No 7am RNS ahead of todays presentation at 10am, Jeffries Conference. |
As I happily admit, I'm no market professional but I have watched OXB for a long time and I have a reasonable memory.
For most of this year, if we broke 100k daily volume then it was a very good day.
We could argue that was because OXB have said very little since the beginning of the year and of course there is the curious question regarding no senior staff share purchases this year as well.
Of late we are seeing much better volume (352,886 shares traded today) but somehow this is being managed by price movements during the day, whilst the end of day close is often within spitting distance of the opening price (today +0.24%).
What are the chances of that happening regularly by accident (the supply apparently matching demand almost perfectly)?
The order book at close has 3 bids of 275p, 280p and 285p all at exactly 5,000 shares and the offer side has 415p, 420p, 425p and 435p all at exactly 1,200 shares.
I'm sure that's done to get the correct closing price somehow and tomorrow they will all expire without being actioned.
I don't know what is happening but we are seeing a load of big volume days with no news from OXB to excite small punters in a recession market and no thresholds broken by people with deep enough pockets to have to notify (% over 3% if based here / % over 5% if outside).
The only scenario I can come up with is brokers working very hard to fill big orders at very tight prices with order sizes which will stay below declaration thresholds. But why?
Is simply "time" with OXB about to enter the year where it returns to profit from 3 years in the wilderness, or is it something else?
I wonder when OXB will upload tomorrow's Jefferies presentation, which of course will be our latest and only update from them since the interims. Hopefully they won't take forever with that.
Can't believe any of this today was down to some part-time guy who was notified as starting another job on exactly the same day. |
If only there were a treatment to stop a share dropping 4% in half an hour with no news at all? |
I wasn't trying to trash it Super (if it read that way) but I'm guessing we agree that the currently secret commercial CAR-T multiple myeloma deal (or similar) is far more relevant to us as Cabaletta have nothing anywhere near a registration trial endpoint. |
For the 3 SLE patients there's only one Grade 1 AE, which is pretty minimal. The LN patient didn't do as well in that regard, but seems to have started off really ill, and ended up much better - zero immunosuppressants, and steroids in continuing taper. Her own testimony is highly positive, on slide 23. I think they'll be very happy with those lupus results.
Still very early days though, so unlikely to be significant for oxb for a long while yet, but good to hear positive results in a hard to treat disease. |
Not a doctor PB but it started off with perfect safety data, whereas now they seem to have events in SLE (see slide 16) As for the actual results for the patients, see slide 24
These were patients with untreatable / treatment resistant disease, so any result is a plus - I would guess they were hoping for better though (even at this early stage).
Have to wait for the end of the trial for true long term data and that will be some time. As you will have probably worked out from recent posts, I don't think it will a consideration for us. |
More positive news from Cabaletta HTTps:// |
One of these situations where I'm a bit indifferent to be honest.
I'm sure a top chap and OXB does seem a lot more able to attract "better" candidates these days (I'm thinking back now to how long some of our senior positions were either open or filled via an acting role by whoever happened to be around in the past). Which is nice. Countering that, my life experience is that people who are "polyvalent" (a term very popular amongst professionals in occupied Europe) just can't be experts at everything on their cv as even with bright people it takes a very long time to become really good at any one thing.
An example could be people who go into any city career with a law or medicine degree. I'm sure they are very bright people but after they have been a whatever-else for 20 years, would you want them giving you a legal or medical opinion? Neither would I. For the specialist consultant you go for the man/woman who regardless of everything else has specialised for 30 years on exactly what you want and by nature of their career path choice that isn't most senior managers.
Then of course there is what the role is for us (to replace Stuart as he retires) which is a liaison / oversight role, where (I'm guessing) gravitas and interpersonal skills to keep major shareholders supportive matters a lot more than almost anything else.
Also, OXB's ESG policy (or similar) will likely mean that their first choice would always have been a woman, but all suitable which were available had been snapped up by companies higher up the food chain.
Have you ever started 2 jobs at once? |
I think Colin Bond is a fantastic, high calibre appointment to the board who brings with him a wealth of experience in pharma; finance; audit; international deal making and who will almost certainly be a useful sounding board and advisor to Frank and his team. |
Does it help being a former pharmacist or involved in biotech during your career when appointed to an audit committee? |
My heart skipped a beat, then I read that We’ve made a change in the audit committee. If carlsberg made boring RNS’s … |
...and YOUR theory icejelly? Oh. You don't know nuffink! |
Does this high volume, low price movement fit in with Harry's theory? If not, it will fit in with one of his other theories I'm sure. |
Best part of 400k today. These are big volumes for very small price movement. |
Positive update from Kyverna HTTps:// with OXB a few months agoHTTps:// |
Trump appointment has created a few concerns for us and some nervy small scale selling so we are in a little drift mode. Not for long we hope, surely punters are not waiting on the trading bot to buy back in :) |
Be grateful that OXB is no longer involved in vaccines.Moderna has fallen 80% in six months to stand at a low of just $39 compared to a high of around $450 during Covid.Sentiment clearly effected by Mr Robert Kennedy's appointment. Albeit OXB won't be in the firing line,it could suffer a touch of 'collateral damage' as Kennedy roughs up drug companies but the appreciation that the company is moving into profit is more than likely to eclipse concerns. |
Re Jefferies I would say at the very least an updated corporate presentation and maybe revised forecast for next year. This plus hopefully the JPM conference at the beginning of next year would be two big audiences to set out the coming year to. |
Didn't expect to back in the 3's this morning. |
85 shares in half an hour and another big price movement on the back of it? |
London Healthcare Conference, the largest healthcare dedicated conference in Europe. OXB CEO and CFO presenting,attending with the presentation available to investors via the website. I don't think they will be revealing bad news? |
As an alternative to the Catalent theory, could that mean an RNS on Tuesday morning? |
OXB to present at the Jefferies London Healthcare Conference
Oxford, UK - 15 November 2024: OXB (LSE: OXB), a quality and innovation-led cell and gene therapy CDMO, today announces that Dr. Frank Mathias, Chief Executive Officer, will present at the Jefferies London Healthcare Conference on Tuesday, 19 November 2024 at 10:00am GMT. Dr. Lucy Crabtree, Chief Financial Officer, will also be participating in the conference.
The presentation will be made available in the Investors section of OXB's website at |