Wow! A one hour interview all about Helium -- extremely informative.
Helium: what is it, why's it so valuable, and how do you find it? With Andy Carroll of Mosman |
The dip getting bought up, GLA |
What lies? |
Simple Christmas. Being lied to and endless A Carrol letdowns.
They are with holding information. They are in good contact with the drilling contractor and must have an idea when the drilling will start but they are not informing the market.
Next week, when they say drilling prob in April, they think it won't seem to far as it's March.
Either way, more smoke and mirrors from MSMN. And more let downs.
Everyone was waiting for the drilling to start imminently. Then A Carrol struck again.
What a shtshow of a company |
No deadline has been missed, we never had a deadline, it’s just an over reaction, will bounce back by Friday. |
Can anyone explain this drop? The news was fairly mediocre but nothing bad. Is it just because of a lifetime of missed deadlines etc.? |
But it's not is it?! Instead it's a total P!ss take. Carrol seems like he's doesn't give a fud about updating shareholders presently. See he's being slated on other boards too. Rightly so after leaving everyone in the dark..
Been waiting weeks for this drill to start which OBS has probs and has been delayed but we are not being informed.
Typical aim shenanigans |
Good news, onwards and upwards, GLA |
See at 6:24 |
Near Term Helium Catalysts • Imminent drilling at 5 Las Animas #helium wells • EP145 transfer approval to Echelon and payment of A$400,000 (retain 5% royalty payments) • Payment by Echelon of A$150,000 for EP145 seismic long lead items • EP155 permit approval and payment by Georgina Energy of A$350,000 (retain 2.5% royalty payment) • Coyote Wash Project BIA ("Bureau of Indian Affairs") approval • Details of Sagebush first helium and oil well drill • JV funding of Sagebush project would increase the speed of helium discovery with re-entry into two shut in wells or recompletion into helium bearing zones on 1 of 7 existing oil producing wells. • Monetisation of 1.646M oil reserves of Cinnabar |
Building nicely, several leads identified and funded by existing resources, whats not to like, an assault back to .07s for starters would be nice, GLA | |
Added a few more this morn @.04 for the next leg, GLA |
Nice consolidation day, onwards and upwards from here @.04s, GLA |
hxxps:// |
I'm still anticipating 0.1gbx very shortly, new video on today's news live: |
Easily going to hit last years 0.8p high in the next few weeks - mark my words. |