pay 160ft
The company needed to add these two zones to make up the shortfall in the target (with potentially 15-50% more).
300ft of Net pay!
It might be said Megrez-1 came in below expectations.
Not an elephant by the tail, but a donkey.
Hee-haw. Hee-haw.
Be careful. |
Go on, please tell us about the coal again😉 |
Helpful Spouting more erroneous/poisonous pen technobabble
Are you still trying to convince us that a volume can be calculated from height alone
Or that a liquid hydrocarbon column could be coal |
Cor blimey stalker I have to laugh at the way you navigated to the old 17p tosh, cue the timber merchant. |
SP holding up well considering FTSE sinking like a stone this morning and sub $70 oil. Maybe AGM FOMO keeping this from dropping in the short term ? |